On my degree, I am a Computer Science engineer. In my mind, I am a coder and choreographer. But in my heart, I am a developer, an artist and an athlete.
I consider myself as a great Frontend developer, because I love what I do, and I prefer to let my work show you my skills. Furthermore, I have the desire to grow fast and improve my skills everyday to deliver high quality software in every project I work. As a frontend developer I focus a lot on details, accesibilty and be sure everything works as it should. I love working with data too, so I hope to become a Data Scientist in the future and maybe combine both of my passions in my work. Beside my work as a developer, I love dancing, playing a big variety of video games, learn new technologies, create some side project to try new things and never stop learning.
Here you can see and use some of the projects I have done. Most of these projects are in my repositories. The clients of all my projects are deployed in Netlify and my APIs in Heroku. Some projects may not work, because now Heroku is a paid service, so several projects dont have their API working, but it will be migrated to another service.
- Portfolio This project is still in progress
- Heroes App(get access to the API here first, or the project won't work)
URL-Shortener This project needs to get ist backend migrated
Tic-Tac-Toe (🖌️This project is about to receive a redesign)
Pomodoro (🖌️This project is about to receive a redesign too)
Masket-input(VISA Form)
One time secret This project needs to get ist backend migrated
And more...
There are more projects that I'll be adding soon, as a Pokedex and my personal website, but I'm still working on them.
Now I'm working to learn or improve in some technologies. Most of them I have learned how to use them before, but I want to get a deeper knowledge too. Some of those technologies are:
- Next.js (💻 In process to learn it)
- Nuxt.js
- GraphQL
In case you want to know more about me and my background, you can see my CV. here