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SSPXR config
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JadeOfMaar committed Dec 25, 2018
1 parent 077eea5 commit fe6f2b2
Showing 1 changed file with 568 additions and 0 deletions.
568 changes: 568 additions & 0 deletions StationPartsExpansionRedux/Patches/SSPXR-WBIClassic.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
// Greenhouse = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

name = WBIMultipurposeStorage
enableLogging = True
fieldReconfigurable = True
confirmResourceSwitch = True
showGUI = True
templateNodes = GREENHOUSE
capacityFactor = 1
baseStorage = 0
maxStorage = 0
name = WBIMultipurposeStorage
enableLogging = True
fieldReconfigurable = True
confirmResourceSwitch = True
showGUI = True
templateNodes = GREENHOUSE
capacityFactor = 1.5
baseStorage = 0
maxStorage = 0
name = WBIMultipurposeStorage
enableLogging = True
fieldReconfigurable = True
confirmResourceSwitch = True
showGUI = True
templateNodes = SSPXUTIL1
capacityFactor = 1
baseStorage = 0
maxStorage = 0

// Omni Slots = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

author = JadeOfMaar
name = Mariner
title = SSPX 1 slot fittings
shortName = SSPX 1 slot fittings
description = TBD.
mass = 0.1
// requiredResource = Equipment
// requiredAmount = 600
// reconfigureSkill = ConverterSkill
logoPanel = WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Decals/Omni
glowPanel = WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Decals/Omni
// toolTip =
// toolTipTitle = Your First Ponderosa Habitat!
templateTags =
name = WBIOmniConverter
managedName = OmniConverter 1
templateNodes = OMNICONVERTER
templateTags = hab
BaseEfficiency = 1
reconfigureSkill = ConverterSkill
requiredResource = Equipment
requiredAmount = 300
ConverterName = OmniConverter 1
StartActionName = Start Converter
StopActionName = Stop Converter
AutoShutdown = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
EfficiencyBonus = 1

// Cargo = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

!transform,* = any
transform = OreDecal
// All other decals here
transform = MetallicOreDecal
transform = UraniniteDecal
transform = SubstrateDecal
transform = MineralsDecal
transform = CommoditiesDecal
transform = ExoticMineralsDecal
transform = RareMetalsDecal
transform = MaterialKitsDecal
transform = MetalsDecal
transform = PolymersDecal
transform = SuppliesDecal
transform = MachineryDecal
transform = RecyclablesDecal
transform = SpecializedPartsDecal
transform = FertilizerDecal
transform = HydratesDecal
transform = GypsumDecal
transform = DirtDecal
transform = SilicatesDecal
transform = SiliconDecal
transform = RefinedExoticsDecal
transform = ColonySuppliesDecal
transform = OrganicsDecal
transform = RockDecal
transform = WaterDecal
transform = LeadDecal
transform = SnacksDecal
transform = SoilDecal
transform = RocketPartsDecal
transform = LifeSupportDecal
name = WBIOmniStorage
storageVolume = #$../MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]/baseVolume$
reconfigureSkill = ConverterSkill

//Minimum rank to reconfigure the container.
reconfigureRank = 1
requiredResource = Equipment
requiredAmount = 0

resourceBlacklist = GeoEnergy;ElectroPlasma;CoreHeat;Atmosphere;CompressedAtmosphere;LabTime;ExposureTime;ScopeTime;SolarReports;SimulatorTime;GravityWaves;IntakeAir;StaticCharge;EVA Propellant;Lead;Plants
name = ModuleKISInventory
maxVolume = #$../MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]/baseVolume$
externalAccess = true
internalAccess = true
slotsX = 8
slotsY = 5
slotSize = 50
itemIconResolution = 128
selfIconResolution = 128
openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

name = ModuleBreakableFuelTank
name = ModuleQualityControl
mtbf = 2500

!MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch] {}

// Command = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

name = WBIMultipurposeHab
enableLogging = True
showGUI = True
isInflatable = False

