Read Me:
Trip City Travel Planner was inspired by Project 3 of our General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive. It is a full-stack web application using Python & Django. This site is a travel planner site where users can create an itinerary of their trip with the various activities they did on their trip and share them with friends and family.
- JavaScript
- Python
- Django
- BootStrap
- Clone the repository: git clone _
- Create an account
- Create a new trip itinerary
- Add activities to your trip
- Add pictures to your trip
- Create posts from your trip
- Share posts with the public
- View all the past destinations/trips/activities on itinerary page
- Update a trip
- Cancel a trip
- Create comments on your trip
Things we'd like to finish: The search functionality
Contributing Teammates -David Velasquez -Jonathan Pires -Sean Munjal