To add to the list: Submit a pull request
To remove from the list: Open an issue
When editing the list:
- List items should be sorted alphabetically
- Each item should be limited to one link
- Descriptions should follow the link, on the same line
- Descriptions should be clear, concise, and non-promotional
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome
Please only contribute links to libraries or projects you have used or are familiar with. This will help ensure high-quality entries.
To stay on the list, libraries/projects/resources should adhere to these quality standards:
- Supports Open Science
- Generally useful to the community
- Documented enough so that a person unfamiliar with the project can get it working
- Actively maintained (even if that just means acknowledging open issues when they arise)
- Explicit open source license
If you see any errors or have any suggestions for improvements, please open an issue. If you are at Janelia, you could also just send an email or Slack message to Konrad Rokicki.