Project base: by urbinapro
arsg93 - backend - Andrés Rodríguez González
SOSandreu1095 - frontend - Andreu Juan Ferrá
JDTheRipperPC - version control - Jose David Pérez Cañellas
Read the documentation here.
Read the technical documentation here.
Lunar Lander web project using html/css and javascript on frontend side and java on backend side.
- Basic game refactored (html, css and javascript)
- The game manage configurations using a database (postgresql)
- Users can upload a .csv file to import configurations
- Users should login to play the game
- Users can sign up
- The app should create the tables if doesn't exists the first time that the server run the page
- The sistem use cookies or localstorage
- Show list of the games played, score, configuration and time played for each game
- Show list of the users playing a game
- The app should be exported to a PASS
Optional ideas:
- Login with facebook
- Share game score on social networks
- Multiplayer (local)
- Confirm the sign up process with a validation email
Read the complete changelog.
v0 - The repository has been created forked from the project base lunar landing javascript by urbinapro
v1 - Data base definition and JPA entities with controllers created
v2 - Has been created the sign up process and works correctly
v3 - Has been created the login process and works correctly
v4 - The game has been refactored. New javascript, html and css
v5 - Added configuration options: load, new and delete
v6 - Added scores when the game end, the user can see their scores on the settings window
v7 - Online players list and Top 10 players list has been added on the settings window
v8 - Lasts updates on the project: new images, html/css fixed, bugs fixed and some bit improvement.