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Copyright (C) 2020-2021 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.

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This module provides a search functionality for instance and authorities via REST API. It uses The Contextual Query Language as a formal language to query records using filters, boolean conditions, etc.


mvn install

See that it says "BUILD SUCCESS" near the end.

Running it

Run locally with proper environment variables set (see Environment vaiables below) on listening port 8081 (default listening port):

KAFA_PORT=localhost KAFA_PORT=9092 \
   java -Dserver.port=8081 -jar target/mod-search-*.jar


Build the docker container with:

docker build -t mod-search .

Test that it runs with:

docker run -t -i -p 8081:8081 mod-search

Multi-language search support

Each tenant is allowed to pick up to 5 languages from pre-installed list for multi-language indexes (e.g. title, contributors, etc.). This can be done via following API (languageAnalyzer field is optional): POST /search/config/languages

  "languageAnalyzer": "english"

The code here is an ISO-639-2/B three-letter code. Here is the list of pre-installed languages analyzers:

  • ara
  • ger
  • eng
  • spa
  • fre
  • heb
  • ita
  • jpn
  • kor (default analyzer: seunjeon_analyzer, alternative for k8s and on-premise deployment - nori)
  • rus
  • swe
  • chi

Adding new languages via REST

It is allowed to add new languages via rest endpoint /search/config/languages. Please note, when you add a new language, a whole reindex is required in order to apply new configuration.

Defining initial languages via ENV variable

It is possible to define initial languages via INITIAL_LANGUAGES env variable. These languages will be added on tenant init and applied to index. Example usage: INITIAL_LANGUAGES=eng,fre,kor,chi,spa. If the variable is not defined, only eng code is added.

Deploying the module

Configuring Elasticsearch

Configuring on-premise Elasticsearch instance

It is required to install some required plugins for your ES instance, here is the list:

  • analysis-icu
  • analysis-kuromoji
  • analysis-smartcn
  • analysis-nori
  • analysis-phonetic

You can find sample Dockerfile in docker/elasticsearch/Dockerfile or install plugins manually:

${ES_HOME}/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install --batch \
  analysis-icu \
  analysis-kuromoji \
  analysis-smartcn \
  analysis-nori \

See also Install Elasticsearch with Docker.

There is an alternative ES image from Bitnami - bitnami/elasticsearch, that does not require extending dockerfile but has an env variable ELASTICSEARCH_PLUGINS to specify plugins to install.

For production installations it is strongly recommended enabling security for instance and set-up user/password. The user must have at least following permissions:

  • Create/delete/update index and mappings for it.
  • Create/update/delete documents in index.

Recommended production set-up

The data nodes Elasticsearch configuration completely depends on the data. If there are 7 mln of instances the configuration with 2 nodes with 8Gb RAM and 500 Gb disk (AWS m5.large) works well. The nodes were both master and data node. We performed performance tests for this configuration, and it showed good results. We would recommend to performing additional performance testing (try to reindex and search with different configurations) with different type of nodes, and see what configuration is sufficient for what data volume.

Also, for fault tolerance Elasticsearch requires dedicated master nodes (not to have quorum problem which is called split brain) with less powerful configuration (see High availability).

Environment variables:

