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Generate Django code from Plantuml class diagrams


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.. image::
    :alt: PyPi
uml2django is a tool for generate `Django <>`_ code from `PlantUML class diagrams <>`_.
It able to generate: 

* Models
* Forms 
* Class Based Views
* Templates
* Tests

Django Rest Framework
* Serializers
* ApiViews
* Routers

**Quick start**


* Install via pip::
   pip install uml2django

* Download from github::

    git clone


* From command line::

    uml2django --puml my_plant_uml_class_diagram.puml

* Import as script::

    from uml2django.settings import settings
    from uml2django import objects
    from uml2django import load_data_from

    PLANT_UML_FILE = "school_management_project.puml"
    for django_model in objects.DJANGO_MODELS:
        if not django_model.is_abstract:



* To represent an Django App, use the PlantUML ``package`` tag.
* The app name must follow `pep8 <>`__:
  *Modules and packages should have short, all-lowercase names.*
  *Underscores can be used if it improves readability,*
  *although the use of underscores is discouraged.*::

        package exampledjangoapp {
        package example_django_app {


* Use PlantUML ``class`` tag to represent an Django Model.
* The Model name must follow `pep8 <>`__ :  
  *where stands that class names should normally use the CapWords convention.*
* All classes defined MUST BE inside an package, like models inside Django apps.::
        package exampledjangoapp {
            class MyFirstModel {

        package example_django_app {
            class MySecondModel {


**Models Inheritance**
* `Meta inheritance <>`__ 
To define an Meta inheritance the base model must use the plantuml ``abstract`` keyword ::

        package exampledjangoapp {
            abstract class BaseModel {
                {field} name : CharField(max_length=30)
            class ExtendedModel {
                {field} name : CharField(max_length=30)
            BaseModel <-- ExtendedModel : inherit

* `Multi-table inheritance <>`__
* `Proxy inheritance <>`__

**Models Relashionships**
* `Many-to-one <>`__
* `Many-to-many <>`__
* `One-to-one <>`__

**Model Fields**

* Use PlantUML ``{field}`` tag to represent an Django model field.
* If the field type is not informed, uml2django define it as CharField.::

        package exampledjangoapp {
            class MyFirstModel {
                {field} char_field : CharField(max_length=30)
                {field} other_char_field
        package example_django_app {
            class MySecondModel {
                {field} integer_field : IntegerField()

**Models Options**

You can inform some options that will change the behavior of the model and the code generated for it.

* use_slug(SOME_FIELD)
* unique_together(field_1,field_2,...,field_N)
* rest_api_writable_nested_objects(Model_1, Model_2, ..., Model_N)