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deglaciation compared to seakon (draft)
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JanJereczek committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent c4731c5 commit 5cd9bb8
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Showing 12 changed files with 220 additions and 206 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion publication_v1.0/test3/test3_compare3DGIA.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function mainplot(n, heterogeneous)
title1 = L"Gaussian decrease of viscosity $\,$"
title2 = L"Gaussian increase of viscosity $\,$"
elseif heterogeneous == "none"
seakon_files = ["E0L4V4", "E0L4V4"]
seakon_files = ["E0L4V4", "E0L0V1"]
fastiso_files = ["ref_$suffix.jld2", "no_litho_$suffix.jld2"]
elims = (-20, 45)
title1 = L"Homogeneous PREM configuration $\,$"
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions publication_v1.0/test5/compute5C.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
push!(LOAD_PATH, "../")
using FastIsostasy
using JLD2, NCDatasets, CairoMakie, Interpolations, DelimitedFiles

not(x::Bool) = !x

function lon360tolon180(lon, X)
permidx = lon .> 180
lon180 = vcat(lon[permidx] .- 360, lon[not.(permidx)])
Hice180 = cat(X[permidx, :, :], X[not.(permidx), :, :], dims=1)
return lon180, Hice180

function compute5C()
file = "../data/ICE6Gzip/"
ds = NCDataset(file)
Hice = copy(ds["stgit"][:, :])
t = copy(ds["Time"][:, :])
lat = copy(ds["Lat"][:, :])
lon = copy(ds["Lon"][:, :])

lon180, Hice180 = lon360tolon180(lon, Hice)
fig, ax, hm = heatmap(Hice180[:, :, 2], colormap = :ice, colorrange = (1e-8, 4e3),
lowclip = :transparent)
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm)

lon, Hice = lon180, Hice180
t .*= -1
nlon, nlat, nt = size(Hice)
Hsum = [sum(Hice[:, :, k]) for k in eachindex(t)]

Hlim = (1e-8, 4e3)
fig = Figure(resolution = (1600, 1000), fontsize = 24)
ax1 = Axis(fig[1:3, 1], aspect = DataAspect())
ax2 = Axis(fig[4, 1])
xlims!(ax2, extrema(t))
ylims!(ax2, extrema(Hsum) .+ (-2e6, 2e6))

kobs = Observable(1)
Hobs = @lift( Hice[:, :, $kobs] )
nobs = @lift( length(t[1:$kobs]) )
tobs = @lift( t[1:$nobs] )
Vproxy = @lift( Hsum[1:$nobs] )
hm = heatmap!(ax1, Hobs, colormap = :ice, colorrange = Hlim, lowclip = :transparent)
Colorbar(fig[1:3, 2], hm, height = Relative(0.6))
points = Observable(Point2f[(t[1], Hsum[1])])
lines!(ax2, points)

record(fig, "plots/test5/ICE6G-cylce.mp4", eachindex(t), framerate = 10) do k
kobs[] = k
new_point = Point2f(t[k], Hsum[k])
points[] = push!(points[], new_point)

Hitp = linear_interpolation((lon, lat, t), Hice, extrapolation_bc = Flat())

Omega = ComputationDomain(3500e3, 7)
c = PhysicalConstants()
lbmantle = c.r_equator .- [5.721, 5.179] .* 1e6
lb = vcat(96e3, lbmantle)
lv = [0.5, 1.58, 3.16] .* 1e21
p = LayeredEarth(Omega, layer_boundaries = lb[1:2], layer_viscosities = lv[1:2])

Hice_vec = [copy(Omega.null) for _ in t]
for k in eachindex(t)
for IJ in CartesianIndices(Omega.Lat)
i, j = Tuple(IJ)
# println(Omega.Lon[i, j], " ", Omega.Lat[i, j], " ", t[k])
Hice_vec[k][i, j] = Hitp(Omega.Lon[i, j], Omega.Lat[i, j], t[k])
deltaH = [Hice_vec[k] - Hice_vec[1] for k in eachindex(t)]

tsec = years2seconds.(t .* 1e3)
interactive_sl = true
fip = FastIsoProblem(Omega, c, p, tsec, interactive_sl, tsec, deltaH)
println("Computation took $(fip.out.computation_time) s")

@save "../data/test5/ICE6G/homogeneous-interactivesl=$interactive_sl-N="*
"$(Omega.Nx).jld2" t fip Hitp Hice_vec deltaH
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions publication_v1.0/test5/laty.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
function load_laty_ICE6G()
latydir = "../data/Latychev/ICE6G/r1d_ICE6G"
latyfiles = readdir(latydir)
tlaty = [-120, -26, -21, -16, -11, -6, -2, -1, -0.125, 0, 0.125] .* 1e3

latyfiles = latyfiles[1:end-1]
tlaty = tlaty[1:end-1]
nlon, nlat = 512, 256
ulaty = zeros(nlon, nlat, length(tlaty))

for k in eachindex(latyfiles)
ulaty[:, :, k] = reshape(vec(readdlm(joinpath(latydir, latyfiles[k]))), nlon, nlat)

gllatlon_file = "../data/Latychev/ICE6G/gl256_LatLon"
LonLat, header = readdlm(gllatlon_file, header = true)
Lon = reshape(LonLat[:, 1], nlon, nlat)
Lat = reshape(LonLat[:, 2], nlon, nlat)
Lon, Lat = reverse(Lon, dims = 2), reverse(Lat, dims = 2)
ulaty = reverse(ulaty, dims = 2)

