futspace is a parallelized implementation of the Voxel Space rendering algorithm written in futhark. The design is partially based on the open-source javascript implementation provided by s-macke. Because development is still underway significant changes may be introduced in the future.
To run the interactive demo you need linux (or a similar unix-based system) with a recent build of futhark installed, as well as the following dependencies:
- SDL2
- FreeImage
- Beignet or Intel Neo (if running with integrated graphics)
Given these prerequisites, the interactive demo is built with
futhark pkg sync
It can then be run with
W/S: Forward/backward
A/D: Turn left/right
Q/E: Look up/down
R/F: Raise/lower camera
U/J: change invz_param1
I/K: change invz_param2
O/L: change magic_number