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Generating Qtilities Documentation

Jaco Naude edited this page May 24, 2013 · 1 revision

Qtilities used Doxygen to generate its documentation.

Steps to generate documentation

The documentation can be compiled by providing Doxygen with the /doc/doxyfile_website input file. On Windows you can run the /doc/win32_website.bat file directly if doxygen is in your path. Note that Doxygen versions prior to v1.7.4 generates garbage in some parts of the documentation.

Creating Qt Assistant Help File (.qch)

To generate Qt Assistant Help files, run Doxygen with the /doc/doxyfile_packages input file. On Windows you can run the /doc/win32_packages.bat file directly if doxygen is in your path.

Next, compile the .qch file using the qcollectiongenerator tool provided with Qt. For exact details on doing that, inspect the /doc/win32_packages_gen_qch.bat file. On Windows you only need to update this file with the path to your qcollectiongenerator installation and run it. It will produce a Qtilities.qch file for you.