Computes the Euler characteristic and homology of the multipath complex studied here.
Compile in unix using make
Run with ./path_poset n t edges
- n is number of edges
- t is umber of threads
- edges is the address if a txt file containing the edges of the graph (where each line contains two numbers a b, indicating an edge a->b).
For example:
./path_poset 6 8 test.edges
To compute the homology use:
./path_poset_homology 6 8 test.edges test.homology
Note that path_poset_homology requires the boost library.
Alternatively you can use path_poset_sage. Which creates a file that can be fed into SageMath.
For example:
./path_poset_sage 6 8 test.edges test.sage
creates a file test.sage, which when run with
./sage test.sage
returns the homology using sagemath
The function path_poset_homology is faster, but only returns Betti's, whilst path_poset_sage is slower, but returns the full homology.