This repo git contains different functions for climate data access, post-processing and analysis.
To date there are the following modules:
- Loader: basic files and code for data access to the Santander Climate Data Service (SCDS) THREDDS Data Server, which provides user-friendly access to a variety of remote climate data sources. This service is maintained by the Santander Meteorology Group (University of Cantabria - CSIC).
- Interpolater: wrapping packages for regridding based ond the xESMF python package.
- Climindx: basic code for climate index calculation and wrapping function based on icclim [IN PROGRESS].
- Downscaler: wrapping funcions for bias adjusting based on ISIMIP3 and Ibicus [IN PROGRESS].
Scripts and (jupyter) notebooks are provided in Python to ensure reproducibility and reusability of the results. The simplest way to match all these requirements is by using a dedicated conda environment, which can be easily installed by issuing:
conda create -n python-resources
conda activate python-resources
conda env update --file environmet.yml --prune