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A website that allows a posting of quotes by users as well as interacting with the posted quotes.

Live-Link to site.


  • Interactive cards that show the posted quotes.
  • A drop down on the cards to reveal details.
  • A like and dislike button to upvote and downvote a qote.
  • A delete button to delete a quote.
  • A form to add a new quote.

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

Behaviour Input Output
Page loads, reveals interactive cards that contain the quotes posted and a form to add their own. User fills the Author, Quote and Publisher sections of the form. A new interactive card containing the new quote appears.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Here is a run through of how to set up the application:

  • Step 1 : Clone this repository using the git clone link:
    • git clone
  • Step 2 : Navigate to the directory:
    • cd Quotes
  • Step 3 : Open the directory created with your favorite IDE. If Atom type atom . if VSCode type code . . This will lauch the editor with the project setup,
  • Now feel free to hack around the project.

Known Bugs

  • The form displays the validation alerts when subitted.
  • The form displays the validation alerts when subitted.

Technologies Used

  • Angular CLI version 13.3.2
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap 5

Support and contact details

Primary Address: @JAREDKEVIN


MIT License License: MIT

Copyright (c) 2022 Kipkemoi Jared Kevin