- This GRF includes 4-aspect signal graphics (red, yellow, double-yellow, green) for the block signal, PBS and one-way PBS signal types.
- Two different styles of block signal graphics are included. Use the GRF parameter to select which to use.
- Custom signal styles: shunt, banner repeater and combined normal/shunt, this is enabled by a GRF parameter (default off).
- Two different heights of PBS signal graphics are included. Use the GRF parameter to select which to use, or whether it depends on the available vertical clearance. Short PBS signals requires that block signals are using traditional graphics.
- This GRF requires a non-standard version of OpenTTD which supports the signal graphics and multi-aspect features such as JGR's patchpack v0.43.0 or later.
- Realistic braking must be enabled for multi-aspect signalling to be enabled.
- Custom signal styles require a non-standard version of OpenTTD which supports this feature such as JGR's patchpack v0.48.0 or later.
- Signal height depending on available vertical clearance requires a non-standard version of OpenTTD which supports this feature such as JGR's patchpack v0.53.0 or later.
- This GRF does not include semaphores or any type of pre-signal.
- For more information on GRF parameters and the different signal types, see the Wiki.
- Compiling requires a forked verison of NML with additional features from here.
- For NewGRF development details of the signal graphics features used in this GRF see:
- GNU GPL v2
- Yellow block signals (traditional style) by kiwitreekor.
- Signal sprites are adapted from OpenGFX.