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douglm edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 2 revisions

The old style build for jboss 5 is being maintained for the time being as the bw-classic project. This will build and deploy into jboss 5 much as the old project did. The process is slightly different:

  1. Checkout everything into a directory somewhere.
  2. You need an old 3.x quickstart around - or at least the ant, jboss and apacheds.
  3. cd into the bw-classic project
  4. ./bw <ant-home> <jboss-home> <apache-ds-home> <usual-targets>
  5. If none of are specified they're all inside the directory you created above - i.e. the one containing bw-classic
  6. If only is specified the others are at the same level as that. Allows you to use an old quickstart

An example might be

./bw -bwc jboss-postgresql-devel -quickstart deploy


./bw -antHome ~/quickstart-3.10/apache-ant-1.7.0 -bwc jboss-postgresql-devel -quickstart deploy

Some actions have been changed to be special targets. They lost the leading "-" as a result:

  1. buildwebcache builds webcache"
  2. deploywebcache deploys webcache"
  3. deployurlbuilder deploys url/widget builder"
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