pyGnuastro is a free software which offer a wide array of functions for astronomical data manipulation and analysis. It is the Python implementation of Gnuastro Utilities and aims to offer all the functionality of Gnuastro but with a higher level of abstracion. It also uses NumPy for all its data array operations.
- Releases on PyPI: <ADD PYPI LINK>
- Development occurs on GitHub:
- Installation Instructions:
- Documentation:
While Gnuastro's Library and its Binary programs provides extensive and fine-tuned functionality, it's tough to deny the versitality and ease of usage that a language like Python brings. Being dynamically typed and high-level makes it simple for novice programmers to interact with Gnuastro's programs. Additionally, since many of Gnuastro's use cases require working with data arrays, integrating libraries like NumPy makes data analysis and manipulation more accessible.
To learn more about how to contribute, refer the Contribute and Report Problems chapter in the Documentation.