[0.4.0] - 2021-10-09
getPath, returns first resolved path from input path
getPaths, returns all resolved paths from input path
find, returns first elements resolved path and value that matches input path
findAll, returns all resolved elements paths and values that match input path
exported helpers, these helpers are called from within query and resolveAll to facilitate querying
full code coverage on unit tests
load default settings once when one of the exported modules is called
name of test folder to tests
use babel (default) for codeCoverage instead of v8
fix typo to validateResponseAndPassDefault
using resolve & resolveAll to facilitate get/getPath/find and getAll/getPaths/findAll
removing redundant code in queryElementTransformer, queryTransformer
validateElement check on type is string
typos from changeLog
use function defineConstants on set / setAll to re-use functionality
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