adlgraphs was initially built to ensure that the data visualizations produced by the Center for Antisemitism Research (CAR) at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are consistent with ADL’s brand guidelines and that CAR’s data visualizations are consistent and cohesive. (Hence the use of “graphs” in the name.)
Over time, the focus has shifted toward improving the efficiency and ease of cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing survey data, so that the turnaround time between data collection and the presentation of analysis and findings could be as minimized as much as possible.
You can install the development version of adlgraphs from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
This package is regularly updated. Sometimes these updates include adding new functions, other times it involves updating existing functions (fixing bugs, changing how they operate slightly, adding additional functionality, speeding it up, etc.). While I try to maintain backward compatibility, that is not always possible. If you are suddenly getting an error message when re-running old code, it is possible that the function has been updated so check the documentation to make sure that you are still using it properly. If you are still experiencing issues, please submit an issue on the Github