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add specific diagnostics for i32 vs i64 #1217

add specific diagnostics for i32 vs i64

add specific diagnostics for i32 vs i64 #1217

Workflow file for this run

# can haz comments?
"name": "CI",
"on": [
"jobs": {
"test-os": {
"name": "Build on ${{ matrix.os }}",
"runs-on": "${{ matrix.os }}",
"strategy": {
"matrix": {
"os": [
"steps": [
{"uses": "actions/checkout@v1"},
"uses": "fortran-lang/setup-fpm@v5",
"with": {
"github-token": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
"if": "matrix.os == 'macOS-latest'",
"name": "unfuck stupid macos sed", #
"run": "brew install gnu-sed && sudo cp $(which gsed) /usr/local/bin/sed"
"run": "bash"
"if": "matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'",
"name": "Set ubuntu PATH",
"run": "echo \"$HOME/bin\" >> $GITHUB_PATH"
"if": "matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'",
"name": "Test fpm default",
"env": {
"FPM_FC": "gfortran-11"
set -exu \n
gfortran --version \n
# This is the pack linux stage, but it also does some \n
# testing. CI/CD could use some disentangling \n
fpm install
--profile release
--link-flag '-static-libgcc -static-libgfortran'
--prefix='$HOME' \n
# TODO: copy to a subdir for easier upload \n
cp $HOME/bin/syntran . \n
cp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ . \n
which syntran \n
which patchelf \n
chmod +x ./syntran \n
patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' ./syntran \n
#echo 'libquadmath ls:' \n
#ls /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \n
#ls /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \n
#ls /lib/ \n
#exit 0 \n
# Test 'shebang' usage with no 'syntran' cmd prefix \n
chmod +x ./samples/shebang.syntran \n
./samples/shebang.syntran \n
# Test quines. May not be perfect with whitespace on Windows \n
syntran -q samples/quine-1.syntran > quine-1.syntran \n
diff quine-1.syntran samples/quine-1.syntran \n
syntran -q samples/quine-2.syntran > quine-2.syntran \n
diff quine-2.syntran samples/quine-2.syntran \n
syntran -q samples/quine-3.syntran > quine-3.syntran \n
diff quine-3.syntran samples/quine-3.syntran \n
# No significant difference between release and (default) debug profile. \n
# Maybe that will change after I copy the other half of AOC tests \n
#fpm test test \n
#fpm test long \n
fpm test test --profile release \n
fpm test long --profile release \n
"if": "matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'",
"run": "sudo apt-get install gfortran"
"if": "matrix.os == 'macOS-latest'",
"run": "
brew install gcc@12 &&
brew reinstall gcc@12"
"name": "Build",
#export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 \n
bash ./ debug \n
#ls -ltrh build/Debug \n
"if": "matrix.os != 'windows-latest'",
"name": "Test debug",
./build/Debug/syntran < samples/arithmetic.syntran \n
#./build/Debug/syntran < samples/bad-syntax.syntran \n
time ./build/Debug/test \n
"if": "matrix.os != 'windows-latest'",
"name": "Test release",
bash ./ release \n
time ./build/Release/test \n
# TODO: make a bash pack script, then libgfortran-5.dll
# location can be automatically found
"if": "matrix.os == 'windows-latest'",
"name": "Pack Windows",
#where gfortran \n
dir C:\\mingw64\\bin\\libquad* \n
#dir C:\\mingw64\\lib \n
where api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll
bash ./ release \n
#bash ./ debug \n
# Could try adding -static-gcc etc in cmake to reduce the burden here \n
copy .\\build\\Release\\syntran.exe .\\ \n
copy C:\\mingw64\\bin\\libgfortran-5.dll .\\ \n
copy C:\\mingw64\\bin\\libquadmath-0.dll .\\ \n
copy C:\\mingw64\\bin\\libgcc_s_seh-1.dll .\\ \n
copy C:\\mingw64\\bin\\libwinpthread-1.dll .\\ \n
