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*** WELCOME TO SSP Training ***

Current SSP Training Version: rel-2-7-patches. Database versions: MSSQL 2008 and Postgres 9.1 tested. Postgres 8.4+ and MSSQL 2012-2014 work as well.

SSP Training is designed to provide an easy to use, yet flexible way to add high quality demo-data to an empty SSP installation. This data can be used for training, demonstrations, or test purposes. The default scripts and setup files will add 25 coaches with 3 login able students assigned per coach. Additionally, it will install an extra 25 students that are in external data only (for external-sync demo and search options) and 5 faculty members with two random courses of 10 random students each for Early Alert demo purposes. Finally there are 5 support staff, 5 managers, and 1 develoepr role added for demonstration or testing of other SSP Roles. Along with those users, high quality static data is installed, such that most fields in the data tables are filled with meanigful content. In summary, it is everything needed to give a good demonstration of SSP or train a small group of users.

For a list of the default logins see the included file in this directory SSP_TRAINING_DEFAULT_LOGIN_DATA.xlsx.

Past Known Issues: In MSSQL/PSQL adding or editing a uPortal/SSP-Platform user in the "manage users" interface will generate an error the first time such a change (add or edit) is made. Subsequent tries will work successfully.

Warning: You may want to change the admin password after everything is setup correctly. It is the SSP install default and is not changed by SSP Training.

Database Pre-requisite

To load the SSP Training Data via any option below, you need to have the ssp database setup and running. SSP Training does not need any demo data or other modifications, just a default vanilla SSP install. Typical work flow is to install the ssp-platform database by running ant ..... initportal (or initdb if platform already installed) and then start tomcat with ssp deployed. After all the liquibase is finished, and the changelog lock is released, the SSP default installation is ready to add the training data.

Quick Install

To get started quickly with SSP Training, there are two folders for different databases. Pick the folder that represents the database type on your machine. Once inside, there are two pre-compiled scripts. Generally, except in rare situations, you won't need to use the files that contain dump in the name. These are for troubleshooting when nothing else works. The file to run will be named similar to this: allSSPTrainingDefaultDataCompiled.sql. It should be one command to run it and depending on your system's speed, will take a few minutes. Again these files are only ran after Tomcat has started and all the default SSP liquibase has ran.

The standard psql command: psql -d ssp -U postgres -f allSSPTrainingDefaultDataCompiled.sql.

The standard mssql command: sqlcmd -d ssp -i allSSPTrainingDefaultDataCompiled.sql

Quick Install with Accurate Dates

Since MAP Plan and other date based data has been added, the compiled file is frozen in the time it was compiled. As such, MAP Plans and other items may be out date. If the most up to date version is desired, you can compile it yourself. It's nearly as quick as the option above and only requires groovy on your system.

With groovy available on the command line (groovy -version) and a knowledge of what database type you have (Sql Server or Postgres), you can run the command below to install the SSP Training data. If you have a mssql implementation then just add another argument of “mssql” without quotes to the end of this command.

groovy -cp jasypt-1.9.0.jar SSPTrainingSetup.groovy sspTrainingUsers.txt sspTrainingStudents.txt sspTrainingOtherRoles.txt

Customizable Install

SSP Training is flexible and easy to modify. Not only can sql files be modified for database changes quite easily, but the amount of users, logins, students and faculty can all be changed. SSP Training is separated into 2 parts, consisting of the main groovy script files that parse txt files and substitute values in data sql files and then run those against the database; and the second part is those sql data files that provide the database statements to add users and content and have the values in them substituted.

All these files are located in the sspTrainingSetup folder. The data sql scripts are segregated by database (psql and mssql) and to make changes for both databases, changes will have to be copied to the other database.

The main groovy file to run on a default new SSP install is SSPTrainingSetup.groovy. It was used to create the pre-compiled files found in the quick install section above and has many command line options. The rest of the scripts are for other uses after the training data is setup and loaded into the db for loading only parts of the training data. Typically to add students, faculty or coaches. Comments and instructions are found in each of the individual files.

To load the SSP Training Data via groovy you need to have the ssp database setup and running. As above, with groovy available on the command line and a knowledge of what database type you have, you can run the command below to install the SSP Training data. If you have a mssql implementation then just add another argument of “mssql” without quotes to the end of the command.

groovy -cp jasypt-1.9.0.jar SSPTrainingSetup.groovy sspTrainingUsers.txt sspTrainingStudents.txt sspTrainingOtherRoles.txt

If you run that with the defaults supplied, you will get the same results as the compiled sql file in the database folders albeit with up to date MAP Plans and other date based info. To modify the names or amounts of users/coaches, students and others, there are 3 txt files that can be modified: sspTrainingUsers.txt, sspTrainingStudents.txt, and sspTrainingOtherRoles.txt. The passwords and usernames are pre-generated and are already listed in those files. You can make modifications to these files before you run the groovy script above and those changes will be reflected in the final product. The formatting (instructions are at the top of each file) must be preserved for successful parsing.

To verify your installation, the script should must finish with no errors and once you login, you can navigate to student search and execute a search for active students. The digit number of students at the bottom should total what is in your list of students text file, default is 75 inside SSP and 25 external only.

Extras - Output To File

The shell scripts can output all the compiled sql data to a file. If this is desired, add as the last argument "file" to any of the groovy scripts (without the quotes). This will be last even after mssql. Once this option is selected the output will only go to a file and not the db. The file will be created in it's respective database named directory of postgres or mssql in this folder. The name will include today's date. NOTE: If you wish to run this twice in single day, then you must delete the old one, otherwise the new data will append to the old file.


This setup uses 3 different script files for each action, the groovy script file, an intermediate shell/bat script, and then the sql files. There can be multiple failures in this system, however it is most likely there will only be an error in the intermediate area, which is by design.

Generally, if you do not move the files in sspTrainingSetup and they have adequate permissions for the current user and the user that owns the ssp database, you won't have any problems. If a problem does occur it is likely a permission issue as listed above or a bash/sed/batch version issue.

Finally, the dataScripts folder contains the sql with capitalized variables that are to be substituted with real values and then executed in the ssp database. These scripts are in plain text and can be customized and adapted with database changes. The current version these scripts were created against was SSP 2.7. So, for different versions a good workflow is to run the scripts and see what fails. If there are lots of errors, you can run each script manually by making the substitutions and then running it to find what changes are necessary. Generally, the sql error output will give a good indication of what went wrong.

If nothing is working there is a pg_dump sql file in the postgres folder and a simlar .bak file in the mssql folder that are backups from default ssp training databases on the latest rel-2-7-patches. They are both the same and a fixed snapshot in time including liquibase. So, both need a fully empty ssp database! (No tables should be in it) and you'll have to use a database management tool to load the data.

If those don't even work, then there are database setup issues or SSP installation issues that need to be addressed.