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Rest Client for JasperReports Server Build Status Coverage Status With this library you can easily write Java applications which can interact with one or more JasperReports servers simultaneously in a very simple way. Library provides very friendly API for user, it minimizes possibility of building wrong requests.

Table of Contents


With this library you can easily write Java applications which can interact with one or more JasperReports servers simultaneously in a very simple way. Library provides very friendly API for user, it minimizes possibility of building wrong requests. To use library in your maven-based application you need just to specify dependency and repository which are given below or download jar file manually from{version}/jrs-rest-java-client-{version}.jar


To start working with the library you should firstly configure one ore more instances of JasperserverRestClient. To do this you should create instance of RestClientConfiguration. It can be done in two ways:

  • loading configuration from file;
  • creation of manual configuration in java code.

Loading configuration from file:

RestClientConfiguration configuration = RestClientConfiguration.loadConfiguration("");

Here is example of file:

// required content
// optional content

File must contain at least URL which is entry point to your server's REST services and it is needed to URL corresponds to this pattern {protocol}://{host}:{port}/{contextPath}. Please notice, configuration settings may be changed after loading manually in java code.

Creation of manual configuration

To configure JasperserverRestClient manually, use the constructor of RestClientConfiguration and properties:

RestClientConfiguration configuration = new RestClientConfiguration("http://localhost:8080/jasperserver");

HTTPS configuration

To use HTTPS you need:

  1. Configure your server to support HTTPS
  2. Download InstallCert util and follow InstallCert-Guide instructions.
  3. Set HTTPS as your protocol in server URL, e.g. https://localhost:8443/jasperserver
  4. Configure trusted certificates if needed
RestClientConfiguration configuration = new RestClientConfiguration("https://localhost:8443/jasperserver");
X509TrustManager x509TrustManager = ...
TrustManager[] trustManagers = new TrustManager[1];
trustManagers[0] = x509TrustManager;

X-HTTP-Method override

To avoid situation, when your proxies or web services do not support arbitrary HTTP methods or newer HTTP methods, you can use “restricted mode”. In this mode JaperserverRestClient sends requests through POST method and set the X-HTTP-Method-Override header with value of intended HTTP method. To use this mode you should set flag RestrictedHttpMethods:


Or in configuration file:


If you do not use the "restricted mode", POST or GET methods and server returns the response with 411 error code, JaperserverRestClient resend this request through POST method with the X-HTTP-Method-Override header automatically.

Switching authentication type

JasperserverRestClient supports two authentication types: SPRING and BASIC. SPRING type of authentication means that your credentials are sent as a form to /j_security_check directly/ uri. Using these types you obtain JSESSIONID cookie of authenticated session after sending credentials. In the BASIC mode JasperserverRestClient uses basic authentication (sends encrypted credentials with each request). Client uses SPRING authentication by default but you can specify authentication type in RestClientConfiguration instance:


Or set authentication type in configuration file:


Please notice, the basic authentication is not stateless and it is valid till method logout() is called or the application is restarted and you can not use this authentication type for Report Service, because all operations must be executed in the same session (for details, read section Report services).

Exception handling

You can choose strategy of errors that are specified by status code of server response:

  1. handling of errors directly. This mode is allowed by default.
  2. getting operation result in any case with null entity and handling error after calling getEntity() method:
OperationResult<InputStream> result = session
                .get(); // response status is 406, but exception won't be thrown
result.getEntity();     // the error will be handled and an exception will be thrown

To apply the second strategy set handleErrors property of RestCleintConfiguration to false:


or specify this property in configuration file:


You can customize exception handling for each endpoint. To do this you need to pass com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.core.exceptions.handling.ErrorHandler implementation to JerseyRequestBuilder.buildRequest() factory method.

JRS REST client exception handling system is based on com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.core.exceptions.handling.ErrorHandler interface. Its void handleError(Response response) method is responsible for all error handling logic. You can use existed handlers, define your own handlers or extend existed handlers.

  1. Existed handlers:
  • com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.core.exceptions.handling.DefaultExceptionHandler - this implementation is suitable for most of the JRS errors, but sometimes you can meet some not standart errors and here such implementations as, com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.apiadapters.reporting.RunReportErrorHandler, etc. take responsibility.
  1. You can create your own handler by implementing com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.core.exceptions.handling.ErrorHandler.
  2. You can extend com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.core.exceptions.handling.DefaultExceptionHandler or any other handler and override its methods void handleBodyError(Response response) and/or void handleStatusCodeError(Response response, String overridingMessage).


It is possible to log outgoing requests and incoming responses using logHttp property of RestCleintConfiguration:


Also, you are able to log entities using logHttpEntity option:


In configuration file:


Switching between JSON and XML

You can configure a client to make request either with JSON or XML content.

RestClientConfiguration configuration = new RestClientConfiguration("http://localhost:4444/jasperserver");

Or in


Client instantiation:

After configuration you need just to pass configuration instance to JasperserverRestClient constructor.

JasperserverRestClient client = new JasperserverRestClient(configuration);


This library automatically encrypts your password before send it if encryption is on, so to authenticate you need just specify login and password (not encrypted) in authenticate() method.

Session session = client.authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin");
//authentication with multitenancy enabled
Session session = client.authenticate("jasperadmin|organization_1", "jasperadmin");

If you need to set user time zone different from default system timezone (for example, for running reports) use the code below:

Session session = client.authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin", TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"));
// or
Session session = client.authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin", "America/Los_Angeles");

Also you can set user locale at authentication:

Session session = client.authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin", new Locale("de"), TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"));
// or
Session session = client.authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin", "de", America/Los_Angeles");

Anonymous session

For some Jasperserver services authentication is not required (for example, settings service, bundles service or server info service), so you can use anonymous session:

AnonymousSession session = client.getAnonymousSession();

Invalidating session

Not to store session on server you can invalidate it with logout() method.


Report services

This service allows to start report execution(export with certain options) and get report execution metadata (i.e. execution status, total pages count, errors occured during execution, attachments names etc.). Another major feature is possibility to run/export report asynchronously. For reporting service there is one feature that should be noted - when you are running a report all subsequent operations must be executed in the same session. Here's the code:

Running a report:

jaserserver REST API allows to run report execution in synchronous and asynchronous modes. The async mode is set in ReportExecutionRequest or as part of builer chain:

        OperationResult<ReportExecution> result = session
                .reportParameter("Cascading_state_multi_select", "CA")
                .reportParameter("Cascading_state_multi_select", "OR", "WA")
                .reportParameter("Country_multi_select", "USA")

        ReportExecution entity = result.getEntity();
	// OR set parameters as ReportEecutionrequest
	 final ReportParameter reportParameter1 = new ReportParameter().setName(name).setValues(asList(value1, Value2));

        final ReportExecutionRequest reportExecutionRequest = new ReportExecutionRequest()
        OperationResult<ReportExecution> result = session

        ReportExecution entity = result.getEntity();

Please notice, if you pass zero as number of page, you will get all pages of report.

In order to run a report, you need firstly build ReportExecutionRequest instance and specify all the parameters needed to launch a report. The response from the server is the ReportExecution, the edscriptor of execution, contains the request ID needed to track the execution until completion and others report parameters.

Requesting report execution status:

After you've got ReportExecutionDescriptor you can request for the report execution status:

        final OperationResult<ReportExecutionStatusObject> operationResult = session
        final ReportExecutionStatusObject entity = operationResult.getEntity();

To get report execution status with error descriptor from server just specify .withErrorDescriptor(Boolean.TRUE) setting:

        final OperationResult<ReportExecutionStatusEntity> statusOperationResult = session

Requesting report execution details:

Once the report is ready, your client must determine the names of the files to download by requesting the reportExecution descriptor again.

        final OperationResult<ReportExecution> operationResult = session
	ReportExecution details = operationResult.getEntity();

Requesting Report Output

After requesting a report execution and waiting synchronously or asynchronously for it to finish, you are ready to download the report output. Every export format of the report has an ID that is used to retrieve it. For example, the HTML export has the ID html. To download the main report output, specify this export ID in the export method. For example, to download the main HTML of the report execution response above, use the following code:

        OperationResult<ReportExecution> runOperationResult = session

        final ReportExecution entity = runOperationResult.getEntity();
        String executionId = entity.getRequestId();
        final ExportExecution export = entity.getExports().iterator().next();
        final String exportId = export.getId();
	OperationResult<InputStream> outputResourceOperationResult = session

As a response you'll get an InputStream instance. If the output resourse is one of test formats(txt, html, csv etc), resource output is sent as String, so to get output, use

	OperationResult<String> outputResourceOperationResult = session
	String output = outputResourceOperationResult.getEntity();

There is a shorter way to get report output, but you sould take into account that it works onlly in asynchronous way, allows set limited set od settings and retuns report parametest in deprecated format:

OperationResult<InputStream> result = session
                .prepareForRun(ReportOutputFormat.PDF, 1)
                .forTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"))//if the time zone is defferent from session time zone
InputStream report = result.getEntity();

Download file attachments for report output:

To download file attachments for HTML output, use the following code. You must download all attachments to display the HMTL content properly.

