This is a simple proof of concept to demonstrate uploading files to S3 with a presigned URL, avoiding the need for the client to do any AWS authentication directly, and avoiding the need to stream large files via a backend API before storing it in S3. shows the backend code with two simple methods for generating an upload URL, and returning a list of objects in the bucket with download URLS
index.html has the Javascript in it which lets the client get the URL asyncronously and PUT the file to it. Has some minor embelishment to show off the bucket contents in a pretty way.
# Install deps and venv, requires poetry
poetry install --no-root
# Auth shell to AWS
aws-vault exec sandbox-ca
# Load venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Start webserver
# Go to localhost:8000 in browser
Note bucket name is hardcoded in
- Upload a demo video