Name Default value Description
DB_HOST postgres Postgres hostname
DB_PORT 5432 Postgres port
DB_USERNAME folio_admin Postgres username
DB_PASSWORD - Postgres username password
DB_DATABASE okapi_modules Postgres database name
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST elasticsearch (DEPRECATED, use ELASTICSEARCH_URL) Elasticsearch hostname
ELASTICSEARCH_URL http://elasticsearch:9200 Elasticsearch URL
ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME - Elasticsearch username (not required for dev envs)
ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD - Elasticsearch password (not required for dev envs)
KAFKA_HOST kafka Kafka broker hostname
KAFKA_PORT 9092 Kafka broker port
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT)
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION - The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client.
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if 'ssl.keystore.location' is configured.
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION - The location of the Kafka trust store file.
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled.
KAFKA_EVENTS_CONSUMER_PATTERN - Custom subscription pattern for Kafka consumers.
KAFKA_EVENTS_CONCURRENCY 2 Custom number of kafka concurrent threads for message consuming.
KAFKA_EVENT_TOPICS_PARTITIONS 50 Amount of partitions for instance event topics.
KAFKA_EVENT_TOPICS_REPLICATION_FACTOR - Replication factor for instance event topics.
KAFKA_AUTHORITIES_CONSUMER_PATTERN - Custom subscription pattern for Kafka authority message consumers.
KAFKA_AUTHORITIES_CONCURRENCY 1 Custom number of kafka concurrent threads for authority message consuming.
KAFKA_AUTHORITY_TOPIC_PARTITIONS 50 Amount of partitions for authority topic.
KAFKA_AUTHORITY_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR - Replication factor for authority topic.
INSTANCE_SUBJECTS_INDEXING_RETRY_ATTEMPTS 3 Amount of retry attempts to delete instance subject resources.
INITIAL_LANGUAGES eng Comma separated list of languages for multilang fields see Multi-lang search support
SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD - Password for mod-search system user (not required for dev envs)
OKAPI_URL - OKAPI URL used to login system user, required
ENV - The logical name of the deployment, must be unique across all environments using the same shared Kafka/Elasticsearch clusters, a-z (any case), 0-9, -, _ symbols only allowed
SEARCH_BY_ALL_FIELDS_ENABLED false Specifies if globally search by all field values must be enabled or not (tenant can override this setting)
SCROLL_QUERY_SIZE 1000 The number of records to be loaded by each scroll query. 10_000 is a max value
STREAM_ID_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS 1000 Specifies time to wait before reattempting query.
STREAM_ID_RETRY_ATTEMPTS 3 Specifies how many queries attempt to perform after the first one failed.

The module uses system user to communicate with other modules from Kafka consumers. For production deployments you MUST specify the password for this system user via env variable: SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD=<password>.

Configuring spring-boot using JAVA_OPTIONS

Spring boot properties can be overridden using the specified environment variables, if it is not it can be done using one of the following approaches (see also the documentation Spring Boot Externalized Configuration):

  1. Using the environment variable SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON (example: SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON='{"foo":{"bar":"spam"}}')
  2. Using the system variables within the JAVA_OPTIONS (example: JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx400m

Configuring connection to elasticsearch

In order to configure connection to elasticsearch you have to provide following env variables:

  • ELASTICSEARCH_URL - URL to elasticsearch master node (e.g. http(s)://elasticsearch:9200);
  • ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME - username of the user to connect to elasticsearch;
  • ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD - password for the user (see official guide for more details about ES security).

Tenant attributes

It is possible to define specific tenant parameters during module's initialization for particular tenant.

Tenant parameter Default value Description
runReindex false Start reindex procedure automatically after module will be enabled for the tenant

Data Indexing

Recreating Elasticsearch index

Sometimes we need to recreate Elasticsearch index, for example when a breaking change introduced to ES index structure (mapping). It can be fixed by running reindex request:

POST [OKAPI_URL]/search/index/inventory/reindex

x-okapi-tenant: [tenant]
x-okapi-token: [JWT_TOKEN]

  "recreateIndex": true,
  "resourceName": "instance"
  • resourceName parameter is optional and equal to instance by default
  • recreateIndex parameter is optional and equal to false by default. If it is equal to true then mod-search will drop existing indices for tenant and resource, creating them again. Executing request with this parameter equal to true in query will erase all the tenant data in mod-search.

Monitoring reindex process

There is no end-to-end monitoring implemented yet, however it is possible to monitor it partially. In order to check how many records published to Kafka topic use inventory API:

GET [OKAPI_URL]/instance-storage/reindex/[reindex job id]

reindex job id - id returned by /search/index/inventory/reindex endpoint.