      OperationResult<ReportExecution> runOperationResult = session

        final ReportExecution entity = runOperationResult.getEntity();
        String executionId = entity.getRequestId();
        final ExportExecution export = entity.getExports().iterator().next();
        final OutputResourceDescriptor attachment = export.getAttachments().entrySet().iterator().next().getValue();

        final String exportId = export.getId();

        final OperationResult<InputStream> outputResourceOperationResult = session

Updating report execution parameters

Use the next code to change report execution parameters (e.g. input controls values) without change of report execution ID and to keep exports set. Report is executed again on this request but with updated parameters.


Running new export

After running a report and downloading its content in a given format, you can request the same report in other formats (or with other options) without restaring export execution. As with exporting report formats through the user interface, the report does not run again because the export process is independent of the report.

         ExportExecutionOptions executionOptions = new ExportExecutionOptions();
        final OperationResult<ExportExecution> expoirtExecutionOpertaionResult = session

Polling Export Execution

As with the execution of the main report, you can also poll the execution of the export process. For example, to get the status export use the following code:

        final OperationResult<ReportExecutionStatusEntity> statusOperationResult = session

ReportExecutionStatusEntity statusEntity = operationResult.getEntity();

Finding Running Reports and Jobs

You can search for reports that are running on the server, including report jobs triggered by the scheduler. To search for running reports, use the search arguments from ReportSearchParameter enumeration.

        final OperationResult<ReportExecutionsSetWrapper> operationResult = session
                .queryParameter(ReportSearchParameter.REPORT_URI, reportUnitUri)
        final ReportExecutionsSetWrapper entity = operationResult.getEntity();

Stopping Running Reports

To stop a report that is running and cancel its output, use the code below:

        final OperationResult<ReportExecutionStatusEntity> operationResult = session

To delete report execution:

        final OperationResult deleteOperationresult = session

Report options service

Report options are sets of input control values that are saved in the repository. A report option is always associated with a report.

Listing report options

            OperationResult<ReportOptionsSummaryList> result = session

            final ReportOptionsSummaryList entity = result.getEntity();

The body of the response contains the description of the report options(URI, Id and label).

Creating report options

The following code example creates a new report option for a given report. A report option is defined by a set of values for all of the report’s input controls.

            final MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> map = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
            map.addAll("Country_multi_select", "Mexico");
            map.addAll("Cascading_state_multi_select", "Guerrero", "Sinaloa");
            map.addAll("Cascading_name_single_select", "Crow-Sims Construction Associates");

            OperationResult<ReportOptionsSummary> result = session

            final ReportOptionsSummary entity = result.getEntity();


            final List<ReportParameter> reportParameters = new LinkedList<ReportParameter>();
           reportParameters.add(new ReportParameter().setName("Country_multi_select").setValues(asList("Mexico")));
           reportParameters.add(new ReportParameter().setName("Cascading_state_multi_select").setValues(asList("Guerrero", "Sinaloa")));
           reportParameters.add(new ReportParameter().setName("Cascading_name_single_select").setValues(asList("Crow-Sims Construction Associates")));

           OperationResult<ReportOptionsSummary> result = session

           final ReportOptionsSummary entity = result.getEntity()

The server responds with a JSON object that describes the new report options

Updating report options

Use the following example to modify the values in a given report option

            final MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> map = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
            map.addAll("Country_multi_select", "USA");

            OperationResult<ReportOptionsSummary> result = session


            final List<ReportParameter> reportParameters = new LinkedList<ReportParameter>();
            reportParameters.add(new ReportParameter().setName("Country_multi_select").setValues(asList("USA")));

            OperationResult<ReportOptionsSummary> result = session

            final ReportOptionsSummary entity = result.getEntity();

Deleting report options

To delete a given report option you can use followingcode:

            OperationResult result = session

Input controls service:

The reports service includes methods for reading and setting input controls of any input controls container, i.e. reportUnit, reportOptions, dashboard, adhocDataView. JRS Rest client allows to work with report input controls as part of ReportService or as independent InputControlService.

Listing Report Parameters Structure

The following code returns a description of the structure of the input controls for a given container.

        OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> operationResult = session
		// or
 OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> operationResult = session
 ReportInputControlsListWrapper result = operationResult.getEntity();

The response contains the structure of the input controls for the container. It contains the information needed by your application to display the report parameters to your users and allow them to make a selection. In particular, this includes any cascading structure as a set of dependencies between container parameters. Each input control also has a type that indicates how the user should be allowed to make a choice: bool, singleSelect, singleSelectRadio, multiSelectCheckbox, multiSelect, singleValue, singleValueText, singleValueNumber, singleValueDate, singleValueDatetime, singleValueTime. The structure includes a set of validation rules for each report parameter. These rules indicate what type of validation your client should perform on input control values it receives from your users, and if the validation fails, the message to display. Depending on the type of the report parameter, the following validations are possible:

  • mandatoryValidationRule – This input is required and your client should ensure the user enters a value.
  • dateTimeFormatValidation – This input must have a data time format and your client should ensure the user enters a valid date and time. To skip input controls state generation use excludeState(true) setting:
        OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> operationResult = session
		// or
OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> operationResult = session
ReportInputControlsListWrapper result = operationResult.getEntity();

Reordering input controls structure

You can change structure of input controls according to client demands using the next code:

        OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> reorderedOperationResult = session
OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> reorderedOperationResult = session

It is impossible to change input controls except change of theirs order. Sent to server structure MUST be the same as it received from there, except order. You cannot modify some values, add or remove control, etc.

Listing input controls values

The following code returns a description of the possible values of all report parameters for the report. Among these choices, it shows which ones are selected.

        OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
 InputControlStateListWrapper result = operationResult.getEntity();

The response contains the structure of the report parameters for the report. If a selection-type report parameter has a null value, it is given as NULL. If no selection is made, its value is given as NOTHING. Use setting useCachedData(false) to avoid getting cashed data:

 OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
InputControlStateListWrapper result = operationResult.getEntity();

Setting input controls values

The following code updates the state of specified input controls values, so they are set for the next run of the report.

        OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
                .forInputConrol(id, value1, value2)
                .forInputConrol(id1, value3)
	MultivaluedHashMap inputControls = new NullableMultivaluedHashMap();
        inputControls.addAll("Country_multi_select", "Mexico");
        inputControls.addAll("Cascading_state_multi_select", "Guerrero", "Sinaloa");

        OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
		// or
OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
                .forInputControl(id, value)
                .forInputControl(id, value1, value2)
InputControlStateListWrapper result = operationResult.getEntity();

In response you get updated values for specified input controls. If you want to get updated values with full structure of input controls, you should use includeFullStructure(true) setting:

        OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
                .forInputConrol(id, value1, value2)
                .forInputConrol(id1, value3)
		// or
OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> operationResult = session
                .forInputControl(id, value)
                .forInputControl(id, value1, value2)
InputControlStateListWrapper result = operationResult.getEntity();

To uptate values of input controls with their structure in the same request:

        MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> inputControls = new NullableMultivaluedHashMap();
        inputControls.addAll("Cascading_state_multi_select", "OR", "CA", "WA");
        inputControls.addAll("Country_multi_select", "USA", "Canada");

        final OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> operationResult = session
		// or
        final OperationResult<ReportInputControlsListWrapper> operationResult = session

Administration services:

Only administrative users may access the REST services for administration.

Organizations service

It provides methods that allow you to list, view, create, modify, and delete organizations (also known as tenants). Because the organization ID is used in the URL, this service can operate only on organizations whose ID is less than 100 characters long and does not contain spaces or special symbols. As with resource IDs, the organization ID is permanent and cannot be modified for the life of the organization.

Searching for Organizations

The service searches for organizations by ID, alias, or display name. If no search is specified, it returns a list of all organizations. Searches and listings start from but do not include the logged-in user’s organization or the specified base.

OperationResult<OrganizationsListWrapper> result = session
        .parameter(OrganizationParameter.INCLUDE_PARENTS, "true")

Viewing an Organization

The organization() method with an organization ID retrieves a single descriptor containing the list of properties for the organization. When you specify an organization, use its unique ID, not its path.

OperationResult<ClientTenant> result = session

Also you may specify organization as object:

ClientTenant organization = new ClientTenant();

OperationResult<ClientTenant> result = session

Creating an Organization

To create an organization, put all information in an organization descriptor, and include it in a request to the rest_v2/organizations service, with no ID specified. The organization is created in the organization specified by the parentId value of the descriptor.

OperationResult<Organization> result = session

The another way to create organization is to use createOrUpdate() method:

OperationResult<Organization> result = session

Be carefully using this method because you can damage existing organization if the organizationId of new organization is already used. The descriptor is sent in the request should contain all the properties you want to set on the new organization. Specify the parentId value to set the parent of the organization, not the tenantUri or tenantFolderUri properties. However, all properties have defaults or can be determined based on the alias value. The minimal descriptor necessary to create an organization is simply the alias property. In this case, the organization is created as child of the logged-in user’s home organization.

Modifying Organization Properties

To modify the properties of an organization, use the update method and specify the organization ID in the URL. The request must include an organization descriptor with the values you want to change. You cannot change the ID of an organization, only its name (used for display) and its alias (used for logging in).

Organization organization = new Organization();

OperationResult<ClientTenant> result = session

Deleting an Organization

To delete an organization, use the delete() method and specify the organization ID in the organization() method. When deleting an organization, all of its resources in the repository, all of its sub-organizations, all of its users, and all of its roles are permanently deleted.

