Building firmware for the AcSiP S76G SiP
Required software:
Arduino IDE
Arduino-LMIC library (also in Arduino Library)
Install the Arduino IDE and STM32CubeProgrammer
Start the Arduino IDE
- Go to Tools > Board > Board Manager type STM32 in the filter your search... field
- Click Install to install the current version of the STM32 Cores Board
After the STM32 Cores Boards is installed exit and restart the Arduino IDE
- Go to Tools > Board > STM32 Boards > Nucleo-64
- Then select the microcontroller Tools > Board Part Number > Nucleo L073RZ
- Then configure the environment:
- Tools > U(S)ART Support > Enable (generic 'Serial')
- Tools > USB Support (if available) > None
- Tools > USB Speed (if available) > Low/Full Speed
- Tools > Optimize > Smallest (Os default) or Fast (O1)
- Tools > C Runtime Library > Newlib Nano (default)
- Tools > Upload Method > STM32CubeProgrammer (serial)
- Tools > Port >
Select the port associated with the RAK7200}
When you have finished configuring the environment it should look similar to this:
RAK Wireless for the WisNode Track Lite RAK7200
Linar Yusupov for the POST_S76G sketch, Arduino board configuration and S76G pin definitions which advanced the project tremendously.