Cmus status bar tmux plugin which allows you granular control with simplicity, tested on mac and linux
While in tmux.
previous track
pause/play track
next track
prints playing or paused
prints currently playing track
prints currently playing artist
prints the word "by" if and only if cmus is playing or paused on a track
None of these will print anything if cmus is not started
Add any of the above items to your status-right
or status-left
with the following syntax
I.E. set -g status-right "#{cmus_status} #{cmus_title} #{cmus_by} #{cmus_artist}"
Will result in printing "playing Song by Artist" when cmus is running being on the right hand status bar. (see below)
You can also add color options to each field, example
set -g status-right "#[fg=colour44]#{cmus_status} #{cmus_title} #[fg=white]#{cmus_by} #[fg=colour99]#{cmus_artist}"
Results in (below)
Song in screenshot is Ripe by Screaming Females off the album Rose Mountain, really good album avaliable on their bandcamp
cmus, cmus-remote
Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)
Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'JenGoldstrich/tmux-cmus-status'
Hit prefix + I
to fetch the plugin and source it. You should now be able to
use the plugin.
Idea and most code taken from:
Maybe a pop-up to display the next few queued songs