A curated list of latest posts, blogs and repositories related to JavaScript updated on weekly basis.
- Angular
- GraphQL
- Helper Components
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Package Manager
- React
- TypeScript
- VS Code
- Vue.js
- Web Development
- Webpack
- MongoDB
- Miscellaneous
- Angular 7 is coming. :new:
- Turning an Angular 6 app into a Progressive Web App. :new:
- Pushing the Limits of the Web with Angular. :new:
- Building an Audio Player App with Ionic, Angular, RxJS, and NgRx.
- Version 6 of Angular Now Available.
- Quickly create real Angular prototypes without writing code.
- NgRx and Best Practices for Enterprise Angular Applications.
- Why GraphQL: Advantages, Disadvantages and Alternatives. :new:
- How to Create GraphQL APIs with Node and MongoDB. :new:
- GraphQL: Everything You Need to Know.
- GraphQL Stack: A chart that shows how all the tools interconnect.
- Pts: A Library for Visualization and Creative Coding. :new:
- PrettyError: See Node.js Errors with Less Clutter and Better Formatting. :new:
- Dumper.js: A Pretty Variable Inspector for Node. :new:
- Building Interactive Bar Charts with D3.js. :new:
- FormStorage: Keep Form Data Stored Locally After Submission.
- v8n: A JavaScript Fluent Validation Library.
- TOAST UI Grid: A Powerful Data Grid Control.
- Pushbar.js: Simply Creating 'Sliding Drawers' on Your Pages/Apps.
- StealJS 2.0: The 'Futuristic' Dependency Loader and Builder.
- Git and Github - must know commands to make your first commit
- Popbox.js: Stackable Modals for Web Pages. ( If you need a modal on top of your modal )
- Get Better Type Checking in JavaScript with the Maybe Type.
- Axax: Async Iterator Extensions for JavaScript e.g.
, etc.. - Netflix releases Polly, a client-side library to record and replay HTTP interactions.
- rmodal.js: A Simple 1.2 KB Modal Dialog with No Dependencies.
- Proppy: Functional Props Composition for UI Components.
- Paper.js: A 'Swiss Army Knife' for Vector Graphics Scripting.
- 9 Javascript Time And Date Libraries For 2018.
- Modern JS Cheatsheet. :pushpin:
- A Comprehensive Guide to Working with Dates in JavaScript. :new:
- Private and Public Scope in Javascript. :new:
- Native JavaScript Modules. :new:
- Understanding the 'this' Keyword, call, apply, and bind in JavaScript. :new:
- Snippets for Vanilla JS Coding. :new:
- The Cost Of JavaScript - Addy Osmani - Fluent 2018.
- What’s New In ES2018.
- Build a Single Page App from Scratch Without a Framework.
- A minimal guide to ECMAScript Decorators.
- 11 Javascript Resources For Every Level of Expertise.
- Understanding the Almighty Reducer.
- Here's Why Mapping a Constructed Array in JavaScript Doesn't Work.
- Spice up your JavaScript.
- Revising Useful JavaScript Array and Object Methods.
- A JavaScript String Methods Cheatsheet.
- How to Debug a Node.js app in a Docker Container. :new:
- Squeeze Node.js Performance with Flame Graphs. :new:
- Got 9.0: A Powerful HTTP Request Library for Node.js. :new:
- Unit Testing for Node.js Serverless Framework Projects with Jest. :new:
- Why the New V8 is So Darn Fast.
- The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors.
- Testing Node.js in 2018.
- Creating Enterprise Web Applications with Node.
- A Practical Intro to Multithreading in Node 10.5.
- node-pg-migrate: Node.js Database Migration Management for Postgresql.
- Getting Started with Docker Images for Node Apps.
- Implementing Feature Flags with Node and React.
- How to Watch for Files Changes in Node.js.
- Getting Started With Ripple (XRP) and Node.js.
- Building a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot with Node.js.
- Building Light Weight Microservices with Redis (and Node).
- 10 Things Ryan Dahl Regrets About Node.js.
- Build a Twelve-Factor Node.js App with Docker.
- Using the Experimental ES Module Support in Node 10.
- Securing Node.js RESTful APIs with JSON Web Tokens.
- What is JSX?. :new:
- Understanding Redux: The World’s Easiest Guide to Beginning Redux. ( Long, but starts from a very simple level ) :new:
- React Native at Airbnb.
- Building Serverless Mobile Apps with React Native and AWS.
- TypeScript 3.0 is here with improved error messages, JSX default props and more.... :new:
- TypeScript 3.0 Release Candidate Announced.
- What's new in TypeScript 2.9.
- Ultimate React Component Patterns with Typescript.
- Keep Your Promises in TypeScript using async/await
- Curated List Of The Best VS Code Extension Lists. :new:
- Syntax Highlighting in VS Code for HTML Inside of JavaScript.
- Subliminal: An opinionated minimalistic VS Code theme for JavaScript.
- Night Owl: A VS Code dark theme for contrast for nighttime coding.
- Better Comments extension will help you create more human-friendly comments in your code.
- Code Splitting Pattern With Vue.js & Webpack. :new:
- Managing Complex Waiting Experiences on Web UIs. :new:
- Building a RSS Viewer with Vue.js. :new:
- Vuesax New framework Components for Vue.js. :new:
- From Vanilla JS to Vue.js: A Refactoring Tale.
- Build a Basic CRUD App with Vue.js and Node.
- Replacing jQuery with Vue. ( Takes a shot at convincing you that using Vue.js doesn't have to be a headache and will help even on basic projects. )
- Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links.
- Optimization Auditing: A Deep Dive into Chrome's Dev Console. :new:
- 33 Best Online Web Tools For Web Developers And Programmers. :new:
- Writing Your Own ESLint Plugin.
- Installable Web Apps: A Practical Introduction To PWAs.
- The Problem You Solve Is More Important Than The Code You Write.
- Create a Simple Weather App using Node, Express, and React.
- Deploy Your Webpack Apps to Heroku in 3 Simple Steps.
- Critters: Webpack Plugin to Inline Critical CSS and Lazy-Load the Rest.
- The machine Fired me - No human could do a thing about it!. :new:
- Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers.
- Microsoft acquiring GitHub is a good thing. Here's why..
- sindresorhus/awesome
- sotayamashita/awesome-css
- emijrp/awesome-awesome
- bayandin/awesome-awesomeness
- gianarb/awesome-angularjs
- peterkokot/awesome-dojo
- obetomuniz/awesome-webcomponents
- willianjusten/awesome-svg
- davidsonfellipe/awesome-wpo
- sadcitizen/awesome-backbone
- enaqx/awesome-react
- peterkokot/awesome-jquery
- maximAbramchuck/awesome-interviews
- Your contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Palash Mondal has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.