Curious is a web framework built on top of curio async that supports http/1.1
The framework is designed to include seamless http2 and websockets support in the future.
It's an experiment in using curio on a real world problem, using type annotations
to give stronger guarantees about the inputs and outputs of a web server, and, in the future,
using the notion of a stream
to abstract over the lifecycle of http/1.1, http2, and websocket
Switching to tox for development and testing would be an easy improvement to make here.
from curious import Web, Method, Json
# Create new curious web app
app = Web(__name__)
# Define routes:
# Echos a GET or POST request as json serialized data.
@app.route("/echo", methods={Method.GET, Method.POST})
async def echo(request) -> Json:
ordered_headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in request.headers.items()],
body = await request.body()
response_json = {
"path": request.path,
"headers": ordered_headers,
"body": body,
return 200, response_json
# Run the server
if __name__ == "__main__":"localhost", 8080)
Check out more example(s) in the examples