OperationResult<ClientTenant> result = session

Users service

It provides methods that allow you to list, view, create, modify, and delete user accounts, including setting role membership. Because the user ID is used in the URL, this service can operate only on users whose ID is less than 100 characters long and does not contain spaces or special symbols. As with resource IDs, the user ID is permanent and cannot be modified for the life of the user account.

Searching for Users

You can search for users by name or by role. If no search is specified, service returns all users.

OperationResult<UsersListWrapper> operationResult =
                .param(UsersParameter.REQUIRED_ROLE, "ROLE_USER")

UsersListWrapper usersListWrapper = operationResult.getEntity();

Viewing a User

Method username() with a user ID (username) retrieves a single descriptor containing the full list of user properties and roles.

OperationResult<ClientUser> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

ClientUser user = operationResult.getEntity();

Also you may specify user as object:

ClientUser userObject = new ClientUser()
                .setFullName("John Doe");
OperationResult<ClientUser> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

ClientUser user = operationResult.getEntity();

The full user descriptor includes detailed information about the user account, including any roles.

Creating a User

To create a user account, put all required information in a user descriptor ClientUser, and include it in a request to the users service (createOrUpdate() method), with the intended user ID (username) specified in the username() method. To create a user, the user ID in the username() method must be unique on the server. If the user ID already exists, that user account will be modified. The descriptor sent in the request should contain all the properties you want to set on the new user, except for the username that is specified in the username() method. To set roles on the user, specify them as a list of roles.

//Creating a user
ClientUser user = new ClientUser()
        .setFullName("John Doe");

    .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

//Granting new user with admin role
ClientRole role = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Set<ClientRole> roles = new HashSet<ClientRole>();

    .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Modifying User Properties

To modify the properties of a user account, put all desired information in a user descriptor (ClientUser), and include it in a request to the users service (createOrUpdate() method), with the existing user ID (username) specified in the username() method. To modify a user, the user ID must already exist on the server. If the user ID doesn’t exist, a user account will be created. To add a role to the user, specify the entire list of roles with the desired role added. To remove a role from a user, specify the entire list of roles without the desired role removed.

ClientUser user = new ClientUser()
        .setFullName("Bob");                    //field to be updated

    .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Deleting a User

To delete a user, call the delete() method and specify the user ID in the username() method.

    .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Attributes service

Attributes, also called profile attributes, are name-value pairs associated with a user, organization or server. Certain advanced features such as Domain security and OLAP access grants use profile attributes in addition to roles to grant certain permissions. Unlike roles, attributes are not pre-defined, and thus any attribute name can be assigned any value at any time. Attributes service provides methods for reading, writing, and deleting attributes on any given holder (server, organization or user account). All attribute operations apply to a single specific holder; there are no operations for reading or searching attributes from multiple holders. As the holder's id is used in the URL, this service can operate only on holders whose ID is less than 100 characters long and does not contain spaces or special symbols. In addition, both attribute names and attribute values being written with this service are limited to 255 characters and may not be empty (null) or not contain only whitespace characters.

Viewing User Attributes

The code below allow you to retrieve single attribute defined for the user:

   HypermediaAttribute userAttribute = session

You may work work with user as object:

    CleintUser userObject = new ClientUser();
    HypermediaAttribute userAttribute = session

If user belong to organization you may specify it by name or as object:

 HypermediaAttribute userAttribute = session

  ClientTenant orgObject = new CleintTenant();
 HypermediaAttribute userAttribute = session

The code below retrieves the list of attributes defined for the user.

   HypermediaAttribute userAttribute = session
                   .attribute("attributeName", "attributeName1", "attributeName2")

If user belong to organization you may specify organization:

 HypermediaAttribute userAttribute = session

You can get the list of all attributes that includes the name and value of each attribute:

List<HypermediaAttribute> attributes = session

Each attribute may only have one value, however that value may contain a comma-separated list that is interpreted by the server as being multi-valued.

Setting User Attributes

The createOrUpdate() method of the attributes service adds or replaces attributes on the specified user. The list of attributes defines the name and value of each attribute. Each attribute may only have one value, however, that value may contain a comma separated list that is interpreted by the server as being multi-valued. There are two syntaxes, the following one is for adding or replacing all attributes

HypermediaAttributesListWrapper serverAttributes = new HypermediaAttributesListWrapper();
serverAttributes.setProfileAttributes(asList(new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientUserAttribute().setName("test_attribute_1").setValue("test_value_1")),
                                             new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientUserAttribute().setName("test_attribute_2").setValue("test_value_2"))));

Be careful with definition of attribute names because the server uses different strategies for creating or updating attributes depending on list of attribute names, list of attributes and existing attributes on the server:

  1. if requested attributes' names in attributes() method matches with attribute name of object defined in createOrUpdate() method and the attribute does not exist on the server it will be created on the server;
  2. if requested attributes' names in attributes() method matches with attribute name of object defined in createOrUpdate() method and the attribute exists on the server it will be updated on the server;
  3. if requested attributes' names in attributes() method does not match with any attribute names of object defined in createOrUpdate() method and the attribute exists on the server it will be deleted on the server;
  4. if requested attribute in createOrUpdate() method method does not match with any attribute names in attributes() it will be ignored and will not be sent to the server;
  5. if requested list of attributes' names in attributes() method is empty or you use allAttributes() method and pass attributes in createOrUpdate() method - the existing attributes on the server it will be complitely replaced with passed ones:

The second way of using the attributes service is adding or replacing individual attribute:

        HypermediaAttribute attribute = new HypermediaAttribute();


Deleting User Attributes

The delete() method of the attributes service removes attributes from the specified user. When attributes are removed, both the name and the value of the attribute are removed, not only the value. There are two syntaxes, the following one is for deleting multiple attributes or all attributes at once.


// or

The second syntax deletes a single attribute for the specified user:


Viewing Organization Attributes

The code below retrieves the list of attributes, if any, defined for the organization.

List<HypermediaAttribute> attributes = session

You can retrieve any specified attributes. In this case all you need is to define required attributes. See code snippet below:

List <HypermediaAttribute> attributes = session
        .attributes("number_of_employees", "number_of_units", "country_code")

Or to get a single organization attribute.

HypermediaAttribute attributes = session

Setting Organization Attributes

Service allows you to create new organization attributes. See code below:

HypermediaAttributesListWrapper attributes = new HypermediaAttributesListWrapper();
        new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientUserAttribute().setName("test_attribute_1").setValue("test_value_1")),
        new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientUserAttribute().setName("test_attribute_2").setValue("test_value_2"))));
OperationResult<HypermediaAttributesListWrapper> attributes = session
                .attributes(asList("test_attribute_1", "test_attribute_2")

If you want to replace all existing attributes with new ones:

OperationResult<HypermediaAttributesListWrapper> attributes = session

Be careful with definition of attribute names because the server uses different strategies for creating or updating attributes depending on list of attribute names, list of attributes and existing attributes on the server (see section [Setting User Attributes] ( Or to create a single organization attribute code below:

HypermediaAttribute attribute = new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientTenantAttribute().setName("industry").setValue("IT"));
OperationResult<HypermediaAttribute> retrieved = session

Attribute name should not exist on the server and match with name field of attribute object, otherwise the attribute will be deleted.

Deleting Organization Attributes

You can also delete a single organization attribute.

OperationResult<HypermediaAttribute> operationResult = session

Or to delete list of attributes:

OperationResult<HypermediaAttributesListWrapper> operationResult = session
                .attributes("number_of_employees", "country_code")

Viewing Server Attributes

We have also provided service to get server attributes. Code below return available server attributes.

List<HypermediaAttribute> attributes = session

Or you can specify any concrete attribute.

HypermediaAttribute entity = session

Setting Server Attributes

It is possible to create new server attributes.

HypermediaAttributesListWrapper serverAttributes = new HypermediaAttributesListWrapper();
                new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientUserAttribute().setName("max_threads").setValue("512")),
                new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientUserAttribute().setName("admin_cell_phone").setValue("03"))));

OperationResult<HypermediaAttributesListWrapper> attributes = session
                .attributes("max_threads", "admin_cell_phone")

If you want to replace all existing attributes with new ones:

OperationResult<HypermediaAttributesListWrapper> attributes = session

Be careful with definition of attribute names because the server uses different strategies for creating or updating attributes depending on list of attribute names, list of attributes and existing attributes on the server (see section [Setting User Attributes] ( To create a single server attribute:

HypermediaAttribute attribute = new HypermediaAttribute(new ClientUserAttribute().setName("latency").setValue("5700"));


Attribute name should not exist on the server and match with name field of attribute object, otherwise the attribute will be deleted.

Deleting Server Attributes

You can also delete all server attribute.


You can also delete a single server attribute.


Or any specified attributes.

                .attributes("max_threads", "admin_cell_phone")

Getting attributes permissions

Since 6.1 version of JaspersoftReportServer you can obtain attributes with permissions using additional parameter setIncludePermissions():

 HypermediaAttribute entity = session

Pay attention, the setting setIncludePermission() specify only the server response format, you can not set any permissions with this setting.

