Hi there,
This is the solution for my first Frontend Mentor challenge: NFT preview card component challenge
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for interactive elements
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- BEM Methodology
- Flexbox
- CSS custom properties
At first, I put the clock and Etherium icons in the markup, which created a mess of CSS classes. I even experimented with separating the meta-information bar into a separate component from a BEM standpoint. When working on the hover effect with the eye icon, I immediately decided to put it in a pseudo-element because it has no real semantic meaning. While taking a break, I realised that this might be the better approach for the other icons, too.
- Frontend Mentor - @Jak-Ch-ll
- Github - @Jak-Ch-ll
- linkedin - Jakob Chill