For Chinese:
GLSAN is a network for drone-view small object detection. This version is derived from dengsutao/glsan and fixes some bugs.
Our source codes are mainly based on Detectron2, see Detectron2.installation.
About the initialization of Detectron2, please refer to Detectron2.Getting_started.
To train the VisDrone and UAVDT dataset, you need transform them to coco format. We provide './tools/txt2xml_*.py' and './tools/xml2json_*.py' to generate json files in coco format.
The network in our paper is trained with the augmented datasets. We provide './tools/' and './tools/' to conduct SARSA and LSRN to the original datasets. The file '. /tools/' fixes many bugs in the original author's code, including index count exceptions, wrong self-call, wrong image index, an extra illegal field in the cfg file, etc. Please run the following code in the project root directory (you need to modify the code according to your needs):
python tools/ --config-file ./configs/faster_rcnn_res50_visdrone.yaml
python tools/ --config-file ./configs/faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplus.yaml
The pretrained models of our network can be downloaded at Detectron2.model_zoo. You can directly download R-50.pkl or R-101.pkl to '.torch/fvcore_cache/detectron2/ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/' of your 'home' directory. Or they will be downloaded automatically when training.
We provide "" for network training. Before training, you need to modify the project directory '/glsan/data/datasets/' and '. /configs/xxx.yaml' files. To train a model with "", first setup the corresponding datasets following Detectron2.datasets, you need to put the transformed or augmented datasets into './datasets' directory. The settings of VisDrone and UAVDT can be found in './glsan/data/datasets'.
The current code does not support multi-GPU training, to train with 1 GPU, run:
python --config-file ./configs/faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr.yaml --num-gpus 1 SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 2
However, please note that end-to-end cropping and super-resolution operations are only supported for the inference process, so please run '' and '' first for training. To evaluate a model's performance, there are threee modes corresponding to three different cropping strategies: NoCrop, UniformlyCrop, SelfAdaptiveCrop.
You can run following codes to switch the cropping strategy:
python --config-file ./configs/faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS glsan_log/1015_faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr/model_final.pth
python --config-file ./configs/faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS glsan_log/1015_faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr/model_final.pth GLSAN.CROP UniformlyCrop
python --config-file ./configs/faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS glsan_log/1015_faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr/model_final.pth GLSAN.CROP SelfAdaptiveCrop
To add super-resolution operation to the network, run:
python --config-file ./configs/faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS glsan_log/1015_faster_rcnn_res50_visdroneplussr/model_final.pth GLSAN.CROP SelfAdaptiveCrop GLSAN.SR True
To acquire more parameters of our method, see './glsan/config/' and './glsan/modeling/meta_arch/'