"if": "matrix.os == 'macOS-latest'",
"name": "Pack macOS",
set -exu \n
#set -x \n
gfortran-12 --version \n
which gfortran-12 \n
bash ./ release \n
# TODO: copy to a subdir for easier upload \n
cp ./build/Release/syntran . \n
otool -L ./syntran \n
GCC_LIB_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/gcc@12/lib/gcc/12 \n
#ls ${GCC_LIB_DIR} \n
# A loop might be nice to dry this up \n
# libgcc_s is a dependency of libgfortran, not a direct \n
# dependency of syntran \n
cp ${GCC_LIB_DIR}/libgcc_s.1.1.dylib . \n
cp ${GCC_LIB_DIR}/libgfortran.5.dylib . \n
cp ${GCC_LIB_DIR}/libgomp.1.dylib . \n
cp ${GCC_LIB_DIR}/libquadmath.0.dylib . \n
install_name_tool -change
\"./syntran\" \n
# There's no need to run install_name_tool for libgcc_s,
# it's already relative to @rpath in libgfortran \n
install_name_tool -change
\"./syntran\" \n
install_name_tool -change
\"./syntran\" \n
chmod +x ./syntran \n
./syntran --version \n
#cat ./src/compiler.F90 \n
"uses": "actions/upload-artifact@v4",
"if": "matrix.os == 'macOS-latest'",
"with": {
"path": "./syntran\n./libgfortran.5.dylib\n./libgcc_s.1.1.dylib\n./libgomp.1.dylib\n./libquadmath.0.dylib",
"name": "syntran-macos"
"uses": "actions/upload-artifact@v4",
"if": "matrix.os == 'windows-latest'",
"with": {
"path": "./syntran.exe\n./libgfortran-5.dll\n./libquadmath-0.dll\n./libgcc_s_seh-1.dll\n./libwinpthread-1.dll",
"name": "syntran-windows"
"uses": "actions/upload-artifact@v4",
"if": "matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'",
"with": {
# unfortunately gfortran-12 does not support -static-libquadmath
"path": "./syntran\n./",
"name": "syntran-linux"
# # TODO: just remove conditional from other test stage. This
# # never used to work on Windows bc gfortran-compiled bins
# # just wouldn't run on the github win runners. Maybe go back
# # to debug. Release has intermittent issues
# "if": "matrix.os == 'windows-latest'",
# "name": "Test Windows",
# "run":
# "
# bash ./ \n
# "
"test-gfortran": {
"name": "Test with gfortran-${{ matrix.gfortran }}",
"runs-on": "${{ matrix.os }}",
"strategy": {
"matrix": {
"os": [
#"gfortran": [10, 11, 12, 13] # TODO: gfort 13 has an issue
#"gfortran": [9, 10, 11, 12] # gfort 9 started segfaulting with the introduction of fortran submodules circa 9ae38b9d
"gfortran": [10, 11, 12] # gfort <= 8 not available by default on github ci workers
"steps": [
"uses": "actions/checkout@v1"
"uses": "fortran-lang/setup-fpm@v5",
"with": {
"github-token": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
"if": "matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'",
"name": "Test ubuntu gfortran-${{ matrix.gfortran }}",
"env": {
"FPM_FC": "gfortran-${{ matrix.gfortran }}"
set -exu \n
#fpm test test --verbose --flag -Wno-tabs \n
#fpm test long \n
fpm test test --profile release --verbose --flag -Wno-tabs \n
fpm test long --profile release --flag -Wno-tabs \n
"test-compilers": {
"name": "Test with ${{ matrix.toolchain.compiler }}-${{ matrix.toolchain.version }}",
"runs-on": "${{ matrix.os }}",
"strategy": {
"matrix": {
"os": [
"toolchain": [
{"compiler": "intel", "version": "2024.2"},
#{"compiler": "intel", "version": "2024.1"}, # works
#{"compiler": "intel", "version": "2024.0"}, # works
#{"compiler": "intel", "version": "2023.2"}, # works
{"compiler": "intel", "version": "2023.1"},
##{"compiler": "intel", "version": "2023.0"}, # crashes on ` do while (is_whitespace(context%text(j:j)))`
##{"compiler": "intel", "version": "2022.2"}, # ifx 2022.2 doesn't have `do while ()` :(
{"compiler": "intel-classic", "version": "2021.10"},
#{"compiler": "intel-classic", "version": "2021.1"}, # complains about coarrays???