In order to estimate total records that actually added to the index, you can send a "match all" search query and check totalRecords, e.g. GET /search/instances?query=id="*". Alternatively you can query Elasticsearch directly, see ES search API.


Module exposes next API for searching:

GET /search/instances Search by instances and to this instance items and holding-records
GET /search/authorities Search by authority records
GET /search/{recordType}/facets Get facets for the record with ${recordType}
GET /search/instances/ids Stream instance ids as JSON or plain text
GET /search/holdings/ids Stream holding record ids as JSON or plain text

Supported search types

Searching and filtering

The main endpoint that provides search capabilities is GET /search/instances. It consumes following request parameters:

Name Required Default value Description
query Yes - A CQL query to execute
limit No (default to 100) 100 Maximum number of records to fetch
offset No (default to 0) 0 Instructs to skip first N records that matches the query
expandAll No (default to false) false If false than only *basic instance properties returned, otherwise all properties

*Basic fields are following:

  • id
  • title
  • contributors
  • publication

We use CQL query for search queries, see documentation for more details.

In mod-search there are two main types of searchable fields:

  1. Full text capable fields (aka. multi-lang fields) - analyzed and preprocessed fields;
  2. Term fields (keywords, bool, date fields, etc.) - non-analyzed fields.

CQL query operators

Depending on field type, CQL operators will be handled in different ways or not supported at all. Here is table of supported operators.

Operator Full text usage Term field usage Description
all title all "semantic web" N/A Matches a resource that has both semantic and web in the title field
any title any "semantic web" N/A Matches a resource that has either of/both semantic or web in the title field
= title = "semantic web" hrid = "hr10" Has the same effect as all for FT fields and is the same as == for term fields
== title == "semantic web" hrid == "hr10" Phrase match for FT fields (i.e. matches resources that contains both semantic and web exactly in the same order), exact match for term fields
<> title <> "semantic web" hrid <> "hr10" Matches resources that are not equal to a term
<, > N/A createdDate > "2020-12-12" Matches resources that has the property greater/less than the limit
<=, >= N/A createdDate <= "2020-12-12" Matches resources that has the property greater or eq/less or eq than the limit
* title="mode* europe*" hrid = "hr10*" Allow to search by wildcard, NOT recommended to use for FT fields because has low performance, use full-text capabilities instead

Here is a table with supported search options.

Search Options

Matching all records

A search matching all records in the target index can be executed with a cql.allRecords=1 (CQL standard, the fastest option) or a id=* (slower option, check all documents in index) query. They can be used alone or as part of a more complex query, for example cql.allRecords=1 NOT contributors=Smith sortBy title/sort.ascending

  • cql.allRecords=1 NOT contributors=Smith matches all records where contributors name does not contain Smith as a word.

Matching undefined or empty values

A relation does not match if the value on the left-hand side is undefined. A negation (using NOT) of a relation matches if the value on the left-hand side is not defined or if it is defined but doesn't match.

  • name="" matches all records where name is defined.
  • cql.allRecords=1 NOT name="" matches all records where name is not defined.
  • name=="" matches all records where name is defined and empty.
  • cql.allRecords=1 NOT name=="" matches all records where name is defined and not empty or where name is not defined.
  • name="" NOT name=="" matches all records where name is defined and not empty.
  • languages == "[]" for matching records where lang is defined and an empty array

