Test app to log every geolocation updates while in background task
Using: http://ionicframework.com/ http://ngcordova.com/docs/plugins/backgroundGeolocation/
Cmd used:
mkdir geo_adapt
cd geo_adapt/
ionic start myApp sidemenu
cd myApp/
bower install ngCordova
cordova plugin add https://github.com/christocracy/cordova-plugin-background-geolocation.git
ionic platform add ios
ionic build ios
index.html > add ngCordova files
<!-- ngCordova -->
<script src="lib/ngCordova/dist/ng-cordova.js"></script>
app.js > new state « test »
.state('app.test', {
url: "/test",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "templates/test.html"
also changing default route to our controller for more ease
adding ngCordova in module
angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'starter.controllers', 'ngCordova'])
controllers.js > add test
.controller('TestCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.lat_geo = "test ok";
test.html > show long / lat
<ion-view view-title="Search">
<ion-content ng-controller="TestCtrl">
menu.html > add test menu link
<ion-item nav-clear menu-close href="#/app/search">
Test geolocal