Seasching Attributes

To get full list of attributes with specified parameters use the next code:

            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.HOLDER, "/")
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.GROUP, AttributesGroupParameter.AWS)
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.OFFSET, 20)
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.INCLUDE_INHERITED, Boolean.TRUE)
    HypermediaAttributesListWrapper attributes = operationResult.getEntity();

Supported parameters are: holder - represent the target holder, attributes should be fetched from; group - attribute group; custom - custom attributes(doesn't affect on server); log4j - logger specific attributes; mondrian - server attributes that make affect on Mondrian engine; aws - aws specific server attributes; jdbc - jdbc drivers specific attributes; adhoc - adhoc specific attributes; ji - profiling attributes; customServerSettings - updated server settings(changed log4j, mondrian, aws, jdbc, adhoc, ji server setting). recursive - flag indicates if attributes will be fetched also from lower level; includeInherited - flag indicates if search should include also higher level attributes, relatively to target holder; offset - pagination, start index for requested pate; limit - pagination, resources count per page.

You can also specified names of attributes:

            .attributes("attrName1", "attrName2")
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.HOLDER, "/")
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.GROUP, AttributesGroupParameter.CUSTOM)
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.OFFSET, 20)
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.INCLUDE_INHERITED, Boolean.TRUE)
    HypermediaAttributesListWrapper attributes = operationResult.getEntity();

Notice, for root 'HOLDERis/, for organization - organizationId`, for user in organization - 'organizationId/userName'. To specify the holder you can use the existing API:

            .attributes("attrName1", "attrName2")
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.GROUP, AttributesGroupParameter.CUSTOM)
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.OFFSET, 20)
            .parameter(AttributesSearchParameter.INCLUDE_INHERITED, Boolean.TRUE)
    HypermediaAttributesListWrapper attributes = operationResult.getEntity();

Getting attributes permissions

Since 6.1 version of JaspersoftReportServer you can obtain attributes with permissions using additional parameter setIncludePermissions():

 HypermediaAttribute entity = session

Pay attention, the setting setIncludePermission() specify only the server response format, you can not set any permissions with this setting.

The Roles Service

It provides similar methods that allow you to list, view, create, modify, and delete roles. The new service provides improved search functionality, including user-based role searches. Because the role ID is used in the URL, this service can operate only on roles whose ID is less than 100 characters long and does not contain spaces or special symbols. Unlike resource IDs, the role ID is the role name and can be modified.

Searching for Roles

The allRoles() method searches for and lists role definitions. It has options to search for roles by name or by user (param() method) that belong to the role. If no search is specified, it returns all roles.

OperationResult<RolesListWrapper> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
                .param(RolesParameter.USER, "jasperadmin")

RolesListWrapper rolesListWrapper = operationResult.getEntity();

Viewing a Role

The rolename() method with a role ID retrieves a single role descriptor containing the role properties.

OperationResult<ClientRole> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

ClientRole role = operationResult.getEntity();

Creating a Role

To create a role, send the request via createOrUpdate() method to the roles service with the intended role ID (name) specified in the URL. Roles do not have any properties to specify other than the role ID, but the request must include a descriptor that can be empty.

ClientRole role = new ClientRole()

OperationResult<ClientRole> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Response response = operationResult.getResponse();

Modifying a Role

To change the name of a role, send a request via createOrUpdate() to the roles service and specify the new name in the role descriptor. The only property of a role that you can modify is the role’s name. After the update, all members of the role are members of the new role name, and all permissions associated with the old role name are updated to the new role name.

ClientRole roleHello = new ClientRole()

OperationResult<ClientRole> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Response response = operationResult.getResponse();

Setting Role Membership

To assign role membership to a user, set the roles property on the user account with the PUT method of the rest_ v2/users service. For details, see section creating a user.

Deleting a Role

To delete a role, send the DELETE method and specify the role ID (name) in the URL. When this method is successful, the role is permanently deleted.

OperationResult<ClientRole> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
Response response = operationResult.getResponse();

Settings Service

It provides method that allow you to get server specific settings, required by UI to work with the server in sync. There can be formats and patterns, modes for some modules etc.

Getting server specific settings

To get settings, use the getEntity() method and specify the group of settings in the group() method and class of entity as shown below. The method getEntity() returns instance of specified class:

final Map settings = session
                        .group(group, Map.class)

Please notice, you can get settings of user’s time zones in this way as List only:

final List settings = session
        .group("userTimeZones", List.class)

Supported groups of settings are:

  1. “request”. Settings related to current AJAX request configuration. Returned settings are: maxInactiveInterval, contextPath;

  2. “dataSourcePatterns”. Validation patterns for data source UI. Returned settings are: dbHost, dbPort, dbPort, dbName, sName, driverType, schemaName, informixServerName, dynamicUrlPartPattern;

  3. “userTimeZones”. Time zones of current user. Returned settings are pairs of code and description of time zone;

  4. “globalConfiguration”. AWS specific settings. Returned settings are : paginatorItemsPerPage, paginatorPagesRange, reportLevelConfigurable, paginationForSinglePageReport, calendarInputJsp, userItemsPerPage, roleItemsPerPage, tenantItemsPerPage, userNameNotSupportedSymbols, roleNameNotSupportedSymbols, userNameSeparator, defaultRole, passwordMask, viewReportsFilterList, outputFolderFilterList, outputFolderFilterPatterns, tenantNameNotSupportedSymbols, tenantIdNotSupportedSymbols, resourceIdNotSupportedSymbols, publicFolderUri, themeDefaultName, themeFolderName, themeServletPrefix, dateFormat, currentYearDateFormat, timestampFormat, timeFormat, entitiesPerPage, tempFolderUri, organizationsFolderUri, jdbcDriversFolderUri, emailRegExpPattern, enableSaveToHostFS, allFileResourceTypes, dataSourceTypes;

  5. “awsSettings”. AWS specific settings. Returned settings are: productTypeIsEc2, isEc2Instance, productTypeIsJrsAmi, awsRegions, productTypeIsMpAmi, suppressEc2CredentialsWarnings;

  6. “decimalFormatSymbols”. Response is locale dependent;

  7. “dateTimeSettings”. All settings related to client date-time formatting. Response is locale dependent;

  8. “dashboardSettings”. Settings depend on configuration of Jaspersoft server;

  9. “inputControls”. Different settings for input controls. Configuration of settings depend on configuration of Jaspersoft server;

  10. “metadata”. Configuration of settings depends on configuration of Jaspersoft server;

  11. “adhocview”. Different configuration dictionary values and lists for ad hoc. Configuration of settings depends on configuration of Jaspersoft server.

There is another way to get settings using specified methods for groups of settings that return specific object of settings:

Final RequestSettings settings = session

Pleace notice, you should use List interface to get user’s time zones setting in this way:

final List<UserTimeZone> settings = session

Or you can get List of specified DTO for user’s time zones using GenericType class:

final List<UserTimeZone> settings = session
        .group("userTimeZones", new GenericType<List<UserTimeZone>>() {})

Supported specified methods are:

OperationResult<RequestSettings> ofRequestGroup();
OperationResult<DataSourcePatternsSettings> ofDataSourcePatternsGroup();
OperationResult<List<UserTimeZone>> ofUserTimeZonesGroup();
OperationResult<AwsSettings> ofAwsGroup();
OperationResult<DecimalFormatSymbolsSettings> ofDecimalFormatSymbolsGroup();
OperationResult<DashboardSettings> ofDashboardGroup();
OperationResult<GlobalConfigurationSettings> ofGlobalConfigurationGroup();
OperationResult<DateTimeSettings> ofDateTimeGroup();
OperationResult<InputControlsSettings> ofInputControlsGroup();

Repository Services

Resources Service

This service provides greater performance and more consistent handling of resource descriptors for all repository resource types. The service has two formats, one takes search parameters to find resources, the other takes a repository URI to access resource descriptors and file contents.

Searching the Repository

The resources service, when resources() method used without specifying any repository URI, is used to search the repository. The various parameters let you refine the search and specify how you receive search results.

OperationResult<ClientResourceListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
ClientResourceListWrapper resourceListWrapper = result.getEntity();
OperationResult<ClientResourceListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
        .parameter(ResourceSearchParameter.FOLDER_URI, "/reports/samples")
        .parameter(ResourceSearchParameter.LIMIT, "5")
ClientResourceListWrapper resourceListWrapper = result.getEntity();

The response of a search is a set of shortened descriptors showing only the common attributes of each resource. One additional attribute specifies the type of the resource. This allows you to quickly receive a list of resources for display or further processing.

Viewing Resource Details

Use the resource(uri) method and a resource URI with details() method to request the file resource's complete descriptor.

OperationResult<ClientResource> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

To get details of resource with particular type, use detailsForType(resourceClass) method:

OperationResult<ClientResource> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Downloading File Resources

There are two operations on file resources:

  • Viewing the file resource details to determine the file format
  • Downloading the binary file contents

To view the file resource details, specify the URL of the file in resource() method and use the code form Viewing Resource Details section. To download file binary content, specify the URL of the file in resource() method and use the code below

OperationResult<InputStream> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

InputStream inputStream = result.getEntity();

To get file MIME type yo can get Content-Type header from the Response instance.

Creating a Resource

The create() and createOrUpdate() methods offer two alternative ways to create resources. Both take a resource descriptor but each handles the URL differently and use different HTTP methods. With the create() method, specify a folder in the URL, and the new resource ID is created automatically from the label attribute in its descriptor in body of POST request. With the createOrUpdate() method, specify a unique new resource ID as part of the URL in resource() method and uses PUR method.