//Some containers don't hold as much resources as the template specifies, while others hold more.
//Since the resource templates specify base amounts, the capacity factor specifies a multiplier to
//factor into the resource amounts.
capacityFactor = 0.057
fieldReconfigurable = true
//name of the template nodes to use
templateNodes = PATH_HABITATION
//Short name of the default module template.
//This is used when selecting the part in the editor.
//User will then right-click on the module to change its type.
defaultTemplate = Pigpen // GeoLab
//If the part has a KIS container, this is the base and max amount
baseStorage = 0.001
maxStorage = 2000
partToolTipTitle = Your First Habitat
partToolTip = Want to use the Ponderosa for more than one purpose? With a feat of engineering, you can change it in the field. For a price... The cornerstone of your habitation needs, resources created in one of the module's many configurations will benefit from soil analysis.
opsViewTitle = Ponderosa Operations

resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[SnacksUtils] = ElectricCharge;Snacks
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[Kerbalism] = ElectricCharge;Shielding;Food;Oxygen
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Food;Oxygen;Water;CarbonDioxide;Waste;WasteWater
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Supplies;Mulch;ReplacementParts

name = ModuleQualityControl
quality = 20
mtbf = 720
guiVisible = false

showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true
name__ = PathfinderQuality1
description__ = Quality: 75; MTBF: 800hrs
techRequired__ = advMetalWorks
mtbf = 800
quality = 25
name__ = PathfinderQuality2
description__ = Quality: 100; MTBF: 900hrs
techRequired__ = metaMaterials
mtbf = 900
quality = 30

name = WBIResourceDistributor
resourceBlacklist = ReplacementParts

name = WBIEfficiencyMonitor
efficiencyType = habitation
harvestType = 0

@capacityFactor = 0.75
@maxStorage *= 0.75

// Cabins Rigid = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

name = WBIMultipurposeHab
enableLogging = True
showGUI = True
isInflatable = False

//Some containers don't hold as much resources as the template specifies, while others hold more.
//Since the resource templates specify base amounts, the capacity factor specifies a multiplier to
//factor into the resource amounts.
capacityFactor = 1.0
fieldReconfigurable = true
//name of the template nodes to use
templateNodes = PATH_HABITATION
//Short name of the default module template.
//This is used when selecting the part in the editor.
//User will then right-click on the module to change its type.
defaultTemplate = Pigpen // GeoLab
//If the part has a KIS container, this is the base and max amount
baseStorage = 0.001
maxStorage = 1000
partToolTipTitle = Your First Habitat
partToolTip = Want to use the Ponderosa for more than one purpose? With a feat of engineering, you can change it in the field. For a price... The cornerstone of your habitation needs, resources created in one of the module's many configurations will benefit from soil analysis.
opsViewTitle = Ponderosa Operations

resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[SnacksUtils] = ElectricCharge;Snacks
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[Kerbalism] = ElectricCharge;Shielding;Food;Oxygen
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Food;Oxygen;Water;CarbonDioxide;Waste;WasteWater
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Supplies;Mulch;ReplacementParts

@capacityFactor = 2
@maxStorage *= 2
@capacityFactor = 3
@maxStorage *= 3
@capacityFactor = 1.5
@maxStorage *= 1.5
@capacityFactor = 0.5
@maxStorage *= 0.5
templateNodes = SSPXUTIL1

// Cabins Inflatable = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

%DeployedMass = #$mass$
@mass *= 0.4

DeployResource = Equipment
DeployResourceAmount = #$../DeployedMass$
@DeployResourceAmount *= 120 // 600
%DeployedMassModifier = #$../DeployedMass$
@DeployedMassModifier *= 0.6

name = WBIMultipurposeHab
enableLogging = True
showGUI = True
// isInflatable = True
// inflatedCrewCapacity = #$../MODULE[ModuleDeployableHabitat]/DeployedCrewCapacity$
// animationName = #$../MODULE[ModuleDeployableHabitat]/DeployAnimationName$
startEventGUIName = Assemble
endEventGUIName = Disassemble

