- Midi Controller Support
- Mouse Support
- Upload your own midi files
- Piano Sampler with up to 7 octaves
- Wait-For-Key-Press mode
- AutoPlay for midi files
- Key labels and press indicators on visual piano
- make piano keys manually clickable
- ui polishing
- label keys / notes - option
- stop when note isn't hit; resume when hit - option
- adjust viewport (ticks shown)
- adjust playback speed
- better ui?
- decent ui
- import midi
- play midi
- map midi buttons to play/stop/restart
- metronome
- use pitch wheel to scroll notes up/down
- key holding particle effects
- customization
- community midi collection
- upload midis
- play online midis
- statistics for played songs (time learned, accuracy, # completed, ...)
- switch between midi controller and keyboard
- snap midi notes to ticks (12 ticks? 6 ticks?) - option
- zeit anzeige switch in sekunden beats prozent beats/total beats sekunden/total sekunden
- ending screen score for current song accuracy? time? total time? difficulty rating? next song select
- pop out piano into new browser window