Written for Python 3.4.* (x86)
Used software/techniques:
- ProjectPhoenix 3.0.3 (next-gen WxPython)
- Comet version 2015.01 rev. 1
- EMBOSS sixpack 6.5
- BioPython 1.65
- xinteract.exe TPP v4.8.0 PHILAE, Build 201411201551-6764 (mingw-i686)
- weblogolib 3.4
- GPL release of Ghostscript 9.16 for Windows (64 bit)
- numpy 1.9.2
- lxml 3.4.0
- ProteoWizard 3.0.7414 msconvert.exe
Requires and has been tested with:
Windows 7 64-bit
ActivePerl 5.12.3 [https://code.google.com/p/projecteqemu/downloads/detail?name=ActivePerl-]
Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (philae) 4.8.0 [http://sourceforge.net/projects/sashimi/files/Trans-Proteomic%20Pipeline%20%28TPP%29/TPP%20v4.8%20%28philae%29%20rev%200/TPP_Setup_4.8.0.exe/download]
Python 3.4.3 [https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.4.3/python-3.4.3.msi]
Ghostscript 9.16 for Windows (64 bit) [http://downloads.ghostscript.com/public/gs916w64.exe]