Various projects and school work. Information will be provided within said project folder to indicate if the project was school work, or a personal project.
Airport Routes
This particular program maps nodes, and deals with collisons. Displays the shortest path
between nodes. Nodes can be interchanged with 'airports'. The 'edges' is distance traveled
between said airports.
More can be read in the project's readme.
On-going project I'm currently working on. The goal is to have clean, and concise code,
and to have properly structure. The plan is to further implement more advanced data structures
and algorithms as the program evolves.
More can be read in the project folder.
A simple program to issue 'new employees' with an assigned email based on user's input prefix.
Provided input will then be appended with company email, and a random temporary password will
be set. The user has options such as;
Login, Recovery Email, Forgot Password, Set New Password, and display current information.
Personal project of mine that I started after my first programming class at LSU. Although this
program is relativey straight forward, and simple, it is my first solo project. The program is a
fighting gauntlet where the user faces against random enemies, with controlled random stats.
The user has commands such as;
User also levels up based on experience gained which improve their chances of getting a higher score.
User score is kept and displayed if desired after game over, or user quits.