This repository contains code to reproduce results for the submission titled, "Complex-Valued Convolutions for Modulation Recognition using Deep Learning" which was published in the 2020 IEEE ICC: Open Workshop On Machine Learning In Communications.
There is a folder title 'Complex_Convolutions', which contains scripts to execute and recreate the results in the paper.
The following code will execute the experiment: (be sure to include the path to the dataset)
python3 --dataset RML2016 --data_directory <path_to_data> --train_pct 50 --train_SNRs -20 20 2 --test_SNRs -20 20 2 --load_weights False
There is a Jupyter Notebook that trains the networks described in the paper as well as recreates all the plots used in the Results section.
*Disclaimer: All code is written in Keras
Data for this submission (RML2016.10a.tar.bz2) can be found at: To ensure proper execution of the code, be sure the data is saved as 'RML2016.10a_dict.pkl'.