I'm deeply passionate about technology and love to share my experiences, tips, and solutions to challenging problems through my projects. My expertise spans various technologies, with a focus on creating effective and efficient software solutions.
- Techie Guy: I enjoy diving into new technologies and tools that enhance development and productivity.
- Blogger: I share insights and tutorials on my personal blog.
- Collaborator: Always open to collaborating on projects and innovative ideas.
- React: For building dynamic web and native user interfaces.
- Python: For rapid development and system integration.
- Jenkins: Facilitating large-scale project automation and building.
- Docker: Streamlining application development and deployment.
- Astro: Crafting fast and optimized websites.
- Linux (ParrotSec): Specialized OS for cybersecurity operations.
- GitHub: JD10NN3
- LinkedIn: Connect with me
- Website: jonathandionne.com
Feel free to explore my projects, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to discuss technology, collaborate on a project, or just say hi!