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Personal Website

This is my personal website, mainly an experiment in learning React, Next.js, and Framer Motion, with a bit of three.js as well. I started this project after a job interview where I had to perform some simple tasks in React, despite never touching it. Even though I didn't do so well in the interview, the concept of React intrigued me and I set on to learn more about both the library and website design.

This website uses:

  • React, a very popular front-end, component-based javascript library to manage the user interface
  • Next.js, a framework for React that manages routing, search engine optimization, serverside rendering, images, and much more to deploy the site
  • Framer Motion, a framework to manage animations on React components
  • three.js, a library to render three-dimensional scenes in webpages using WebGL
  • react-three-fiber, a React renderer for three.js that uses React components to initialize three.js objects to add to a scene