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JamesGallicchio committed Apr 22, 2024
1 parent 5c4df52 commit 1466cf2
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Showing 7 changed files with 600 additions and 249 deletions.
133 changes: 105 additions & 28 deletions LeanColls/Classes/IndexType/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ class IndexType.{u,w} (ι : Type u)

class LawfulIndexType (ι : Type u) [I : IndexType ι]
Fold.ToList (IndexType.Univ ι) ι
Fold.LawfulFold (IndexType.Univ ι) ι,
Fold.AgreesWithToMultiset (IndexType.Univ ι) ι
leftInv : Function.LeftInverse I.fromFin I.toFin
rightInv : Function.RightInverse I.fromFin I.toFin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,11 +114,12 @@ instance (priority := default) : DecidableEq ι := by

/-! #### Transport over equivalence -/

def ofEquiv {ι} [IndexType.{_,w} ι'] (f : ι' ≃ ι) : IndexType.{_,w} ι where
card := IndexType.card ι'
toFin := IndexType.toFin ∘ f.symm
fromFin := f ∘ IndexType.fromFin
toFold := (fun ⟨⟩ => IndexType.univ (ι')) f
toFold := Fold.instMap (fun ⟨⟩ => IndexType.univ (ι')) f

def ofEquivLawful {ι} [I' : IndexType ι'] [LI' : LawfulIndexType ι'] (f : ι' ≃ ι)
: @LawfulIndexType ι (ofEquiv f) :=
Expand All @@ -127,9 +129,17 @@ def ofEquivLawful {ι} [I' : IndexType ι'] [LI' : LawfulIndexType ι'] (f : ι'
(leftInv := by simp [ofEquiv]; intro; simp)
(rightInv := by simp [ofEquiv]; intro; simp)
(toList_eq_ofFn := by simp [ofEquiv]; rfl)
(toToList := by
letI := ofEquiv f; apply
intro c'; simp [toList, ofEquiv, LawfulIndexType.toList_eq_ofFn]; rfl)
(toLawfulFold := Fold.LawfulFold.instMap ..)
(toAgreesWithToMultiset := by
convert @Fold.AgreesWithToMultiset.instMap _ _ _ _ _
inferInstance _ (fun (_ : Univ ι) => f
simp [ofEquiv, inferInstance, ToMultiset.instMap]
unfold instToMultiset toMultiset
congr; ext _
have := LI'.toList_eq_ofFn
simp only [Multiset.map_coe, this]
congr; simp

/-! #### Unit -/

Expand All @@ -143,9 +153,9 @@ instance : IndexType Unit where
instance : LawfulIndexType Unit where
leftInv := by intro; rfl
rightInv := by rintro ⟨i,h⟩; simp [card] at h; subst h; simp [fromFin, toFin]
fold_eq_fold_toList := by
exists_eq_list_foldl := by
rintro ⟨⟩
refine ⟨_, .rfl, ?_⟩
refine ⟨_, rfl, ?_⟩
intro β f init; simp [toList, fold]
foldM_eq_fold := by
rintro m β _ _ ⟨⟩ f init; simp [foldM, fold]
Expand All @@ -160,9 +170,9 @@ instance : IndexType (Fin n) where
instance : LawfulIndexType (Fin n) where
leftInv := by intro _; rfl
rightInv := by intro _; rfl
fold_eq_fold_toList := by
exists_eq_list_foldl := by
rintro ⟨⟩
refine ⟨_, .rfl, ?_⟩
refine ⟨_, rfl, ?_⟩
simp [toList, fold, Fin.foldl_eq_foldl_ofFn]
foldM_eq_fold := by
rintro β _ _ _ ⟨⟩ f init
Expand All @@ -179,10 +189,20 @@ instance : IndexType.{max u v, w} (α × β) where
card := card α * card β
toFin := fun (a,b) => Fin.pair (toFin a) (toFin b)
fromFin := fun p => (fromFin (Fin.pair_left p), fromFin (Fin.pair_right p))
toList := fun ⟨⟩ => toList (univ α) ×ˢ toList (univ β)
toFold := (Univ α × Univ β) _ _ _
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
toToList :=
let _ := ToList.instProd (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
ToList.instMap (C₁ := Univ α × Univ β) (C₂ := Univ (α × β)) (fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
toFold :=
let _ := Fold.instProd (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
Fold.instMap (C := Univ α × Univ β) (C' := Univ (α × β)) (fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id

theorem toList_univ_prod {c : Univ (α × β)}: toList c = toList (univ α) ×ˢ toList (univ β) := by
simp [instIndexTypeProd, ToList.instMap, ToList.instProd]

theorem toMultiset_univ_prod : toMultiset (univ (α × β)) = toMultiset (univ α) ×ˢ toMultiset (univ β) := by
simp only [instIndexTypeProd, ToList.instMap, ToList.instProd, instToMultiset]; simp

