- actions (actions for redux)
- types (types for reducers)
- assets (img, fonts etc.)
- components (only re useable part of code)
- constans (only const variable)
- entities (typing for typescript)
- reducers (all reducers for redux)
- screens (all apps screens (pages))
- Description
- Home
- TodoList (all you need to single screen)
- tools (reuseable tools)
- Download and install expo app on your phone
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=host.exp.exponent&hl=pl
- iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/expo-client/id982107779?mt=8
- after download app you must login to your profile in app
- Start project:
- you need node 11 (the newest version)
- go to root folder
- install yarn if you do not have
- yarn install
- npm install expo-cli --global
- expo start --android/ expo start --ios
- open http://localhost:19002 - Expo DevTools
- click 'Tunnel' in lower left corner screen
- in termin type "?" to open expo help
- in termin type "s" and login to your account
- Go to app in your phone
- Scan QR code or click on link
- Wait for download
- Test your app :) -> hot reload is default after every time if you save file.
- Building apk/ipa
- expo build:android / expo build:ios (https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/distribution/building-standalone-apps)
- you can see progress: https://expo.io/builds