//Some containers don't hold as much resources as the template specifies, while others hold more.
//Since the resource templates specify base amounts, the capacity factor specifies a multiplier to
//factor into the resource amounts.
capacityFactor = 1.0
fieldReconfigurable = true
//name of the template nodes to use
templateNodes = PATH_HABITATION
//Short name of the default module template.
//This is used when selecting the part in the editor.
//User will then right-click on the module to change its type.
defaultTemplate = Pigpen // GeoLab
//If the part has a KIS container, this is the base and max amount
baseStorage = 0.001
maxStorage = 2000
partToolTipTitle = Your First Habitat
partToolTip = Want to use the Ponderosa for more than one purpose? With a feat of engineering, you can change it in the field. For a price... The cornerstone of your habitation needs, resources created in one of the module's many configurations will benefit from soil analysis.
opsViewTitle = Ponderosa Operations

resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[SnacksUtils] = ElectricCharge;Snacks
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[Kerbalism] = ElectricCharge;Shielding;Food;Oxygen
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Food;Oxygen;Water;CarbonDioxide;Waste;WasteWater
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Supplies;Mulch;ReplacementParts

@capacityFactor = 4.5
@maxStorage *= 4.5
@capacityFactor = 1.5
@maxStorage *= 1.5
@capacityFactor = 0.5
@maxStorage *= 0.5

// Centrifuges = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

%DeployedMass = #$mass$
@mass *= 0.4

DeployResource = Equipment
DeployResourceAmount = #$../DeployedMass$
@DeployResourceAmount *= 120 // 600
%DeployedMassModifier = #$../DeployedMass$
@DeployedMassModifier *= 0.6

name = WBIMultipurposeHab
enableLogging = True
showGUI = True
// isInflatable = True
// inflatedCrewCapacity = #$../MODULE[ModuleDeployableCentrifuge]/DeployedCrewCapacity$
// animationName = #$../MODULE[ModuleDeployableCentrifuge]/DeployAnimationName$
startEventGUIName = Assemble
endEventGUIName = Disassemble

//Some containers don't hold as much resources as the template specifies, while others hold more.
//Since the resource templates specify base amounts, the capacity factor specifies a multiplier to
//factor into the resource amounts.
capacityFactor = 1.0
fieldReconfigurable = true
//name of the template nodes to use
templateNodes = PATH_HABITATION
//Short name of the default module template.
//This is used when selecting the part in the editor.
//User will then right-click on the module to change its type.
defaultTemplate = Pigpen // GeoLab
//If the part has a KIS container, this is the base and max amount
baseStorage = 0.001
maxStorage = 2000
partToolTipTitle = Your First Habitat
partToolTip = Want to use the Ponderosa for more than one purpose? With a feat of engineering, you can change it in the field. For a price... The cornerstone of your habitation needs, resources created in one of the module's many configurations will benefit from soil analysis.
opsViewTitle = Ponderosa Operations

resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[SnacksUtils] = ElectricCharge;Snacks
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[Kerbalism] = ElectricCharge;Shielding;Food;Oxygen
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Food;Oxygen;Water;CarbonDioxide;Waste;WasteWater
resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Supplies;Mulch;ReplacementParts

@capacityFactor = 12
@maxStorage *= 12
@capacityFactor = 9
@maxStorage *= 9

// Labs = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

@name = WBIScienceConverter
fundsPerData = 100.0 //How many Funds per point of data
reputationPerData = 1.0 //How much Reputation per point of data
@scienceCap = 800 //How much science can we store before having to transmit?

name = WBIMultipurposeLab
enableLogging = True
showGUI = True
isInflatable = False

capacityFactor = 1.5
fieldReconfigurable = true
templateNodes = PATH_SCIENCE
defaultTemplate = DocScience

baseStorage = 0.001
maxStorage = 200

partToolTipTitle = Your First Commercial Lab

partToolTip = Just like a multipurpose habitat, this general-purpose science lab can be reconfigured for several different science roles with a feat of engineering- if you have the right resources and talent. A bastion of science, resources made by one of the lab's configurations will benefit from chemical analysis.
resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[SnacksUtils] = ElectricCharge;Snacks
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[Kerbalism] = ElectricCharge;Shielding;Food;Oxygen
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Food;Oxygen;Water;CarbonDioxide;Waste;WasteWater
%resourcesToKeep:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] = ElectricCharge;Supplies;Mulch;ReplacementParts
// {
// name = ModuleKISInventory
// maxVolume = 2000
// externalAccess = true
// internalAccess = true
// slotsX = 4
// slotsY = 4
// slotSize = 50
// itemIconResolution = 128
// selfIconResolution = 128
// openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
// closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
// defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove
// }
name = WBIEfficiencyMonitor
efficiencyType = science
name = WBIResourceDistributor
resourceBlacklist = ReplacementParts

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