Lon, ulaty = lon360tolon180(Lon[:, 1], ulaty)

for k in eachindex(tlaty)
fig = heatmap(ulaty[:, :, k], colorrange = (-500, 500), colormap = :PuOr)
save("plots/test5/laty-ICE6G-global$(tlaty[k]).png", fig)
itp = linear_interpolation((Lon[:, 1], Lat[1, :], tlaty), ulaty,
extrapolation_bc = Flat())

return tlaty, ulaty, Lon, Lat, itp
File renamed without changes.
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions publication_v1.0/test5/plot5C.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
using FastIsostasy
using JLD2, NCDatasets, CairoMakie, Interpolations, DelimitedFiles

# @load "../data/test5/ICE6G/homogeneous-N=200.jld2" t fip Hitp Hice_vec deltaH
@load "../data/test5/ICE6G/homogeneous-interactivesl=true-N=128.jld2" t fip Hitp Hice_vec deltaH

Hlim = (1e-8, 4e3)
kobs = Observable(1)
fig = Figure(resolution = (1600, 1000), fontsize = 30)
axs = [Axis(fig[1, j], title = @lift("t = $(t[$kobs]) ka"),
aspect = DataAspect()) for j in 1:2]
[hidedecorations!(ax) for ax in axs]
hm1 = heatmap!(axs[1], @lift(Hice_vec[$kobs]), colorrange = Hlim, lowclip = :transparent,
colormap = :ice)
hm2 = heatmap!(axs[2], @lift(fip.out.u[$kobs]), colormap = :vik, colorrange = (-800, 800))
Colorbar(fig[2, 1], hm1, vertical = false, flipaxis = false, width = Relative(0.8))
Colorbar(fig[2, 2], hm2, vertical = false, flipaxis = false, width = Relative(0.8))
record(fig, "plots/test5/ICE6G-cycle-displacement.mp4", eachindex(t), framerate = 10) do k
kobs[] = k

dHlims = (-2600, 2600)
ulims = (-500, 500)
kobs = Observable(1)
fig = Figure(resolution = (1600, 1000), fontsize = 30)
vars = [deltaH, fip.out.u .+ fip.out.ue]
axs = [Axis3(fig[1, j], title = @lift("t = $(t[$kobs]) ka,"*
" range = $(round.(extrema(vars[j][$kobs])))")) for j in 1:2]
# [hidedecorations!(ax) for ax in axs]
sf1 = surface!(axs[1], @lift(deltaH[$kobs]), colorrange = dHlims, colormap = :vik)
sf2 = surface!(axs[2], @lift(fip.out.u[$kobs] + fip.out.ue[$kobs]), colormap = :PuOr,
colorrange = ulims)
zlims!(axs[1], dHlims)
zlims!(axs[2], ulims)
Colorbar(fig[2, 1], sf1, vertical = false, flipaxis = false, width = Relative(0.8))
Colorbar(fig[2, 2], sf2, vertical = false, flipaxis = false, width = Relative(0.8))
record(fig, "plots/test5/ICE6G-cycle-surface.mp4", eachindex(t), framerate = 10) do k
kobs[] = k

tlaty, ulaty, Lon, Lat, itp = load_laty_ICE6G()

mean_error = fill(Inf, length(tlaty))
max_error = fill(Inf, length(tlaty))
for k in eachindex(tlaty)
k_fastiso = argmin( (t .- tlaty[k]/1e3) .^ 2 )
ulatyitp = itp.(fip.Omega.Lon, fip.Omega.Lat, tlaty[k])
ufastiso = fip.out.u[k_fastiso] + fip.out.ue[k_fastiso]
mean_error[k] = mean( abs.(ulatyitp - ufastiso) )
max_error[k] = maximum( abs.(ulatyitp - ufastiso) )
tmpfig = Figure(resolution = (1800, 700), fontsize = 30)
axs = [Axis(tmpfig[1, j]) for j in 1:3]
[hidedecorations!(ax) for ax in axs]
hm1 = heatmap!(axs[1], ulatyitp, colorrange = (-500, 500), colormap = :PuOr)
hm2 = heatmap!(axs[2], ufastiso, colorrange = (-500, 500), colormap = :PuOr)
hm3 = heatmap!(axs[3], ulatyitp - ufastiso, colorrange = (-100, 100),
colormap = :lighttemperaturemap)
Colorbar(tmpfig[2, 1:2], hm1, label = "vertical displacement (m)", vertical = false,
width = Relative(0.4))
Colorbar(tmpfig[2, 3], hm3, label = L"$u_\mathrm{sk} - u_\mathrm{fi} $ (m)",
vertical = false, width = Relative(0.8))
save("plots/test5/laty-ICE6G-local$(tlaty[k]).png", tmpfig)

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "time (kyr)", ylabel = "absolute difference (m)")
lines!(ax, tlaty, mean_error, label = "mean")
lines!(ax, tlaty, max_error, label = "max")
save("plots/test5/ICE6G-difftimeseries.png", fig)

barplot(eachindex(tlaty), max_error)
barplot(eachindex(tlaty), mean_error)

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