This is my solution for the Time tracking dashboard challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Switch between viewing Daily, Weekly, and Monthly stats
- TypeScript
- Web Components
- Vite
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first approach
When looking at this challenge, I immediately knew that reusable components in some form would be helpful. At first, I thought about using a Frontend Framework like React or Svelte, but then I thought, why not learn something new. So I decided to look into Web Components.
It was an interesting experience and reminded me of the convenience of classic web frameworks. In many moments I thought about possible utility functions or classes around the API to improve the workflow for more complex projects. I got to understand why frameworks like Lit exist and was reminded of a quote by Fireship in his Video: I built the same app 10 times: "The last thing the world needs is another JavaScript framework".
One utility function I wrote is to import components into other components. Out of the box, a web component has to be defined once via its class and then is used via the tag name, which does not provide type safety or a traceable import tree. This is what I came up with:
export type CustomElementTagName = `${string}-${string}`
export function createNode(
elementTagName: CustomElementTagName,
elementClass: CustomElementConstructor
) {
// define the custom element in the DOM so it can be used
window.customElements.define(elementTagName, elementClass)
// return a function to create an instance of the custom element
return () => document.createElement(elementTagName)
- 'Web Components Crash Course' by Brad Traversy on YouTube - This tutorial helpd me kickstart my Web Component knowledge
- Frontend Mentor - @Jak-Ch-ll
- Github - @Jak-Ch-ll
- linkedin - Jakob Chill