Instance search options

Option Type Example Description
keyword full-text keyword all "web semantic" An alias for: title, alternativeTitles, indexTitle, series, identifiers.value,
id term id=="1234567" Matches instance with the id
hrid term hrid=="hr1*0" Matches instances with given HRID
source term source=="MARC" Matches instances with given source (FOLIO/MARC)
title full-text title all "semantic web" Matches instances with the given title, searches against title, alternativeTitles, indexTitle, series fields
alternativeTitles.alternativeTitle full-text alternativeTitles.alternativeTitle all "semantic web" Matches instances with the given alternative title
uniformTitle full-text uniformTitle all "semantic web" Matches instances with the given uniform title
indexTitle full-text indexTitle all "semantic web" Matches instances with the given index title
series full-text series all "series" Matches instance with given series value
identifiers.value term identifiers.value = "1023*" Matches instances with the given identifier value
identifiers.identifierTypeId term identifiers.identifierTypeId=="123" identifiers.value = "1023*" Matches instances that have an identifier if type 123 with value 1023*
contributors full-text contributors all "John" Matches instances that have a John contributor
contributors.primary term contributors all "John" and contributors.primary==true Matches instances that have a primary John contributor
subjects full-text subjects all "Chemistry" Matches instances that have a Chemistry subject
instanceTypeId term instanceTypeId == "123" Matches instances with the 123 type
instanceFormatIds term instanceFormatIds == "123" Matches instances with the 123 format id
languages term languages == "eng" Matches instances that have eng language
metadata.createdDate term metadata.createdDate > "2020-12-12" Matches instances that were created after 2020-12-12
metadata.updatedDate term metadata.updatedDate > "2020-12-12" Matches instances that were updated after 2020-12-12
modeOfIssuanceId term modeOfIssuanceId=="123" Matches instances that have 123 mode of issuance
natureOfContentTermIds term natureOfContentTermIds=="123" Matches instances that have 123 nature of content
publisher full-text publisher all "Publisher of Ukraine" Matches instances that have Publisher of Ukraine publisher
instanceTags term instanceTags=="important" Matches instances that have important tag
classifications.classificationNumber term classifications.classificationNumber=="cl1" Matches instances that have cl1 classification number
electronicAccess full-text electronicAccess any "resource" An alias for all electronicAccess fields - uri, linkText, materialsSpecification, publicNote
electronicAccess.uri term electronicAccess.uri="*" Search by electronic access URI
electronicAccess.linkText full-text electronicAccess.linkText="Folio website" Search by electronic access link text
electronicAccess.publicNote full-text electronicAccess.publicNote="a rare book" Search by electronic access public note
staffSuppress term staffSuppress==true Matches instances that are staff suppressed
discoverySuppress term discoverySuppress==true Matches instances that are suppressed from discovery
publicNotes full-text publicNotes all "public note" Matches instances that have a public note (i.e. note.staffOnly is false)
notes.note full-text notes.note all "librarian note" Search by instance notes (include staffOnly)
isbn term isbn="1234*943" Matches instances that have an ISBN identifier with the given value
issn term issn="1234*943" Matches instances that have an ISSN identifier with the given value

Holdings-records search options

Option Type Example Description term"1234567" Matches instances that have a holding with the id
holdings.permanentLocationId term holdings.permanentLocationId=="123765" Matches instances that have holdings with given permanentLocationId
holdings.discoverySuppress term holdings.discoverySuppress==true Matches instances that have holdings suppressed/not suppressed from discovery
holdings.hrid term holdings.hrid=="hr10*3" Matches instances that have a holding with given HRID
holdingsTags term holdingsTags=="important" Matches instances that have holdings with given tags
holdingsFullCallNumbers term holdingsFullCallNumbers="cn*434" Matches instances that have holdings with given call number string (prefix + call number + suffix)
holdingsNormalizedCallNumbers term holdingsNormalizedCallNumbers="cn434" Matches instances that have holdings with given call number and might not be formatted correctly
holdings.electronicAccess full-text holdings.electronicAccess any "resource" An alias for all electronicAccess fields - uri, linkText, materialsSpecification, publicNote
holdings.electronicAccess.uri term holdings.electronicAccess.uri="*" Search by electronic access URI
holdings.electronicAccess.linkText full-text holdings.electronicAccess.linkText="Folio website" Search by electronic access link text
holdings.electronicAccess.publicNote full-text holdings.electronicAccess.publicNote="a rare book" Search by electronic access public note
holdings.notes.note full-text holdings.notes.note all "librarian note" Search by holdings notes
holdingsPublicNotes full-text holdingsPublicNotes all "public note" Search by holdings public notes
holdingsIdentifiers term holdingsIdentifiers == "ho00000000006" Search by holdings Identifiers:, holdings.hrid, holdings.formerIds
holdings.metadata.createdDate term metadata.createdDate > "2020-12-12" Matches instances with holdings that were created after 2020-12-12
holdings.metadata.updatedDate term metadata.updatedDate > "2020-12-12" Matches instances with holdings that were updated after 2020-12-12

