📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
Lokalized facilitates natural-sounding software translations.
GZDoom is a feature centric port for all Doom engine games, based on ZDoom, adding an OpenGL renderer and powerful scripting capabilities
Linear algebra foundation for the Rust programming language
Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
Terraform module which implements an ECS service which exposes a web service via ALB.
A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
variar / klogg
Forked from nickbnf/gloggReally fast log explorer based on glogg project
RobertBeckebans / RBDOOM-3-BFG
Forked from id-Software/DOOM-3-BFGDoom 3 BFG Edition source port with updated DX12 / Vulkan renderer and modern game engine features
A digital logic designer and circuit simulator.
Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
Deep learning in Rust, with shape checked tensors and neural networks
KiCad 6 Symbols & Footprints for Game Boy related projects
A simple circuit for implementing a momentary power switch
Use your computer as a cosmic ray detector! One of the memory errors Rust does not protect against.
A circuit-level redesign of the Game Boy Advance, addressing many of the issues seen with the original GBA
Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
Game of Life implemented in Java using virtual threads and communicating sequential processes
Probabilistic language based on pattern matching and constraint propagation, 153 examples
MBC5 Flashcart | 2x2MB or 4MB Flash | 32KB FRAM | Rumble
Minimalistic project template to jump start a Node.js back-end application in TypeScript. ESLint, Vitest and type definitions included.
Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.