        ClientFolder new Folder = new ClientFolder();
                .setDescription("Test folder");

        final OperationResult<ClientResource> operationResult = session
        ClientFolder folder = new ClientFolder();
                .setDescription("Test folder")

        OperationResult<ClientResource> operationResult = session

Creating File resource

The REST client allows to create file resource in few ways:

  • as direct streaming
	ClientFile fileResourceDescriptor = new ClientFile()
                               .setDescription("test description")
        OperationResult<ClientFile> result = session
               .fileResource(new FileInputStream(pathToFile), fileResourceDescriptor)
  • as Base64 encoded content:
        final ClientFile resourceDescriptor = new ClientFile().setLabel("testImage1.jpg")
               .setDescription("test description")
       OperationResult<ClientFile> result = session
               .fileResource(new FileInputStream(pathToFile), resourceDescriptor)
  • as multipart form :
        final ClientFile resourceDescriptor = new ClientFile()
              .setDescription("test description")
      OperationResult<ClientFile> result = session
              .fileResource(new FileInputStream(pathToFile),

Modifying a Resource

Use the createOrUpdate() method above to overwrite an entire resource. Specify the path of the target resource in the resource() method and specify resource of the same type. Use parameter(ResourceServiceParameter.OVERWRITE, "true") to replace a resource of a different type. The resource descriptor must completely describe the updated resource, not use individual fields. The descriptor must also use only references for nested resources, not other resources expanded inline. You can update the local resources using the hidden folder _file.

        OperationResult<ClientResource> result = session
                .createOrUpdate(testResource.setLabel("New test label").setDescription("new test description"));

The patchResource() method updates individual descriptor fields on the target resource. It also accept expressions that modify the descriptor in the Spring Expression Language. This expression language lets you easily modify the structure and values of descriptors.

PatchDescriptor patchDescriptor = new PatchDescriptor();
patchDescriptor.field("label", "Patch Label");

OperationResult<ClientFolder> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
        .patchResource(ClientFolder.class, patchDescriptor);

Note that you must explicitly set the type of resource to update because of server issue.

Copying a Resource

To copy a resource, specify in toFolder() method its URI and in resource() method URI of destination location.

        OperationResult<ClientResource> clientResource = session.resourcesService()

Moving a Resource

To move a resource, specify in moveFrom() method its URI and in resource() method URI of destination location.

        OperationResult<ClientResource> clientResource = session.resourcesService()

Uploading complex resources

RestClient also provides API that allows to create complex resources and their nested resources in a single multipart request. Supported resources are: - SemanticLayerDataSource; - Domain; - ReportUnit; - MondrianConnection; - SecureMondrianConnection.

Uploading SemanticLayerDataSource

SemanticLayerDataSource nested resources (schema, bundles and security file) might be specified as,, content as java.lang.String or resource descriptor (with resource's URI or BASE64 encoded content).

        OperationResult<ClientSemanticLayerDataSource> testResource =
                        .withDataSource(new ClientReference().setUri(datasourceUri))
                        .withSchema(schemaInputStream, schemaFilelabel, schemaFileDescription)
			//OR .withSchema(schemaStringXmlContent, label, description)
			//OR .withSchema(schemaUri)
			.withSecurityFile(securityFileInputStream, label, description)
			//OR .withSecurityFile(securityFile, label, description)
			//OR .withSecurityFile(securityFileXmlStringCntent, label, description)
			//OR .withSecurityFile(securityFileDecriptor)
			.withBundle(bundleInputStream, label, description)
			//OR .withBundle(bundleFile, label, description, locale)
			//OR .withBundle(bundleSringContent, label, description, locale)
			//OR .withBundle(bundleDescriptor)
			//OR .withBundles(bundlesDescriptorsList)

The other way to create SemanticLayerDataSource is to decribe it in resourceDescriptor. In this case nested resources (schema, bundles and security file) can be specified as resource descriptors (with resource's URI or BASE64 encoded content).

        ClientSemanticLayerDataSource resourceDescriptor = new ClientSemanticLayerDataSource()
                .setSchema(new ClientFile()
                .setDataSource(new ClientReference().setUri(domain.getDataSource().getUri()))
        OperationResult<ClientSemanticLayerDataSource> testResource =


 ClientSemanticLayerDataSource resourceDescriptor = new ClientSemanticLayerDataSource()
                .setDataSource(new ClientReference().setUri(domain.getDataSource().getUri()))
        OperationResult<ClientSemanticLayerDataSource> testResource =
                        .withSchema(schemaInputStream, schemaFilelabel, schemaFileDescription)
			//OR .withSchema(schemaStringXmlContent, label, description)
			//OR .withSchema(schemaUri)
			.withSecurityFile(securityFileInputStream, label, description)
			//OR .withSecurityFile(securityFile, label, description)
			//OR .withSecurityFile(securityFileXmlStringCntent, label, description)
			//OR .withSecurityFile(securityFileDecriptor)
			.withBundle(bundleInputStream, label, description)
			//OR .withBundle(bundleFile, label, description, locale)
			//OR .withBundle(bundleSringContent, label, description, locale)
			//OR .withBundle(bundleDescriptor)
			//OR .withBundles(bundlesDescriptorsList)

Uploading MondrianConnection

REST Client allows you to create MondrianConnection resource with mondrian schema XML file specified as, or as java.lang.String.

	ClientMondrianConnection connection = session
            	.withMondrianSchema(schemaInputStream, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaFile, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaXmlStringContent, label, description)


ClientMondrianConnection resourceDescriptor = new ClientMondrianConnection()
	ClientMondrianConnection connection = session
            	.withMondrianSchema(schemaInputStream, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaFile, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaXmlStringContent, label, description)

or create MondrianConnection using resource descriptor:

	ClientMondrianConnection connection = session

Uploading SecureMondrianConnection

REST Client allows you to create MondrianConnection resource with mondrian schema XML and AccessGrantSchemas specified as, or as java.lang.String.

	ClientMondrianConnection connection = session
            	. withMondrianSchema(schemainputStream, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaFile, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaXmlStringContent, label, description) 


	ClientMondrianConnection resourceDescriptor = new ClientMondrianConnection()
	ClientMondrianConnection connection = session
            	. withMondrianSchema(schemainputStream, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaFile, label, description)
	    	//OR .withMondrianSchema(schemaXmlStringContent, label, description) 

or create MondrianConnection using resource descriptor:

	ClientMondrianConnection connection = session

Uploading ReportUnit

To upload ReportUnit resource to the server you can use next API, where JRXML file can be added as java.lang.String,, or as resource URI in resource descriptor. A bunch of various additional files like images and others can be added as well.

        OperationResult<ClientReportUnit> repUnut =
                        .withJrxml(inputStream, label, description)
                        //OR .withJrxml(jrxmlStringContent, label, description)
			//OR .withJrxml(jrxmlFile, label, description) 
			//OR .withJrxml(resourceDescriptor)
			.withFile(new ClientReference().setUri(fileUri), label, fileType)
                        .withFile(new ClientReference().setUri(fileUri), label, fileType)
                        //OR .withFile(InputStream fileData, String label, String description, fileType)
			//OR .withFile(File fileData, String label, String description, fileType)
			//OR .withFile(String fileData, String label, String description, fileType) 
			//OR .withFile(ClientReferenceableFile fileUri, String name, fileType)


	ClientReportUnit resourceDescriptor = new ClientReportUnit()
        OperationResult<ClientReportUnit> repUnut =
                        .withJrxml(inputStream, label, description)
                        //OR .withJrxml(jrxmlStringContent, label, description)
			//OR .withJrxml(jrxmlFile, label, description) 
			//OR .withJrxml(resourceDescriptor)
			.withFile(new ClientReference().setUri(fileUri), label, fileType)
                        .withFile(new ClientReference().setUri(fileUri), label, fileType)
                        //OR .withFile(InputStream fileData, String label, String description, fileType)
			//OR .withFile(File fileData, String label, String description, fileType)
			//OR .withFile(String fileData, String label, String description, fileType) 
			//OR .withFile(ClientReferenceableFile fileUri, String name, fileType)

Also the API allows to upload reportUnit described in resource descriptor only:

        final ClientReportUnit clientReportUnit = new ClientReportUnit()
        clientReportUnit.setFiles(new HashMap<String, ClientReferenceableFile>());
        clientReportUnit.getFiles().put(label, new ClientFile()

        clientReportUnit.setJrxml(new ClientFile()

        OperationResult<ClientReportUnit> repUnut =

Uploading domain

Domain's its nested resources (bundles and security file) might be specified as,, content as java.lang.String or resource descriptor (with resource's URI or BASE64 encoded content). Please, pay attention, unlike SemanticLayerDataSource the Domain resource doesn't reference external schema file, so schema can be specified only as Java object.

       OperationResult<ClientDomain> resDomain =
                        .withDataSource(new ClientReference().setUri(datasourceUri))


	ClientDomain resourceDescriptor = new ClientDomain ()
	                .setDataSource(new ClientReference().setUri(datasourceUri))
       OperationResult<ClientDomain> resDomain =

The other way to create SemanticLayerDataSource is to decribe it in resourceDescriptor. In this case nested resources (schema, bundles and security file) can be specified as resource descriptors (with resource's URI or BASE64 encoded content).

        ClientDomain resDomain =

Deleting Resources

You can delete resources in two ways, one for single resources and one for multiple resources. To delete multiple resources at once, specify multiple URIs with the ResourceSearchParameter.RESOURCE_URI parameter.

