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GitHub release (latest by date) CurseForge GitHub Workflow Status (with branch) GitHub

This mod currently utilizies Gradle 8.1.1 + RetroFuturaGradle 1.3.24 + Forge


  • Logistics Pipe:
    • Result Pipe
    • Crafting Manager Pipe
    • Buffer Upgrade
  • Additional content (Soft dependencies):
    • Applied Energistics 2:
      • Satellite Bus
      • Crafting Manager
      • Package
    • Refined Storage: WIP

How to use this repo:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. In the local repository, run the command gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
  3. Open the project folder in IDEA.
  4. Right-click in IDEA build.gradle of your project, and select Link Gradle Project, after completion, hit Refresh All in the gradle tab on the right.
  5. Run gradlew runClient and gradlew runServer, or use the auto-imported run configurations in IntelliJ like 1. Run Client.

Concept demo