instance : LawfulIndexType.{max u v, w} (α × β) where
rightInv := by
Expand All @@ -197,11 +217,33 @@ instance : LawfulIndexType.{max u v, w} (α × β) where
simp [List.get_product_eq_get_pair]
constructor <;>
simp [← Fin.val_inj, Fin.pair_left, Fin.pair_right]
toToList := (Univ α × Univ β) _ _ _
( ( (
_ _ _
(by simp [toList,])
exists_eq_list_foldl :=
-- these proof goals are really annoying, and I'm not sure how to automate the
-- "just keep unfolding until we actually find the difference" step
let _a := Fold.instProd (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
let _b := Fold.instMap (C' := Univ (α × β)) (C := Univ α × Univ β)
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
let _c := ToMultiset.instProd (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
let _d := ToMultiset.instMap (C₂ := Univ (α × β)) (C₁ := Univ α × Univ β)
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
let _e := Fold.AgreesWithToMultiset.instProd (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
let f := Fold.AgreesWithToMultiset.instMap (C' := Univ (α × β)) (C := Univ α × Univ β)
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
have := f.exists_eq_list_foldl
intro c
specialize this c
rcases this with ⟨L,h1,h2⟩
refine ⟨L,?_,h2⟩
rw [h1]
simp (config := {zetaDelta := true})
simp only [ToMultiset.instMap, ToMultiset.instProd, toMultiset]
toLawfulFold :=
@Fold.LawfulFold.instMap (Univ α × Univ β) _ (Univ (α × β)) _
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id

/-! #### Sigma -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,10 +272,26 @@ instance : IndexType.{max u v, w} (α ⊕ β) where
.inl (fromFin ⟨i,h⟩)
.inr (fromFin ⟨i-card α, by simp at h; exact Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add h hi⟩)
toList := fun ⟨⟩ => (toList (univ α)).map Sum.inl ++ (toList (univ β)).map Sum.inr
toFold := (Univ α × Univ β) _ _ _
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
toToList :=
let _ := ToList.instSum (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
ToList.instMap (C₁ := Univ α × Univ β) (C₂ := Univ (α ⊕ β)) (fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
toFold :=
let _ := Fold.instSum (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
Fold.instMap (C := Univ α × Univ β) (C' := Univ (α ⊕ β)) (fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id

theorem toList_univ_sum {c : Univ (α ⊕ β)} :
toList c = (toList (univ α) |>.map Sum.inl) ++ (toList (univ β) |>.map Sum.inr) := by
simp [instIndexTypeSum, ToList.instMap, ToList.instSum]

theorem toMultiset_univ_sum :
toMultiset (univ (α ⊕ β)) = (toMultiset (univ α)).map Sum.inl + (toMultiset (univ β)).map Sum.inr := by
simp only [instIndexTypeSum, ToList.instMap, ToList.instSum, instToMultiset]
simp only [

instance : LawfulIndexType (α ⊕ β) where
leftInv := by
Expand All @@ -247,7 +305,7 @@ instance : LawfulIndexType (α ⊕ β) where
simp [*]; simp_all
toList_eq_ofFn := by
simp [toList]
simp [toList_univ_sum, toList]
apply List.ext_get
· simp [card]
intro i h1 h2
Expand All @@ -263,11 +321,30 @@ instance : LawfulIndexType (α ⊕ β) where
· simpa using h
· simp at h1 ⊢
toToList := (Univ α × Univ β) _ _ _
(Fold.sum) (ToList.sum) (Fold.sum.ToList)
_ _ _
(by simp [toList, ToList.sum])
exists_eq_list_foldl :=
-- these proof goals are really annoying, and I'm not sure how to automate the
-- "just keep unfolding until we actually find the difference" step
let _a := Fold.instSum (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
let _b := Fold.instMap (C' := Univ (α ⊕ β)) (C := Univ α × Univ β)
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
let _c := ToMultiset.instSum (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
let _d := ToMultiset.instMap (C₂ := Univ (α ⊕ β)) (C₁ := Univ α × Univ β)
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
let _e := Fold.AgreesWithToMultiset.instSum (C₁ := Univ α) (C₂ := Univ β)
let f := Fold.AgreesWithToMultiset.instMap (C' := Univ (α ⊕ β)) (C := Univ α × Univ β)
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id
have := f.exists_eq_list_foldl
intro c
specialize this c
rcases this with ⟨L,h1,h2⟩
refine ⟨L,?_,h2⟩
rw [h1]
toLawfulFold :=
@Fold.LawfulFold.instMap (Univ α × Univ β) _ (Univ (α ⊕ β)) _
(fun ⟨⟩ => (⟨⟩,⟨⟩)) id

Expand Down

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