OperationResult result = session
        .parameter(ResourceSearchParameter.RESOURCE_URI, "/some/resource/uri/1")
        .parameter(ResourceSearchParameter.RESOURCE_URI, "/some/resource/uri/2")
OperationResult result = session

The Permissions Service

In the permissions service, the syntax is expanded so that you can specify the resource, the recipient (user name or role name) and the permission value within the URL. This makes it simpler to set permissions because you don’t need to send a resource descriptor to describe the permissions. In order to set, modify, or delete permissions, you must use credentials or login with a user that has “administer” permissions on the target resource. Because a permission can apply to either a user or a role, the permissions service uses the concept of a “recipient”. A recipient specifies whether the permission applies to a user or a role, and gives the ID of the user or role. There are two qualities of a permission:

  • The assigned permission is one that is set explicitly for a given resource and a given user or role. Not all permissions are assigned, in which case the permission is inherited from the parent folder.
  • The effective permission is the permission that is being enforced, whether it is assigned or inherited.

Viewing Multiple Permissions

        OperationResult<RepositoryPermissionListWrapper> operationResult = session

Also serch permissions with parameters is supported. Available parameters are: effectivePermissions - when set to true shows all permissions who affect given uri, if false - only directly assigned. If recipient does not have any permission assigned or permission is not reacheable not uri will be returned. Default - false; recipientType - type of recipient (e.g. user/role); recipientId - Id of recipient, requires recipientType. For multitenant environment should be tenant qualified. resolveAll - describes resolving of recipients. Default - false; offset - pagination. Start index for requested pate; limit - pagination, resources count per page;

Viewing a Single Permission

Specify the recipient in the URL to see a specific assigned permission.

        OperationResult<RepositoryPermission> operationResult = session
                .permissionRecipient(PermissionRecipient.ROLE, "ROLE_USER")

RepositoryPermission permission = operationResult.getEntity();

Setting Multiple Permissions

The create() method assigns any number of permissions to any number of resources specified in the body of the request. All permissions must be newly assigned, and the request will fail if a recipient already has an assigned (not inherited) permission. Use the createOrUpdate() method to update assigned permissions. The createOrUpdate() method modifies exiting permissions (already assigned).

        RepositoryPermissionListWrapper permissions = new RepositoryPermissionListWrapper();
        final RepositoryPermission repositoryPermission = new RepositoryPermission().setUri(RESOURCE_URI).setRecipient("role:/ROLE_USER").setMask(1);
        final RepositoryPermission repositoryPermission1 = new RepositoryPermission().setUri(RESOURCE_URI).setRecipient("role:/ROLE_ADMIN").setMask(1);
        permissions.setPermissions(asList(repositoryPermission, repositoryPermission1));

        OperationResult<RepositoryPermissionListWrapper> operationResult = session

Setting a Single Permission

The createNew() method accepts a single permission descriptor.

        final RepositoryPermission repositoryPermission = new RepositoryPermission()

        OperationResult operationResult = session

Deleting Permissions in Bulk

The delete() method removes all assigned permissions from the designated resource. After returning successfully, all effective permissions for the resource are inherited.

        OperationResult operationResult = session

Deleting a Single Permission

Specify a recipient in the permissionRecipient() method and call the delete() method to remove only that permission.

OperationResult operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
                .permissionRecipient(PermissionRecipient.USER, "joeuser")

Response response = operationResult.getResponse();

Jobs service

The jobs service provides the interface to schedule reports and manage scheduled reports (also called jobs). In addition, this service provides an API to scheduler features that were introduced in JasperReports Server 4.7, such as bulk updates, pausing jobs, FTP output and exclusion calendars.

Listing Report Jobs

Use the following method to list all jobs managed by the scheduler.

OperationResult<JobSummaryListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

JobSummaryListWrapper jobSummaryListWrapper = result.getEntity();

The jobs are described in the JobSummary element.

Viewing a Job Definition

The following piece of code with a specific job ID specified in job() method retrieves the detailed information about that scheduled job.

OperationResult<Job> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Job job = result.getEntity();

This code returns a job element that gives the output, scheduling, and parameter details, if any, for the job.

Extended Job Search

The search() method is used for more advanced job searches. Some field of the jobsummary descriptor can be used directly as parameters, and fields of the job descriptor can also be used as search criteria. You can also control the pagination and sorting order of the reply.

Job criteria = new Job);
criteria.setAlert(new JobAlert());

OperationResult<JobSummaryListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
        .parameter(JobsParameter.SEARCH_LABEL, "hello")

JobSummaryListWrapper jobSummaryListWrapper = result.getEntity();

The criteria parameter lets you specify a search on fields in the job descriptor, such as output formats. Some fields may be specified in both the search parameter and in a dedicated parameter, for example label. In that case, the search specified in the parameter takes precedence. For example, you can search for all jobs that specify output format of PDF. The criteria to specify this field is:

List<String> outputFormats = new ArrayList<String>();
OutputFormatsListWrapper wrapper = new OutputFormatsListWrapper(outputFormats);
JobExtension criteria = new JobExtension();

Currently the code is a little bit littered, in futere versions it will be eliminated.

Scheduling a Report

To schedule a report, create its job descriptor similar to the one returned by the job(id).get(); method, and use the scheduleReport() method of the jobs service. Specify the report being scheduled inside the job descriptor. You do not need to specify any job IDs in the descriptor, because the server will assign them.

JobSource source = job.getSource();

OperationResult<Job> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

job = result.getEntity();

The body contains the job descriptor of the newly created job. It is similar to the one that was sent but now contains the jobID for the new job.

Viewing Job Status

The following method returns the current runtime state of a job:

OperationResult<JobState> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

JobState jobState = result.getEntity();

Response contains the JobState status descriptor.

Editing a Job Definition

To modify an existing job definition, use the job(id).get() method to read its job descriptor, modify the descriptor as required, and use the update() method of the jobs service. The update() method replaces the definition of the job with the given job ID.

String label = "updatedLabel";
Long jobId = job.getId();

OperationResult<Job> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Job job = result.getEntity();

Updating Jobs in Bulk

To update several jobs at once you should specify jobs IDs as parameters, and send a descriptor with filled fields to update.

Job jobDescriptor = new Job();
jobDescriptor.setDescription("Bulk update description");

OperationResult<JobIdListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
        .parameter(JobsParameter.JOB_ID, "8600")
        .parameter(JobsParameter.JOB_ID, "8601")

The code above will update the description field of jobs with IDs 8600 and 8601.

Pausing Jobs

The following method pauses currently scheduled job execution. Pausing keeps the job schedule and all other details but prevents the job from running. It does not delete the job.

OperationResult<JobIdListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
        .parameter(JobsParameter.JOB_ID, "8600")

Resuming Jobs

Use the following method to resume any or all paused jobs in the scheduler. Resuming a job means that any defined trigger in the schedule that occurs after the time it is resumed will cause the report to run again. Missed schedule triggers that occur before the job is resumed are never run.

OperationResult<JobIdListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
        .parameter(JobsParameter.JOB_ID, "8600")

Restarting Failed Jobs

Use the following method to rerun failed jobs in the scheduler. For each job to be restarted, the scheduler creates an immediate single-run copy of job, to replace the one that failed. Therefore, all jobs listed in the request body will run once immediately after issuing this command. The single-run copies have a misfire policy set so that they do not trigger any further failures (MISFIRE_ INSTRUCTION_IGNORE_MISFIRE_POLICY). If the single-run copies fail themselves, no further attempts are made automatically.

OperationResult<JobIdListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")
        .parameter(JobsParameter.JOB_ID, "8600")

Calendars service

The scheduler allows a job to be defined with a list of excluded days or times when you do not want the job to run. For example, if you have a report scheduled to run every business day, you want to exclude holidays that change every year. The list for excluded days and times is defined as a calendar, and there are various ways to define the calendar. The scheduler stores any number of exclusion calendars that you can reference by name. When scheduling a report, reference the name of the calendar to exclude, and the scheduler automatically calculates the correct days to trigger the report. The scheduler also allows you to update an exclusion calendar and update all of the report jobs that used it. Therefore, you can update the calendar of excluded holidays every year and not need to modify any report jobs.

Listing All Registered Calendar Names

The following method returns the list of all calendar names that were added to the scheduler.

OperationResult<CalendarNameListWrapper> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

CalendarNameListWrapper calendarNameListWrapper = result.getEntity();

Viewing an Exclusion Calendar

The following method takes the name of an exclusion calendar and returns the definition of the calendar:

OperationResult<Calendar> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Calendar jobCalendar = result.getEntity();

As a result we have common caledar descriptor ReportJobCalendar.

Adding or Updating an Exclusion Calendar

This method creates a named exclusion calendar that you can use when scheduling reports. If the calendar already exists, you have the option of replacing it and updating all the jobs that used it.

WeeklyCalendar calendar = new WeeklyCalendar();
calendar.setExcludeDaysFlags(new boolean[]{true, false, false, false, false, true, true});

OperationResult result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

Unlike common ReportJobCalendar which we receive as result of GET operation here we need create the calendar instance of desired type and path it to the createOrUpdate() method.

Deleting an Exclusion Calendar

Use the following method to delete a calendar by name.

