Window configuration switcher grouped by workspaces
winds.el is very similar to eyebrowse, tab-bar-mode
, and other window
config switchers, but allows for having multiple “workspaces” grouping
sets of window config slots. It also saves winner-like history for
each window config slot independently.
This small package was started because I tend to have multiple unrelated projects open at once, and need to keep them open. I do not want to cycle through unrelated window configs to get to what I want and I want to keep only one fullscreen emacs frame open.
(This package has basic support for multiple frames)
This package is available on Melpa. Simply install it with your favorite package manager:
(use-package winds :ensure t)
To get started, bind some keys to winds-goto
(global-set-key (kbd "M-1") (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 1)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-2") (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 2)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-3") (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 3)))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c 1") (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 1)))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c 2") (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 2)))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c 3") (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 3)))
You might also want to bind next~/~prev
and close
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c <") 'winds-next)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c >") 'winds-prev)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c \\") 'winds-close)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-<") 'winds-cfg-next)
(global-set-key (kbd "C->") 'winds-cfg-prev)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-\\") 'winds-cfg-close)
To disable the status message when changing window configs:
(setq winds-display-status-msg nil)
For a simple mode-line indicator, add this to your mode-line-format
(:eval (format "%s|%s " (winds-get-cur-ws) (winds-get-cur-cfg)))
For example (dumb example):
(setq mode-line-format
(:eval (format "%s|%s "
works with desktop.el
! If you want to enable saving of
winds workspaces add this to your configuration:
(with-eval-after-load 'desktop (winds-enable-desktop-save))
saves winner-like history for each window config slot!
To enable history tracking, add this:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c <left>") 'winds-history-undo)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c <right>") 'winds-history-redo)
As an example, here is how I use this package:
(use-package winds
:straight t
(winds-default-ws 1)
(winds-default-cfg 1)
;; Avoid lazy loading so that history is saved
;; from the very start of session
(with-eval-after-load 'desktop (winds-enable-desktop-save))
(:prefix "SPC w"
"[" 'winds-history-undo
"]" 'winds-history-redo
"w n" 'winds-next
"w p" 'winds-prev
"w c" 'winds-close
"w w TAB" 'winds-last
"n" 'winds-cfg-next
"p" 'winds-cfg-prev
"c" 'winds-cfg-close
"w TAB" 'winds-cfg-last
"w o" 'winds-pos-last
"w 0" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 10))
"w 1" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 1))
"w 2" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 2))
"w 3" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 3))
"w 4" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 4))
"w 5" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 5))
"w 6" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 6))
"w 7" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 7))
"w 8" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 8))
"w 9" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :ws 9))
"0" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 10))
"1" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 1))
"2" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 2))
"3" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 3))
"4" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 4))
"5" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 5))
"6" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 6))
"7" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 7))
"8" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 8))
"9" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 9)))
("M-0" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 10))
"M-1" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 1))
"M-2" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 2))
"M-3" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 3))
"M-4" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 4))
"M-5" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 5))
"M-6" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 6))
"M-7" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 7))
"M-8" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 8))
"M-9" (lambda () (interactive) (winds-goto :cfg 9))))