Items search options

Option Type Example Description term"1234567" Matches instances that have an item with the id
items.hrid term items.hrid=="it001" Matches instances that have an item with the HRID
items.barcode term items.barcode=="10011" Matches instances that have an item with the barcode
items.effectiveLocationId term items.effectiveLocationId=="1212" Matches instances that have items with the effective location term"Available" Matches instances that have items with given status
items.materialTypeId term items.materialTypeId="23434" Matches instances that have items with given material type
items.discoverySuppress term items.discoverySuppress=true Matches instances that have items suppressed/not suppressed from discovery
itemFullCallNumbers term itemFullCallNumbers="cn*434" Matches instances that have items with given call number string (prefix + call number + suffix)
itemNormalizedCallNumbers term itemNormalizedCallNumbers="cn434" Matches instances that have items with given call number and might not be formatted correctly
itemTags term itemTags="important" Matches instances that have items with given tag
items.electronicAccess full-text items.electronicAccess any "resource" An alias for all electronicAccess fields - uri, linkText, materialsSpecification, publicNote
items.electronicAccess.uri term items.electronicAccess.uri="*" Search by electronic access URI
items.electronicAccess.linkText full-text items.electronicAccess.linkText="Folio website" Search by electronic access link text
items.electronicAccess.publicNote full-text items.electronicAccess.publicNote="a rare book" Search by electronic access public note
items.notes.note full-text items.notes.note all "librarian note" Search by item notes and circulation notes
items.circulationNotes.note full-text items.circulationNotes.note all "circulation note" Search by item circulation notes
itemPublicNotes full-text itemPublicNotes all "public note" Search by item public notes and circulation notes
itemIdentifiers term itemIdentifiers all "81ae0f60-f2bc-450c-84c8-5a21096daed9" Search by item Identifiers:, items.hrid, items.formerIds, items.accessionNumber, items.itemIdentifier
items.metadata.createdDate term metadata.createdDate > "2020-12-12" Matches instances with items that were created after 2020-12-12
items.metadata.updatedDate term metadata.updatedDate > "2020-12-12" Matches instances with items that were updated after 2020-12-12