OperationResult result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")


Export service

Strat export

The export service works asynchronously: first you request the export with the desired options, then you monitor the state of the export, and finally you request the output file. You must be authenticated as the system admin (superuser)or jasperadmin for the export services.

OperationResult<State> operationResult =
                .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

State state = operationResult.getEntity();

The export parameters you can specify are:

everything - export everything except audit data: all repository resources, permissions, report jobs, users, and roles. This option is equivalent to:--uris --repository-permissions --report-jobs --users --roles (default value is false).

repository-permissions - when this option is present, repository permissions are exported along with each exported folder and resource. This option should only be used in conjunction with uris (default value is false).

role-users - when this option is present, each role export triggers the export of all users belonging to the role. This option should only be used in conjunction with --roles (default value is false).

include-access-events - access events (date, time, and user name of last modification) are exported (default value is false).

include-audit-events - include audit data for all resources and users in the export (default value is false).

include-monitoring-events - include monitoring events (default value is false).

include-attributes - include attributes in export (default value is false).

skip-attribute-values - skip attributes values to be exported (default value is false).

include-server-settings - include server settings in export(default value is false).

skip-suborganizations - if the parameter is set to true, the system will omit all the items(e.g. resources, user, roles, organizations) which belong to "sub organizations" even they are directly specified using corresponding options (default value is false).

skip-dependent-resources - skip dependent resources (domain, datasource etc.) to be exported (default value is false).

In sent tas DTO you can specify: uris - list of folder or resource URIs in the repository to export. scheduledJobs - list of repository report unit and folder URIs for which report unit jobs should be exported. For a folder URI, this option exports the scheduled jobs of all reports in the folder and all subfolders. roles - list of roles to export. users - list of users to export. resourceTypes - list of resource types, that will be included in export. If the parameter is null or empty then will include all resource types. organization - identifier of organization to export together with its sub organizations. If it is specified it also will be the root organization, starting from it system will export all resources, users, roles e.t.c.

        ExportTask exportTask = new ExportTask()
        OperationResult<State> stateOperationResult = session
	State stateDto = stateOperationResult.getEntity();
        taskId = stateDto.getId();

Check the export state

After receiving the export ID, you can check the state of the export operation.

        OperationResult<State> stateOperationResult = session

	State stateOperationResult = operationResult.getEntity();

The body of the response contains the current state of the export operation.

Fetching the export output

When the export state is ready, you can download the zip file containing the export catalog.

        String state = "inprogres";
        while (!"finished".equals(state)) {
            state = session.exportService().task(taskId).state().getEntity().getPhase();
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {


        OperationResult<InputStream> operationResult = session

        InputStream inputStream = operationResult.getEntity();

Please, pay attention, only export with "finished" state can be fetched.

Cancel the export task

Only stateDto.getPhase() = "inprogress" export can be cancelled:

        OperationResult OperationResult = session

Import service

Strat import

Use the following service to upload a catalog as a zip file and import it with the given options. Specify options as arguments from com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.apiadapters.importexport.importservice.ImportParameter. Arguments that are omitted are assumed to be false. You must be authenticated as the system admin (superuser) or jasperadmin for the import service. Jaspersoft does not recommend uploading files greater than 2 gigabytes.

        OperationResult<State> operationResult = session
                .parameter(ImportParameter.UPDATE, true)

State state = operationResult.getEntity();

Available parameters are: includeAccessEvents - access events (date, time, and user name of last modification) are exported (default value is false). includeAuditEvents - include audit data for all resources and users in the export (default value is false). update - resources in the catalog replace those in the repository if their URIs and typesmatch (default value is false). skipUserUpdate - when used with --update, users in the catalog are not imported or updated. Use this option to import catalogs without overwriting currently defined user (default value is false). includeMonitoringEvents - include monitoring events (default value is false). includeServerSettings - include server settings (default value is false). mergeOrganization - allows merging of exported organization/resource into organization with different identifier. In the case if it is false, then system will throw an exception, if exportedOrganizationId != organizationId_we_import_Into (default value is false). brokenDependencies - defines strategy with broken dependencies. Available values are: fail - server will give an error (errorCode=import.broken.dependencies) if import archive contain broken dependent resources. skip - import will skip from import broken resources. include - import will proceed with broken dependencies. In this case server will try to import broken dependent resources. a) In the case when in target environment there are already dependent resources import of target resource will be success, and resource will be skipped from import if there are no dependent resources to recover dependency chain. organization - organization identifier we import into.

Import using mulpipart form

        State state = session
                .newMultiPartImport(new File(pathToFile))
                .parameter(ImportParameter.UPDATE, true)

Check the Import State

After receiving the import ID, you can check the state of the import operation.

        OperationResult<State> operationResult = session

        State stateDto = operationResult.getEntity();

Getting and restarting import task

To get import task metadata you can use next code example:

        ImportTask task = session

Also you can restart import task:

        ImportTask task = importService.
                .restartTask(new ImportTask().setBrokenDependencies("false"))

Notice, only task in phase "pending" can be restarted. Pending will happen if import task failed with error codes: import.organizations.not.match or import.broken.dependencies.

Check import state

        OperationResult<State> operationResult = session

        State state = operationResult.getEntity();

Cancel import task

        OperationResult operationResult = session


Domain Metadata

The domain metadata describes the sets and items exposed by a Domain for use in Ad Hoc reports. Items are database fields exposed by the Domain, after all joins, filters, and calculated fields have been applied to the database tables selected in the Domain. Sets are groups of items, arranged by the Domain creator for use by report creators.

A limitation of the DomainMetadata Service only allows it to operate on Domains with a single data island. A data island is a group of fields that are all related by joins between the database tables in the Domain. Fields that belong to tables that are not joined in the Domain belong to separate data islands.

The following code retrieves metadata of Domain.

// create domain context by Id of context
 ClientSemanticLayerDataSource domainContext = new ClientSemanticLayerDataSource().
        OperationResult<ClientSemanticLayerDataSource> operationResult = session
// get uuId of context from "Location" header of response
// get metadata of domain bi uuId of context
        OperationResult<DataIslandsContainer> operationResult = session
// or you can get metadata by context directly

        OperationResult<DataIslandsContainer> operationResult = session
        DataIslandsContainer metadata = operationResult.getEntity();

Report Metadata

Report metadata is used for building AdHoc and query accordingly. To get metadata use next code example:

// create domain context by Id of context
ClientReportUnit reportUnit = new ClientReportUnit().setUri("/public/Samples/Domains/supermartDomain");

         OperationResult<ClientReportUnit> operationResult = session
// get uuId of context from "Location" header of response
// get metadata of domain bi uuId of context
         OperationResult<ResourceGroupElement> operationResult = session
         ResourceGroupElement metadata = operationResult.getEntity();
// or you can get metadata by context directly

         OperationResult<ResourceGroupElement> operationResult = session
        ResourceGroupElement metadata = operationResult.getEntity();

Thumbnail Search Service

This service is used for requesting a thumbnail image of an existing resource. You can get a single resource. See code below.

InputStream entity = session.thumbnailsService()

Or to get multiple resources thumbnails.

List<ResourceThumbnail> entity = session.thumbnailsService()

By default you obtain multiple resources using POST HTTP method, but you can switch to GET method using requestMethod(RequestMethod.GET) method:

List<ResourceThumbnail> entity = session.thumbnailsService()

Please notice that ResourceThumbnail class (DTO) contains the content in Base64 string format (not InputStream).

Diagnostic Service

The service is used to create, update, stop log collectors and get logs and data snapshots. To create log collector use the code below:

OperationResult<CollectorSettings> operationResult1 = session

collector1 = operationResult1.getEntity();

New collector gets ID and status "RUNNING" automatically. After creation you can get metadata of all collectors:

OperationResult<CollectorSettingsList> operationResult = session

CollectorSettingsList result = operationResult

or for single log collector:

OperationResult<CollectorSettings> operationResult = session

CollectorSettings result = operationResult

You can change collector's metadata or stop it using .updateCollectorSettings() method:

PatchDescriptor patchDescriptor = new PatchDescriptor();
List<PatchItem> items = new ArrayList<PatchItem>();
items.add(new PatchItem().setField("status").setValue("STOPPED"));

OperationResult<CollectorSettings> operationResult = session

CollectorSettings result = operationResult

Using similar method for batch operation you can update the same field of all collectors:

OperationResult<CollectorSettingsList> operationResult = session
CollectorSettingsList result = operationResult

Also you can update whole collector:


OperationResult<CollectorSettings> operationResult = session

CollectorSettings result = operationResult

To get collectors' content use code below:

OperationResult<InputStream> operationResult = session
         // or for single collector
OperationResult<InputStream> operationResult = session
InputStream result = operationResult

Please notice, you should stop them previously using .updateCollectorSettings() methods. Stopping the collector will turn off logging and begin resource export (if "includeDataSnapshots" is true and resourceUri not empty). Once stopped, collectors can't be run again. When App Server (e.g. Tomcat) is restarted, all collectors must change to stopped state. Before getting collectors' content check them status with method .collectorsSettings().

Delete log collectors you can as single or as batch operation:

OperationResult<CollectorSettings> operationResult = session
OperationResult<CollectorSettingsList> operationResult = session

Contexts Service

Using the service you are able to keep some state or context on the server and execute some actions on this state. General service have next API:

  • save context:
        OperationResult<ContextClass> operationResult = session
                .context(contextClass, contextMimeType)

Response header "Content-Location"contains contextUuid.

