ROS implementation of UWB-IMU-Odometer Fusion for Simultaneous Calibration and Localization. The demonstration of experimental results is as follows: demo
Ubuntu 18.04 ROS melodic
Running this program requires ROS support. If it is not installed, please install ROS first.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose
sudo easy_install -U statsmodels
sudo apt install libcholmod3.0.6 libcsparse3.1.4 libsuitesparse-dev python-cvxopt
sudo apt install ros-melodic-hector-trajectory-server
git clone
Clone the code and compile it as follows
mkdir ~/catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone --recursive
cd ../
source devel/setup.bash
Duration: 57.9s
We adopt a layout design consisting of four anchors and one tag to evaluate SCAL method in the laboratory.
Duration: 22:25s (1345s)
We adopt the layout design of six anchors and one tag to evaluate SCAL method in the parking lot.
Parking lot Topics:
UWB raw measurements
/nodeframe2_rostime : nlink_parser/LinktrackNodeframe2rostime
IMU raw measurements
/imu : sensor_msgs/Imu
Wheel odometry raw measurements
/odom : nav_msgs/Odometry
roslaunch nlink_parser linktrack.launch
rosrun nlink_example linktrack_example
roslauch localization localization_calibrate.launch
roslauch localization localization_bag_play.launch