swift-adapters-fmdb is an iOS framework written in Swift 2. It is a set of classes that conform to the swift-protocols-sqlite protocols so that you may seamlessly plug-in this implementation to your application that is written against the protocols.
I had to fork fmdb to add shared a shared schema so that I could build fmdb with Carthage. If and when fmdb ever supports Carthage builds, the dependency on the fork can be replaced with a direct reference to fmdb.
You can find my forked repo here. All changes have been made in the carthage branch.
As long as your application uses the swift-protocols-sqlite API/framework, you can easily select/use FMDB as your underlying SQLite library by using this framework. The only class you really need in your app is the FMDBDatabaseFactory.
Creating an in-memory SQLite database
do {
let factory = FMDBDatabaseFactory()
let database : SQLiteDatabase = factory.create(nil)
} catch {
// Do something with the error
Note that the return type of the factory.create() function is a protocol; SQLiteDatabase
Creating a temporary SQLite database
do {
let factory = FMDBDatabaseFactory()
let database : SQLiteDatabase = factory.create("")
} catch {
// Do something with the error
Creating a SQLite database stored on the filesystem
do {
let factory = FMDBDatabaseFactory()
let database : SQLiteDatabase = factory.create("inventory.sqlite3")
} catch {
// Do something with the error
Use Carthage. This framework requires the use of Swift 2 and XCode 7 or greater.
Specify the following in your Cartfile to use swift-adapters-fmdb:
github "JeffBNimble/swift-adapters-fmdb" "0.0.13"
This library/framework has its own set of dependencies and you should use carthage update
. The framework dependencies are specified in the Cartfile.