npm install -g gulp npm install -g bower npm install -g browserify
- The config-const.js file might be emptied [[mwaylabs/generator-m-ionic#227 ]]
- For now, I just used the browserify buffer module to resue the command-helper related codes from proserver. Lately we might need to restructure the code to use javascript typed array. To minimize the code size. Note the size of buffer.js is 42kb.
We added a gulp task in gulp/gettext.js.
- gulp gettext:pot
- translate your po files using Poedit
- gulp gettext:compile
- Release: gulp build --minify --force-build ionic build ios ionic emulate ios
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wechat --variable wechatappid=wx84a47da7962fda24 cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x-toast