This project was done by
Jesús-Javier Chi Domínguez <>, and
Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez <>.
[To run in a personal machine] To have install any version of the Magma Computational Algebra System, and to run
magma root_finding_algorithm.magma
[To run using the online calculator] To paste the Magma code implementation in the calculator, which can be found it at
Let F_q be a finite field with q = p^n elements and h(x) = h_0 + h_1x + ... + h_dx^d be a polynomial with coefficients in F_q. Then, the proposed algorithm finds all the roots of the polynomial h^\sigma(x) = h_0x + h_1x^q + ... + h_d*x^{q^d} that belongs to F_{q^l} where
l = p^d - 1 if h_0, ..., h_d live in F_p, or
l = q^d - 1 otherwise.