  • get context:
        OperationResult<ContextClass> operationResult = session
                .context(contextClass, contextMimeType, uuId)
  • modify context:
        OperationResult<ContextClass> operationResult = session
                .context(contextClass, contextMimeType, uuId)
  • delete context:
        OperationResult<ContextClass> operationResult = session
  • get context metadata:
        OperationResult<ContextMetadataClass> operationResult = session
                .context(uuId, contextMatadataClass, contextMetadataMimeType)

// get context metadata with paramerets
        OperationResult<ContextMetadataClass> operationResult = session
                .context(uuId, contextMatadataClass, contextMetadataMimeType)
                .addParameter("expand", "public.accounts")
                .addParameter("", "")
        OperationResult<ContextMetadataClass> operationResult = session
                .context(uuId, contextMatadataClass, contextMetadataMimeType)
                .addParameter("include", "public.currency")
        // or
        OperationResult<ContextMetadataClass> operationResult = session
                .context(uuId, contextMatadataClass, contextMetadataMimeType)
                .addParameter("expands", "public.account")
                .addParameter("expands", "public.category")
        OperationResult<ContextMetadataClass> operationResult = session
                .context(uuId, contextMatadataClass, contextMetadataMimeType)
                .addParameter("includes", "public.currency")

The difference between .metadata() and .partialMetadata() is in HTTP methods and a way to pass parameters: .metadata() - sends GET request and parameters as URL query parameters; .partialMetadata() - sends POST request and parameters as JSON;

  • create context and get context metadata:
        OperationResult<ContextMetadataClass> operationResult = session
                .context(contextClass, contextMimeType,contextMatadataClass, contextMetadataMimeType)

Domain Context Service

This service allows to execute query of in-memory domain. I.e. domain, that doesn't exist in repository.

  • to create context:
       OperationResult<ClientResourceLookup> operationResult = session

context here might be instance of ClientDomain or ClientSemanticLayerDataSource with data source URI and domain schema URI of datasource.

  • to get domain metadata:
        OperationResult<PresentationGroupElement> operationResult = session
    // or expznded metadata            
        OperationResult<PresentationGroupElement> operationResult = session
                .addParam("expand", nodeName)
  • to execute query (only multi level queries are supported):
       ClientMultiLevelQuery clientMultiLevelQuery = new ClientMultiLevelQuery().setGroupBy(
                new ClientQueryGroupBy().setGroups(
                        asList(new ClientQueryGroup().
        OperationResult<ClientMultiLevelQueryResultData> operationResult = session

Data Discovery Service

The service based on Context Service and allows to work with supported contexts(Domain, DomEl, reports etc) directly.

Domain data discovery

This API allows to execute query of in-memory domain. I.e. domain, that doesn't exist in repository.

   private String uuId; // available in Content-Location header in responce
   private ClientDomain domainContext = new ClientDomain().setUri("/public/Samples/Domains/supermartDomain");

// create context
        OperationResult<ClientDomain> operationResult = session
// get context metadata
        OperationResult<PresentationGroupElement> operationResult = session
// create context and get metadata
        OperationResult<PresentationGroupElement> operationResult = session

DomEl data discovery

This API allows to validate DomEL expressions and convert them from string representation to object representation and back.

   private DomElExpressionContext expressionStringContext;
   private DomElExpressionContext expressionObjectContext;

        expressionObjectContext = new DomElExpressionContext().
                setExpression(new ClientExpressionContainer().setObject(new ClientFunction().
                        setFunctionName("concat").addOperand(new ClientVariable("test")).addOperand(new ClientVariable("test1")).addOperand(new ClientVariable("b")))).
                setVariables(Arrays.asList(new DomElVariable().setName("test").setType("java.lang.String"),
                        new DomElVariable().setName("test1").setType("java.lang.String"))).

        expressionStringContext= new DomElExpressionContext().
                setExpression(new ClientExpressionContainer().setString("concat(test, test1,'b')")).
                setVariables(Arrays.asList(new DomElVariable().setName("test").setType("java.lang.String"),
                        new DomElVariable().setName("test1").setType("java.lang.String"))).

// convert sring expression to object representation
        OperationResult<DomElExpressionContext> operationResult = session
// convert object representation o fexpression to stirng view
        OperationResult<DomElExpressionContext> operationResult = session

Derived table data discovery

This API allows to validate DomEL expressions and convert them from string representation to object representation and back.

  private SqlExecutionRequest sqlExecutionRequest;
        sqlExecutionRequest = new SqlExecutionRequest().
                setSql("select * from account").

     OperationResult<PresentationGroupElement> operationResult = session

Query Execution Service

In addition to running reports, JasperReports Server exposes queries that you can run through the QueryExecution service. For now the only resource that supports queries is an AdHoc data view. In present time JasperReportsServer supports only synchronize query execution.

The following code examples execute query and retrieve a result data for different queries:

  • for flat query:
 OperationResult<ClientFlatQueryResultData> execute = session.
  • for multi level query:
        OperationResult<ClientMultiLevelQueryResultData> execute = session.

Result data set of multi level query can be obtained as MultiLevelResultData(by default) or as FlatQueryResultData:

        OperationResult<ClientMultiLevelQueryResultData> execute = session.
  • for multi axes query:
        OperationResult execute = session.
  • for provided query:
        OperationResult<? extends ClientQueryResultData> execute = session.

Please notice, that the client resolve type of result dataset according to "Content-Type" header of server's response.

Also you can get fragment of result data:

        OperationResult<? extends ClientQueryResultData> execute = session.
     // where uuId   - is Id of query execution, that you can obtain from "Content-Location" header of server's response after execution query.

To see all submitted query executions you can use:

        OperationResult<QueryExecutionsListWrapper> result = seesion

To see just one specific query execution you should use:

        OperationResult<? extends AbstractClientExecution> result = seesion
                        .execution(uuid) // where uuId - is Id of query execution

Also, you can see the status of any query execution using the following piece of code:

     OperationResult<? extends AbstractClientExecution> result = seesion
                             .execution(uuid) // where uuId - is Id of query execution

And you can delete execution using the following code:

        OperationResult execute = session.

Server Information Service

Use the following service to verify the server information, the same as the About JasperReports Server link in the user interface.

OperationResult<ServerInfo> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

ServerInfo serverInfo = result.getEntity();

The server returns a ServerInfo instance containing the requested information. You can access each value separately with the following code:

OperationResult<String> result = client
        .authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin")

String edition = result.getEntity();

Bundles service

Use bundles service to get bundles of internalization properties for particular or default user’s locale as JSON. By default service use default system locale where the application was stared. If user specified locale at authentication, the service will use it as default locale. To get all bundles for particular locale(foe example, "de") different from default locale and locale specified at authentication use the code below:

final Map<String, Map<String, String>> bundles = session

or specify locale as instance of java.util.Locale.class or as constant of this class:

final Map<String, Map<String, String>> bundles = session
final Map<String, Map<String, String>> bundles = session
                .forLocale(new Locale("en_US"))

Please notice, locale specified in .forLocale() method has the highest priority for the service. If you do not call.forLocale() method, you will get bundles for your default locale (locale specified at authentication or locale of system where the client was stared if the others were not specified):

final Map<String, Map<String, String>> bundles = session

To get bundle by name you should specified locale in .forLocale() method and name of the bundle in .bundles() method:

final Map<String, String> bundle = session

Asynchronous API

Each operation which requests server has its asynchronous brother which has same name with async prefix, e. g. get() -> asyncGet(). Each of these operations take a com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.core.Callback implementation with execute() method implemented. execute() takes an OperationResult instance as a parameter. The execute method is called when the response from server came. Each of these async operations returns com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.client.core.RequestExecution instance which gives you ability to cancel execution. Example:

RequestExecution requestExecution = session
        .parameter(OrganizationParameter.CREATE_DEFAULT_USERS, "false")
        .asyncCreate(new Organization().setAlias("asyncTestOrg"), new Callback<OperationResult<Organization>, Void>() {
            public Void execute(OperationResult<Organization> data) {


Getting serialized content from response

If you need to get a plain response body, either JSON, XML, HTML or plain text, you gen get it it with code below:

OperationResult<UsersListWrapper> result = ...

Possible issues

  1. Deploying jrs-rest-client within web app to any Appplication Server, e.g. JBoss, Glassfish, WebSphere etc. jrs-rest-client uses the implementation of JAX-RS API of version 2.0 and if your application server does not support this version you will get an error. To solve this problem you need to add to your application a deployment configuration specific for your AS where you need to exclude modules with old JAX-RS API version. Example of such descriptor for JBoss AS you can find below:

            <!-- Exclude JAVA EE of JBOSS ( => Add dependency javax.annotation -->
            <module name="javaee.api" />
            <!-- Exclude RestEasy conflict ( -->
            <module name=""/>
            <module name="org.codehaus.jackson.jackson-core-asl" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-atom-provider" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-cdi" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-crypto" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jackson-provider" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jaxb-provider" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jaxrs" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jettison-provider" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jsapi" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-json-p-provider" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-multipart-provider" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-validator-provider-11" />
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-yaml-provider" />

Maven dependency to add jasperserver-rest-client to your app:


            <name>Jaspersoft clients snapshots</name>



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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see