Main Java class: ./
Psql JDBC driver: ./lib/postgresql-42.2.18.jar
Database tables using sql: ./db/generate-tables.sql
Database seed using sql: ./db/sample_data.sql
Triggers, internal functions, and internal procedures using plpgsql: ./db/triggers.sql
Establishing a singleton database connection by interfacing JDBC with database driver using Java: ./db/
Scripts for performing each project-specific task using Java: ./db/
Simple task unit tests using Java: ./tests/
Simple stress tests using Java: ./tests/
Custom DAL Entity models that map to database schemas using Java: ./models/*
Custom DAL Entity services that define DAOs for accessing certain database entities using Java and java.sql API: ./services/*
Ensure that postgres has been installed to your local machine and a database has been prepared (locally or remotely).
Currently, you will need to update the db/
fields and re-compile/re-export the Java project's JAR file (I did this using VSCode and targeting the as the Main class).
Enter the project's main directory in your terminal and run the following:
psql -U {{postgres username}} -d {{postgres database name}} -a -f db/generate_tables.sql
Enter postgres password. Then, run the following:
psql -U {{postgres username}} -d {{postgres database name}} -a -f db/sample_data.sql
Enter postgres password. Then, run the following:
psql -U {{postgres username}} -d {{postgres database name}} -a -f db/triggers.sql
Then, run the JAR distributable file by running the following:
java --enable-preview -jar CoffeeBoutique.jar