Authority search options

Option Type Example Description
keyword full-text keyword all "web semantic" An alias for: identifiers, personalNameTitle, sftpersonalNameTitle, saftpersonalNameTitle, corporateNameTitle, sftcorporateNameTitle, saftcorporateNameTitle, meetingNameTitle, sftmeetingNameTitle, saftmeetingNameTitle, uniformTitle, sftUniformTitle, saftUniformTitle, topicalTerm, sftTopicalTerm, saftTopicalTerm, geographicName, sftGeographicName, saftGeographicName, genreTerm, sftGenreTerm, saftGenreTerm
id term id=="1234567" Matches authorities with the id
headingType term headingType == "Personal Name" Matches authorities with Personal Name heading type
authRefType term authRefType == "Authorized" Matches authorities with Authorized auth/ref type
subjectHeadings full-text subjectHeadings any "z" Matches authorities with z subject headings
personalName full-text personalName any "john" Matches authorities with john personal name
sftPersonalName full-text sftPersonalName any "john" Matches authorities with john sft personal name
saftPersonalName full-text saftPersonalName any "john" Matches authorities with john saft personal name
personalNameTitle full-text personalNameTitle any "personal title" Matches authorities with personal title personal name title
sftPersonalNameTitle full-text sftPersonalNameTitle any "personal title" Matches authorities with personal title sft personal name title
saftPersonalNameTitle full-text saftPersonalNameTitle any "personal title" Matches authorities with personal title saft personal name title
corporateName full-text corporateName == "corporate name" Matches authorities with corporate name corporate name
sftCorporateName full-text sftCorporateName == "corporate name" Matches authorities with corporate name sft corporate name
saftCorporateName full-text saftCorporateName == "corporate name" Matches authorities with corporate name saft corporate name
corporateNameTitle full-text corporateNameTitle == "corporate title" Matches authorities with corporate title corporate name
sftCorporateNameTitle full-text sftCorporateNameTitle == "corporate title" Matches authorities with corporate title sft corporate name
saftCorporateNameTitle full-text saftCorporateNameTitle == "corporate title" Matches authorities with corporate title saft corporate name
meetingName full-text meetingName == "conferenece name" Matches authorities with conferenece name meeting name
sftMeetingName full-text sftMeetingName == "conferenece name" Matches authorities with conferenece name sft meeting name
saftMeetingName full-text saftMeetingName == "conferenece name" Matches authorities with conferenece name saft meeting name
meetingNameTitle full-text meetingNameTitle == "conferenece title" Matches authorities with conferenece title meeting name title
sftMeetingNameTitle full-text sftMeetingNameTitle == "conferenece title" Matches authorities with conferenece title sft meeting name title
saftMeetingNameTitle full-text saftMeetingNameTitle == "conferenece title" Matches authorities with conferenece title saft meeting name title
geographicName full-text geographicName == "geographic name" Matches authorities with geographic name geographic name
sftGeographicName full-text sftGeographicName == "geographic name" Matches authorities with geographic name sft geographic name
saftGeographicName full-text saftGeographicName == "geographic name" Matches authorities with geographic name saft geographic name
uniformTitle full-text uniformTitle == "an uniform title" Matches authorities with an uniform title uniform title
sftUniformTitle full-text sftUniformTitle == "an uniform title" Matches authorities with an uniform title sft uniform title
saftUniformTitle full-text saftUniformTitle == "an uniform title" Matches authorities with an uniform title saft uniform title
lccn term lccn = "LCCN" Matches authorities with the given lccn
identifiers.value term identifiers.value = "1023*" Matches authorities with the given identifier value
metadata.createdDate term metadata.createdDate > "2020-12-12" Matches authorities that were created after 2020-12-12
metadata.updatedDate term metadata.updatedDate > "2020-12-12" Matches authorities that were updated after 2020-12-12
topicalTerm full-text topicalTerm any "Optical disks" Matches authorities with Optical disks topical term
sftTopicalTerm full-text sftTopicalTerm any "Optical disks" Matches authorities with Optical disks sft topical term
saftTopicalTerm full-text saftTopicalTerm any "Optical disks" Matches authorities with Optical disks saft topical term
genreTerm full-text genreTerm any "novel" Matches authorities with novel genre term
sftGenreTerm full-text sftGenreTerm any "novel" Matches authorities with novel sft genre term
saftGenreTerm full-text saftGenreTerm any "novel" Matches authorities with novel saft genre term

Search by all field values

Search by all feature is optional and disabled by default. However, it can be enabled for tenant using following HTTP request:

POST /search/config/features

  "feature": "search.all.fields",
  "enabled": true

Also, search by all fields can be enabled globally by passing to mod-search service following ENV variable:


By default, indexing processors for fields cql.allInstance, cql.allItems, cql.allHoldings are disabled and does not produce any values, so the following search options will return an empty result.