"steps": [
"uses": "actions/checkout@v1"
"uses": "fortran-lang/setup-fpm@v5",
"with": {
"github-token": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
"uses": "fortran-lang/setup-fortran@v1",
"id": "setup-fortran",
"with": {
"compiler": "${{ matrix.toolchain.compiler }}",
"version": "${{ matrix.toolchain.version }}"
"if": "matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'",
"name": "Test ${{ matrix.toolchain.compiler }} ${{ matrix.toolchain.version }}",
"env": {
"FPM_FC": "${{ env.FC }}"
set -exu \n
fpm test test --verbose --flag \"-DSYNTRAN_INTEL -fpp\" \n
fpm test long --verbose --flag \"-DSYNTRAN_INTEL -fpp\" \n
"test-docker-build": {
# Build syntran from source in default top-level alpine Dockerfile
"name": "Test docker build",
"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest",
"steps": [
{"uses": "actions/checkout@v1"},
"name": "Test docker",
docker --version \n
docker build . -t sy \n
docker run --entrypoint syntran sy --version \n
docker run sy --version # syntran is already the default entrypoint \n
docker run sy -c \"1 + 2;\" \n
ans=$(docker run sy -c \"1 + 2;\") \n
if [[ \"$ans\" == \" ans = \\`3\\`\" ]] ; then \n
echo \"win\" \n
exit 0 \n
else \n
echo \"fail\" \n
exit 1 \n
fi \n
"test-linux-bin": {
# Test binary syntran installations on dockerfiles from ./docker/
# dir. These download the latest github "release", so there will be
# a lag between when you build the release and manually upload a
# binary package to github
"name": "Test linux bin",
"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest",
"steps": [
{"uses": "actions/checkout@v1"},
"name": "Test linux bin",
bash ./ \n
"test-macos-bin": {
"name": "Test macos bin",
"runs-on": "macOS-latest",
"steps": [
"name": "Test macos bin",
set -exu \n
# Test this to run syntran without homebrew gcc lib paths \n
brew remove gcc@12 \n
mv /opt/homebrew/bin /opt/homebrew/bin-BACKUP || true \n
mv /opt/homebrew/opt /opt/homebrew/opt-BACKUP || true \n
mv /opt/homebrew/Cellar /opt/homebrew/Cellar-BACKUP || true \n
#ls /opt/homebrew/ \n
curl -LO \"\" \n
unzip syntran-macos*.zip \n
chmod +x ./syntran \n
./syntran -h \n
./syntran --version \n
./syntran -c 'println(\"hello world\");' \n
./syntran -c '1 + 2 * 3;' \n
./syntran -c '4 + 5 * [6: 10];' \n
./syntran -c 'sum([0: 101]);' \n
otool -L ./syntran \n
"test-windows-bin": {
"name": "Test windows bin",
"runs-on": "windows-latest",
"steps": [
"name": "Test windows bin",
curl -LO \"\" \n
tar -xvf \n
dir \n
.\\syntran.exe -h \n
.\\syntran.exe --version \n
.\\syntran.exe -c \"println(\"\"hello world\"\");\" \n
.\\syntran.exe -c \"1 + 2 * 3;\" \n
.\\syntran.exe -c \"4 + 5 * [6: 10];\" \n
.\\syntran.exe -c \"sum([0: 101]);\" \n