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WTA #44: Updated CalculateCurrentStreakUC to handle some base cases a…
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Jacob3075 committed Oct 25, 2022
1 parent 55ae467 commit c4ac24c
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Showing 4 changed files with 235 additions and 73 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ package com.jacob.wakatimeapp.core.common

import java.time.format.TextStyle.SHORT
import java.util.Locale
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import kotlinx.datetime.TimeZone
import kotlinx.datetime.toLocalDateTime

get() =
fun Instant.toDate(timeZone: TimeZone = TimeZone.currentSystemDefault()) =

fun LocalDate.getDisplayNameForDay(): String =
dayOfWeek.getDisplayName(SHORT, Locale.getDefault())
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,54 +2,77 @@ package com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.usecases

import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.computations.either
import arrow.core.right
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.core.common.toDate
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.core.models.Error
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.core.models.Time
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.InstantProvider
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.models.Last7DaysStats
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.models.StreakRange
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import kotlinx.datetime.DateTimeUnit
import kotlinx.datetime.minus

class CalculateCurrentStreakUC @Inject constructor(
dispatcher: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO,
private val homePageCache: HomePageCache,
private val instantProvider: InstantProvider,
) {

suspend operator fun invoke(): Either<Error, StreakRange> {
val currentStreakFlow = homePageCache.getCurrentStreak().first()
val last7DaysStatsFlow = homePageCache.getLast7DaysStats()

last7DaysStatsFlow.collect { last7DaysStatsEither ->
either {
val last7DaysStats = last7DaysStatsEither.bind()
val currentStreak = currentStreakFlow.bind()

val todaysStats = last7DaysStats.weeklyTimeSpent[] ?: Time.ZERO

if (todaysStats == Time.ZERO) return@either

val updatedStreakRange = if (currentStreak == StreakRange.ZERO) {
start =,
end =,
} else {
start = currentStreak.start,
end =,

suspend operator fun invoke(): Either<Error, StreakRange> = either {
val last7DaysStats = homePageCache.getLast7DaysStats().first().bind()
val currentStreak = homePageCache.getCurrentStreak().first().bind()

val today =
val todaysStats = last7DaysStats.weeklyTimeSpent[today] ?: Time.ZERO

val endOfCurrentStreakIsYesterday = currentStreak.end == today.minus(1, DateTimeUnit.DAY)

when {
isCurrentStreakActive(endOfCurrentStreakIsYesterday, todaysStats) -> currentStreak

) -> currentStreak.copy(end = today)

else -> getNewCurrentStreak(currentStreak, last7DaysStats)

* Streak is considered active if the last date in the streak is the previous day but
* there is no stats for the current day.
private fun isCurrentStreakActive(endOfCurrentStreakIsYesterday: Boolean, todaysStats: Time) =
endOfCurrentStreakIsYesterday && todaysStats == Time.ZERO

* Streak is considered on-going if there is an active streak and there is stats for the current day.
private fun isCurrentStreakOngoing(endOfCurrentStreakIsYesterday: Boolean, todaysStats: Time) =
endOfCurrentStreakIsYesterday && todaysStats != Time.ZERO

private fun getNewCurrentStreak(
currentStreak: StreakRange,
last7DaysStats: Last7DaysStats,
): StreakRange {
if ( > 7) {

return StreakRange.ZERO.right()
val statsForCurrentStreakRange = last7DaysStats.weeklyTimeSpent
.takeWhile { it.value != Time.ZERO }

if (statsForCurrentStreakRange.isEmpty()) return StreakRange.ZERO

return StreakRange(
start = statsForCurrentStreakRange.last().key,
end = statsForCurrentStreakRange.first().key,
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
package com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.usecases

import arrow.core.Either
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.core.models.Error
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.core.models.Time
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.InstantProvider
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.models.Last7DaysStats
import com.jacob.wakatimeapp.home.domain.models.StreakRange
import io.kotest.assertions.asClue
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.mockk.clearMocks
import io.mockk.coEvery
import io.mockk.coVerify
import io.mockk.mockk
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.days
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.hours
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.UnconfinedTestDispatcher
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import kotlinx.datetime.DateTimeUnit
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlinx.datetime.TimeZone
import kotlinx.datetime.minus
import kotlinx.datetime.toLocalDateTime

internal class CalculateCurrentStreakUCRobot {
private lateinit var useCase: CalculateCurrentStreakUC

Expand All @@ -30,17 +34,23 @@ internal class CalculateCurrentStreakUCRobot {
result = null

useCase = CalculateCurrentStreakUC(
dispatcher = UnconfinedTestDispatcher(),
homePageCache = mockCache,
instantProvider = object : InstantProvider {
override val timeZone = TimeZone.UTC

override fun now() = currentDayInstant

suspend fun callUseCase() = apply {
result = useCase()

fun resultsShouldBe(expected: Error?) = apply {
result shouldBe expected
fun resultsShouldBe(expected: Either<Error, StreakRange>) = apply {
result.asClue {
it shouldBe expected

fun mockGetCurrentStreak(data: Either<Error, StreakRange>) = apply {
Expand All @@ -51,18 +61,51 @@ internal class CalculateCurrentStreakUCRobot {
coEvery { mockCache.getLast7DaysStats() } returns flowOf(data)

fun verifyUpdateCurrentStreakCalled(data: StreakRange, count: Int = 1) = apply {
coVerify(exactly = count) { mockCache.updateCurrentStreak(data) }

companion object {
internal companion object {
val streakRange = StreakRange.ZERO
val today =

* Start of a random day
* Value:
* - date: 11/10/2022 (dd/mm/yyyy)
* - time: 00:00:00 (hh:mm::ss)
val startOfDay = Instant.parse("2022-10-11T00:00:00Z")

val currentDayInstant = startOfDay + 1.hours + 30.minutes

* Takes [currentDayInstant] and subtracts 1 day from it
val previousDayInstant = currentDayInstant.minus(1.days)

val currentDay = currentDayInstant.toLocalDateTime(TimeZone.UTC).date

val noWeeklyStats = mapOf(
currentDay to Time.ZERO,
currentDay.minus(1, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.ZERO,
currentDay.minus(2, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.ZERO,
currentDay.minus(3, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.ZERO,
currentDay.minus(4, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.ZERO,
currentDay.minus(5, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.ZERO,
currentDay.minus(6, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.ZERO,

val continuousWeeklyStats = mutableMapOf(
currentDay to Time.fromDecimal(1f),
currentDay.minus(1, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.fromDecimal(1f),
currentDay.minus(2, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.fromDecimal(1f),
currentDay.minus(3, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.fromDecimal(1f),
currentDay.minus(4, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.fromDecimal(1f),
currentDay.minus(5, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.fromDecimal(1f),
currentDay.minus(6, DateTimeUnit.DAY) to Time.fromDecimal(1f),

val last7DaysStats = Last7DaysStats(
timeSpentToday = Time.ZERO,
projectsWorkedOn = listOf(),
weeklyTimeSpent = mutableMapOf(),
weeklyTimeSpent = noWeeklyStats,
mostUsedLanguage = "",
mostUsedEditor = "",
mostUsedOs = ""
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