All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Splash screen
- Logo icon
- Initial app config
- Home, Description, ListTab screens
- BottomNavigation component
- switching between screens using bottom navigation
- text and images to Home and Descriptions screens
- styles to Home and Descriptions screens
- example reducer
- types in reducer
- Forms, TodoList components added
- toDoListTypes
- todoListActions
- todoSingleEl
- ISingleElementList interface
- making new elements in Form component
- switchView between Form and TodoList components
- default state in todoListReducer
- styles in Home, Description screens and Form, TodoList components
- new type REMOVE_NEW_ELEM in todoListTypes
- removeNewElemTodoList() in Actions
- styles in Form TodoList components
- id in todoSinlgeEl
- todoListReducer update
- removing elements in TodoList