The HNGx moviebox is a movie website just like youtube, it provides varieties of movies for viewers, it a stage two task for the inters at the hng program.
The objective of this task is to create a discovery web application that allows users to search for movies,view details about the them, and save there favorite movies, this will be achived by consuming the TMBD API.
User Interface inters should be a create a visually appealing user interface for the application, using the figma design given.
- inters should display top 10 movies on the homepage
- they should be displayed in a grid layout with their move poster
Movie Search
- implement a search feature that allows user to search for movie by title
- Display search result including movie poster, titles, and release data.
- show an indicator while loading
- Tailwindcss
- javaScript( React js)
- Fork the project to your github repository
- Clone the project down to your local repository
git clone @repository
- Navigate to the repository on your local machine
cd @repository Name
- run
npm install
- finally run
yarn run dev
to run live on your machine