Option Type Example Description
cql.all full-text or term cql.all all "web semantic" Matches instances that have given text in instance, item and holding field values
cql.allItems full-text or term cql.allItems all "book" Matches instances that have given text in item field values
cql.allHoldings full-text or term cql.allHoldings all "it001" Matches instances that have given text in holding field values
cql.allInstances full-text or term cql.allInstances any "1234567" Matches instances that have given text in instance field values

Records browsing

Supported browsing values

  • subject (${okapi}/browse/subjects/instances)
  • callNumber (${okapi}/browse/call-numbers/instances)

Query parameters

Parameter Type Default value Description
query string - A Cql query for call-number browsing
{browsingValue} > {anchor} - browsing forward
{browsingValue} < {anchor} - browsing backward
{browsingValue} >= {anchor} or {browsingValue} < {anchor} - browsing around
limit integer 100 Number of records in response
highlightMatch boolean true Whether to highlight matched resource by call number (or add empty object containing anchor) or not
precedingRecordsCount integer ${limit} / 2 Amount of preceding records for browsing around

The query operator works as it described in CQL Query operators section. Anchor will be included only if <= or >= are used in the query. Otherwise, the empty row will be added if highlightMatch is equal to true.

Search Facets

Facets can be retrieved by using following API GET /{recordType}/facets. It consumes following request parameters:

Name Required Description
recordType Yes An Enum contains variables: authorities, instances
query Yes A CQL query to execute
facet Yes A name of the facet with optional size in the format {facetName} or {facetName}:{size} (for example: source, source:5). If the size is not specified, all values will be retrieved

Spring Boot supports 2 forms of query parameters for the facet parameter:

GET /instances/facets?query=title all book&facet=source:5&facet=discoverySuppress:2


GET /instances/facets?query=title all book&facet=source:5,discoverySuppress:2

Instance facets

Option Type Description
source term Requests a source facet
instanceTypeId term Requests a type id facet
instanceFormatIds term Requests a format id facet
modeOfIssuanceId term Requests a mode of issuance id facet
natureOfContentTermIds term Requests a nature of content terms id facet
languages term Requests a language code facet
instanceTags term Requests a tags facet
staffSuppress boolean Requests a staff suppress facet
discoverySuppress boolean Requests a discovery suppress facet
statisticalCodeIds term Requests a statistical code ids facet
statisticalCodes term Requests a statistical code ids from instance, holdings, items facet

Holding facets

Option Type Description
holdings.permanentLocationId term Requests a holdings permanent location id facet
holdings.discoverySuppress term Requests a holdings discovery suppress facet
holdings.statisticalCodeIds term Requests a holdings statistical code ids
holdings.sourceId term Requests a holdings sourceId facet
holdingsTags term Requests a holdings tag facet

Item facets

Option Type Description
items.effectiveLocationId term Requests an item effective location id facet term Requests an item status facet
items.materialTypeId term Requests an item material type id facet
items.discoverySuppress boolean Requests an item discovery suppress facet
items.statisticalCodeIds boolean Requests an item statistical code ids facet
itemTags term Requests an item tag facet

Authority facets

Option Type Description
headingType term Requests a heading type facet
subjectHeadings term Requests a subject headings facet

Sorting results

The default sorting is by relevancy. The sortBy clause is used to define sorting, for example:

title all "semantic web" sortBy title/sort.descending - sort by title in descending order

In case where options are similar, secondary sort is used

Instance sort options

Option Type Secondary sort Description
title full text relevancy Sort instances by title
contributors term relevancy Sort instances by contributors term title Sort instances by status

Authority sort options

Option Type Secondary sort Description
headingRef term relevancy Sort authorities by Heading/Reference
headingType term headingRef Sort authorities by Type of heading
authRefType term headingRef Sort authorities by Authority/Reference

Additional Information

Issue tracker

See project MSEARCH at the FOLIO issue tracker.

API Documentation

This module's API documentation.

Code analysis

SonarQube analysis.

Download and configuration

The built artifacts for this module are available. See configuration for repository access, and the Docker image

Development tips

The development tips are described on the following page: Development tips


No description, website, or topics provided.







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