- Author: Jakub Kubista
- Course: XML
- Language: Java
- Name: NIM
- Development environment: Android Studio 2.0
- Date: Apr 2016 - Jun 2016
Create an android application, which includes work between activities, SQLite DB, APIs, AI. The core of artificial intelligence is complete AND/OR graph.
Copy APK into your android or run simulation in Android Studio 2.0 or other development tool.
Play the game against the AI to win. Force a computer to took the last bean.
- Click on the button Settings
- Set number of beans and who will start.
- Click on the button New Game.
- Took one or two beans each round to accomplish the goal of the game.
- Save or restart the game by at the top right button.
- Check statistics at the title menu.
The core Activity of program can be find in path: app\src\main\java\com\mendelu\vui_nim\GameActivity.java
Many lines of the code contains a lot of log messages for detail description what's happening in the memory, so code is a little bit longer.
I have to say a big thank to Ing. Jan Kolomazník, Ph.D., who inspired me a lot.